AUMttfei OLD FARMER’S ALMANAC DEC. 8-14,1986 Winter is long in coming now, longer in leaving later. First quarter of the moon Dec 8 (Mon ) Ball bearing roller skates patented, Dec 9,1854 Italian physicist Guglielmo Marconi sent first transatlantic wireless radio signal, Dec 12,1901 Average length of days for the week, 9 hours, 9 minutes General Robert E Lees soldiers defeated Union troops under Ambrose Burnside in the Battle of Fredericksburg, Dec 13,1862 Drink does not drown < are but waters it and makes it grow faster Ask the Old Farmer: I bought a new refrigerator last year and put some frozen squid and other bait fish in the freezing compartment I was away for about 10 days and accidentally left the door open Any ideas on how I can get nd of the persistent (and very strong) odor 7 G M , Sea Isle City, N J Get some pure extract of vanilla and wipe it over the entire m<nde of the refrigerator, rubbing it on hard Then wipe off with a clean cloth and rinse Home Hints. Two old spools nailed close together on a closet wall make a useful holder for brooms and brushes OLD FARMER'S WEATHER FORECAST New England: Beginning of week seasonable temperatures, possible showers and flurries, midweek snow north, sleet south, end of week dear and mild Greater New York-New Jersey: Beginning of week sunny with mild temperatures, midweek light ram, end of week sunny and warm Middle Atlantic Coastal: Week begins cloudy with seasonable temperatures, light ram, mid through end of week mild Piedmont & Southeast Coastal: Beginning of week intermittent ram, midweek sunny with warm temperatures, end of week cold, showers central and north Florida: Full week of warm temperatures, sunny north, cloudy with possible show ers south Upstate New York-Toronlo & Montreal; Week begins cloudy with cold tempera tures, midweek ram, possible sleet and snow, end of week seasonable Greater Ohio Valley: Week begins with rain, midweek showers, end of week freezing rain and snow with seasonable temperatures (All Rights Reserved Yankee Publishing Incorporated, Dublin NH 03444) ALL ALUMINUM MINI 44 B rr GOOSENECK TRAILER ( BUILT WITH THE SAME PARTS AS THE J BIG "CIRCLE B" TRAILERS. \ ■•MPB MMIIPIWMia ' • (MKPSMNRI WNMEMEMMEMBR EMMMRVMMV'jNMMtpMi ~ A j / tj r~r \ «!■ y ( STANDARD FEATURES / • Approx. 40% Lighter Than Steel • Full Opening Rear End Gate i • Corrugated Aluminum Tread with Vi Slide Floor • T Wide x 6’6” Inside Height P • Full Opening Divide Gate • Walk-in Side Door # New & Used Trailers In Stock fi Manufactured by the "Big” Trailer People Belly - Lite Liner - Livestock Trailers \ BARRETT TRAILERS, INC. IslMfiiti' THE New Wilmington Livestock Auction New Wilmington, Pa. Monday, Dec. 1,1986 Report supplied by PDA CATTLE 225. Compared with last Monday’s market: Slaughter cows $1.50 to $2 higher. Few Choice slaughter steers 57.75-59.50, few Good 53.25-55.25, few Standard 50.00-51.00. One Choice slaughter heifer 59.75, Good 50.00-53.50, one 55.00, few Standard 44-46.50. Breaking Utility and Commercial slaughter cows 37.50-40.25, Cutter & Boning Utility 34.50-39, Canner & Low Cutter 30-34.75, Shells down to 26.00. One Standard slaughter bullock 43.50, few Utility 36.75- 39.50. Feeder Cattle: Few Medium & Large Frame No. 1, 475-600 lbs. steers 50-51.75. Medium Frame No. 1, 380-555 lbs. heifers 42-47.00, few Holsteins 650-750 lbs. 35.50-39.00. CALVES 286. Choice vealer, individual 97.00, few Good 63.00- 79.00, Standard and Good 90-120 lbs. 40.00-55.00, 65-85 lbs. 25.00- 43.00, Utility 50-65 lbs. 5.00-20.00. Farm Calves; Holstein Bulls 90-135 lbs. 55.00-81.00, few 90.00-99.00. HOGS 278. Barrows and gilts mostly .25 lower. US No. 1-2 225-255 lbs. 54.00-54.50. 