$ We believe in RCMA! With RCMA - dairy farmers set the price. Without RCMA - dairy farmers take the price. RCMA worked for us in 1973. We received up to 850 CWT premium on $7.50 New England dairymen It cost us $1 million to over $2O million ■mmm £ £ [ *Mk JHT* JL Join us m RCMA • 30 other federal orders collect an average of 920 CWT over order premium. Build 200 dairymen are depriving 26,000 dairymen of a fair price. With RCMA all dairymen can have a higher price. If you would like to talk to us about RCMA, call (collect if you wish) any of us. David Jacquier E. Canaan, CT. (203) 824-7484 h* v y m* *v q* syq>M* y *y New York, New Jersey and Pennsylvania Dairy Farmers A message from Connecticut Dairy Farmers dealer premiums on top of an Ned Ellis Hebron, CT (203) 228-3200 Paid for by Connecticut Dairy Farmers Southbury, CT. (203) 264-4464 proved RCMA prove - but Ed Platt Lancaster Farming. Saturday, March 5, is legal, it returned RCMA price. John Nye Washington Dpt. (203) 868-0432 Bill Perrachio Coventry, CT (203) 742-7422 i milk. us
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers