Al4-Uncaster Farming, Saturday, March 5, 1988 lU.S. Inspected Livestock Slaughter WED, 3/02/88 (EST) WEEK AGO (EST) YEAR AGO (ACT) WEEK TO DATE (EST) SAME PD LT WK (EST) SAME PD LT YR (ACT) (Continued from Page A 3) ACRES HOG UPDATE: Live hog futures closed lower but off session lows in a choppy session, with selling in response to steady to lower midday values. Some buying was attributed to spillover from the live cattle pit and steady to higher cash openings. Bellies closed higher on a short covering rally and bull spreading of March/ May. April hogs closed at $43.25 down 22 while June only lost 8 at $ 46.97. ACRES NEXT DAY OUT LOOK: cash - steady futures - steady to mixed ACRES WHEAT UPDATE: Wheat continued its downward trend today pressured by the CCC auctions, and the lack of fresh export news. Subsequent to the close, the CCC announced sales of * DRIP IRRIGATION & SUPPLIES (Full Line) ♦ MULCH LAYER MANUFACTURING Raised Bed & Flat Bed Buy Direct & Save • PLASTIC MULCHES (i% mil & 1 mil) We Try To Sell The Best & Leave The Rest ■* JOHN W. ZWWERMAN IRRIGATION ;V R#l Bex 3SB, Em* M, Pm. 17514 {»!») 445-6976 ■ ' either March 21, 1988 or March 28, 1988, since Easter is April 3, 1988. Or lambs may be consigned for sale on April 4, 1988 for the Greek Easter, April 10, 1988. All lambs consigned to Walter M. Dunlap and Sons on March 21, or March 28, and April 3 will be sold at auction beginning at noon and will be sorted and weighed upon arrival beginning at 5:00 A.M. Your consignments are respectfully solicited and for further information contact KEN SMOKER 717-397-5136 (office) or 215-593-2123 (home). altar M. Dunlap and Sons Uinc**t#f Stockyard* '* ' jmwU l» *7J 3U» "J 531250 :-|«piß|# *'mjCpiwrtMkin Brin Kxpmo *»■»« V •■ M & Under Federal Inspection Wed, Mar. 2, 1988 CATTLE CALVES 9.000 9.000 11,000 30.000 31.000 36.000 121,000 125.000 128.000 361.000 373.000 385.000 10 million bushels in its Tuesday auction. Pressure on the opening was attributed to reports that new crop spring red wheat had begun to break dormacy after having made it through the winter in good con dition. March closed 4-1/4 cents lower at $3.06-3/4 just 3/4 cents above the low for the dav. New Holland Horses . New Holland Sales Stables New Holland, PA Monday, Feb. 29, 1988 Report supplied by Auction REGISTERED RECEIPTS OF 230 HEAD OF HORSES. MULES AND PONIES. MARKET- STRONGER. LOCAL REGISTERED HORSES 670.00-940 00. DRIVING HORSES: 400 00-685.00. RIDING HORSES; 350.00-650.00. LIGHTWEIGHT KILLERS 215.00-450.00. HEAVYWEIGHT KILLERS 500.00-635.00. MARE PONIES: 30.00-70.00. COLTS: 15.00-30.00. GELDING PONIES; 30.00-70.00. LARGER PONIES: 125 00-260.00. $ SAVE $ LAMB CONSIGNORS An Important Notice M. Dunlap and Sons recommends lambs for the Easter Trade be CATTLE 648. SLAUGHTER STEERS 98; CHOICE & PRIME 69.00-73.00, FEW TO 75.00; GOOD & CHOICE 66.00- GOOD & CHOICE - HOLS TEIN 59.00-66.00; STANDARD & GOOD HOLSTEIN 55.00-60.00. SLAUGHTER HEIFERS 64: CHOICE 67.00- GOOD & CHOICE 63.50-71.50; STANDARD & GOOD 55.00- COWS 294: UTILITY & COMMERCIAL 46.00-51.50; CUTTER & BONING UTILITY 44.00-50.00; CAN NER & LOW CUTTER 44.50 & DOWN. BULLS - ALL WEIGHTS 16: YIELD GRADE 1 57.50-62.75, FEW TO 65.00; YIELD GRADE 2 52.50-57.50. STOCK- SHEEP 21,000 21,000 20,000 63.000 61.000 61,000 HOGS 317.000 308.000 306.000 942.000 913.000 905.000 Greencastle Livestock Greencastle, Pa. Monday, Feb. 29, 1988 TORS: TRAI JD 148 Loader torjJfflO or 2840 Tractor m*. $2,850 JD 3020 Gas, Side Console $5,850 JD 575 Skid Steer Diesel, almost new JD 4430, OR, Fender Tractor $12,300 JD 60 Skid Steer, new engine $4,500 JD 1530 Diesel $7,950 IH 1486 Cab Tractor w/Duals JD 2640 Diesel JD 3020 Syncro Dsl. WF Dual & Remote JO 2640 w/15.5x38 and Roll Guard (New) JD 900 Hl-Crop JD #2840 w/148 Loader JD 4240 Power Shift, Sound Guard, Sharp JD 4240 QR, Sound Guard, Sharp.... JD 4440 QR, Sound Guard, Super Sharp JD 4230 QR, Sound Guard, Late Model $16,900 Caae 885 Tractor $2,950 JD 2550 Sound Guard, MFWD, Almost Naw $25,000 IH 560 Diesel, nice, wide front $3,500 Farmall M COMBINES & PH JD 454, 4 Row Boon and Sunflowar Hud $2,650 6620 Sida Hill, turbo hydro, heater & air, monitor, apraadar. 6600 gear, rotary acreen, diesel, monitor, heater & air, US feeder house, bln extension. HI 324 2 Row Wide 12 Row 327 bed ..$3,950 Nl 818 combine with 13’ flex head. Sharp #244 Corn Head #244 Corn Head 13' Grain Table (2) #444 Corn Heada Nl 2 row narrow w/aheller, A 1 $3,950 (2) 653 6 Row Bean and Sunflower Head 4400 Combine Chopper 6600 Combine Chopper JD #243 2 Row 30” Snapper Head $2,350 JD 300 Huaker, Choice of Heada Ml Picker, 2 Row Narrow 12 Roll Bed, Nice JD 13’ Grain Head w/floatlng bar JD #343 3 Row 30" Corn Head #454 Bean Head 4 Row Wide 1978 JD 4400 Combine, Loaded, Sharp JD 4420 Combine, Loaded, Sharp JD 443 Corn Head with Low Tin Ml 2 Row Wide 8 Roll Bed $2,750 MF 510 Diesel Combine w/4 row narrow and 13' grain JD 300 Huakar w/3 Row Head JD 40 Combine w/2 Row and Grain Head NEW JOHN DEERE EQUIPM GENERIC PRICES (2) New 2500 7B Auto Reaet Plow, Good Price ea Note: Can be cut down to 5 or 6 Coming in... JD 7000 8 Row No-Till Conserv. Planter, Liquid Fart, on Trailer IH 3B Faat Hitch Plow JD 1219 Mower Conditioner JD 327 Baler w/#3O Ejector NH 352 Grinder-Mixer, Nice JD #4200 3-18” Roll Over Plow (2) each IH #315 IS' Roller Harrowa Brilllon 12' Roller Harrow Bale King Wagon w/JD 1065 A Gaar Athena 9 Shank Chlael Plow w/Gauge Wheels JD #1450 SB 20 " Plow ER CATTLE - ALL WEIGHTS 176: STEERS - MEDIUM & GOOD 75.00-105.00; HEIFERS - MEDIUM & GOOD 70.00-82.50; BULLS - MEDIUM & GOOD 68.00-80.00; STEERS - HOLS TEIN 60.00-75.60. CALVES 613. GOOD & CHOICE 125-250L85. 100.00-112.00; MEDIUM & GOOD 125-250 LBS. 85.00-100.00; MEDIUM & GOOD 80-120 LBS. 92.00- LIGHT & CULL - ALL WEIGHTS 92.00 & DOWN; HOLSTEIN BULLS - RETURN TO FARM UP TO 162.00; HOLSTEIN HEIFERS - RETURN TO FARM UP TO 157.00. LAMBS, SHEEP & GOATS 41. CHOICE LAMBS NONE OFFERED; MEDIUM & GOOD LAMBS 68.00-78.00; LIGHT SPRING LAMBS 40-60 LBS. 100.00- SHEEP, EWES & BUCKS 23.00- GOATS - (BY HEAD) EVERGREEN TRACTOR CO INC. $10,900 $7,400 510,500 SPECIAL $7,650 513,400 $22,750 $21,500 $24,900 iKERS: $5,800 $5,450 lARVESTERS & FORAGE EQUIPMENT: NH 479 Hayblne NH 272 Baler w/58 thrower, nice Harvealer Adapter Plate for #243 Corn Head Gehl #72 Flail Chopper JD #336 Baler w/Chute Brady #144 4 Row Stalk Shredder NH #469 Hayblne (2) NH #469 Hayblne NH #282 Baler, w/Thrower IH 430 Baler w/#lO Thrower TILLAGE: JD 7B 2500 Plow JD FB4S Roll Over Plow (New). Brllllon 9' Packer Brllllon 14' Packer w/Transport Model TP JD BWF 18' Wing Fold Rock Flex.. JO F 350 5-16” Hyd. Reset Plow MF 11' Transport Disc, Model 520, nice JD Model 1610 14' Chisel Plow. Brllllon 14' Packer w/Transport.. JD Cll 18' Hydraulic Fold Field Cultivator JD 220 Center Fold Disc, Nice JD 12' TWA Plowing Disc JD TW 12’ Plowing Disc (2) Brllllon 25’ Wing Fold Packer Choice JD #3200 4 BottoojjWA to Reset Pull Type PlcWrTlr. JD 3-16" F3SO Auto Reset Plow Brllllon 12' Packer w/Transport Brllllon 16' Packer w/Transport JD 4200 4B 18” Roll Ovcpaiil' IH 315 12' Roller / JD 950 12' Roller HagsKS MISCELLANE 18.4x38 Direct Axle Duel Wheele 14.9x38 Direct Axle Duel Wheele JD 28’ Implement Treller $1,875 Kelley Loader for JD Row Crop $1,650 JD 42 Front Blede 8' $350 (2) NH 791 Tendem Axle Spreeder, Nice JD 8300 18x7 DD w/Greee PLANTERS & GRAIN DRILL! IH 564, 4 Row Plenler JD 20x7 Model B Plein Drill, Double Diek JD 8 Row 7000 Planter JD 1300 6 Row Planter Radar Monitor, Sharp JD 7000 6 Row Planter w/Dry Fert., Insect, and 200 Radar Monitor, almost new JD *1240 Plateless Planter. iRAIN DRYERS: New Farm Fans ABB Auto-Batch Dryer. MUST MOVE. CALL FOR PRICE.... (Dealer Inquiries Welcome) sn Rd , Lebanon, PA., (717) 272-4641 or Toll Free 1-800-441-4451 15.00-60.00. HOGS 139. NO. 1-3 BUTCHER HOGS - 190-225 LBS. 40.00-42.00; NO. 1-3 BUTCHER HOGS - 225-250 LBS. 42.00- NO. 1-3 BUTCHER HOGS - 250-300 LBS. 39.00-41.00; GOOD BUTCHER SOWS - 400 LBS. DOWN 33.00- GOOD BUTCHER SOWS - 400 LBS. UP 33.50-37.50; HEAVY BOARS - OVER 300 LBS. 27.00-29.00; PIGS - ALL SIZES (BY HEAD) 24.00- SALE EVERY MONDAY AFTER NOON AT 3:30 P.M. & THURS. AT 1:00 P.M. HAY & STRAW SALE EVERY MON DAY & THURS. AT 11:30 A.M. ALFALFA GOOD 88.00-120.00; ALFALFA FAIR 6000-89.00; MIXED 55.00-90.00; TIMOTHY. 55.00-74.00; STRAW 50.00-64.00 A TON $2,750 $3,850 ...$3OO $2,450 $3,650 ...$950 $3,950 $2,850 ...$425 $2,150 $2,650 $2,350 $2,350 $2,650 $1,850 $2,275 $5,350 $3,250 $2,750 $4,500 $2,450 ...$975 $1,750 $1,950 $1,450 $1,850 $3,450 $1,850 EEN )R
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