1 -3 210-260 lbs. p LOUIS LYONS & SON Consign your cattle and hogs, feeder pigs & calves to Louis Lyons & Son. They offer choice service, excellent sorting & marketing of your livestock. Charles Oilier, Manager Phone 394-7915 Burnell Siegrist - Buyer & Seller Phone 717-626-8653 personnel ATTENTION FARMERS EVERY MONDAY HATFIELD PACKING CO. and MOYER PACKING CO. Will Receive Your Hogs and Cattle at the DANVILLE LIVESTOCK MARKET RD 4, Danville, PA • We will receive your hogs from 8 AM to 12 Noon every Monday. Your hogs will be weighed and paid for immediately. • We will also accept your sows & boars • Your cattle will be received from 12:30 to 5 P.M. We will either pay you for your cattle immediately or you may sell them dressed weight. • There will not be a commission or yardage fee deducted from your check. • You may call our office Monday morning and we will be able to tell you the base price for hogs for the day MELVIN M. LEHMAN - Owner Danville Buying Station Phone:7l7-275-2880 51.75-53.75, 2-3 220-260 lbs. 51.00- 52.00, lot 270 lbs. 48.00, few 1-3 175- 190 lbs. 43.00-45.75. Sows .50 to $2 lower. US No. 1-3 330-730 lbs. sows 43.50-47.50. Boars 39.00-44.50. FEEDER PIGS 13. Few US No. 1-3 20-35 lbs. feeder pigs 23.00-38.00 all per head. SHEEP 117. High Choice and Prime 75-100 lbs. wool slaughter lambs 66.50-72.00, Good & Choice 90-115 lbs. 45.00-60, few 65.00; Good and Choice 60-90 lbs. feeder lambs 60.00- Few Slaughter ewes 12.00- GOATS 4. Few 20.00-38.00 - per head. Shenandoah Valley Livestock Harrisonburg, Va. Saturday, Nov. 29 Report supplied by auction FEEDER CATTLE TREND: $2 Lower. STEERS: M&L-l 200-300 lbs. 1 lot 69.00 ; 300-500 lbs. 60.50- 65.00 ; 500-700 lbs. 51.50-58.00 ; 700- 1000 lbs. 50.50-54.00; Holstein 300- 1000 lbs. 35.00-42.00. S-L&M&Lr2 Sas? 300-500 lbs. 55.00-60.50 ; 500-700 lbs. 52.00- FEEDER BULLS; M&L-l 300- 500 lbs. Few 47.50-56.00; 500-700 lbs. Few 47.50-48.00 ; 700-800 lbs. Few 40.00- S-L&M&L-2 300-500 lbs. 45.00- HEIFERS: Steady. M&L-l 300- 500 lbs. 48.75-54.25 ; 500-700 lbs. 44.50-51.00. S-L&M&L-2 500-700 lbs. Few 44.00-44.50. STOCK COWS: Beef: Per Pair M&L-l 380.00-460.00. Baby Calves: 25.00-97.00; Small 25.00-84.00; Large 84.00-97.00. SLAUGHTER CATTLE TREND; Steers: Choice 2-4 1 at 56.75. Heifers: Good 1 at 49.00; Standard 38.00-43.00. SLAUGHTER BULLS: 1&2 37.00-42.00. LAMBS: Trend $1.50 higher. Blue 0 High Choice & Prime 61.25; Red O Choice 57.00; Feeder Lambs Choice 66.50-69.50; Slaughter Ewes 20.00-22.50. HOGS: Few Home Slaughter 250- 300 lbs. 48.00-54.00. VEALS: Good 1 at 66.00. Seeking Profits In Commodities Trading? • Hedging • Speculating • Managed Account • Commodity Options Call Forney Longenecker, ShfarstW Commodities Investment Executive, At (717 ) 295-8914 BROTHERS SHEARSON LEHMAN BROTHERS 29 E. King St. Lancaster, PA 17603 FRIDAY, DECEMBER 19 ON THE FARM MONTHLY BRED GILT SALE 1:00 P.M Sale To Start Promptly Every 4 Weeks Located 18 miles south of Lancaster, Pa., 6 miles south of Quarryville, take Rt. 272 to Little Britain, turn north, follow Little Britain Road to Jackson Road, right. 2nd farm, OR take Rt. 222, out of Quarryville to Cedar Hill Road to Little Britain Road to Jackson Road, left. Watch for sale arrows. 50 to 60 Head WHITE DIAMOND GILTS Here Now a new cross again. Large White & Landrace, first generation true F-1 gilts. Parent stock originated from Lieske Bros. Minnesota. Very productive in litter size and feed conversion. Vaccinated for Lopto, Eryslplas, Rhinitis, E'Coli, Pasteueralla Hand mated with Breeding Dates Local Truck Available No Hogs Sold On Commission JOHN B. STOLTZFUS R.D. 1, Kirkwood, Pa. Abe Diffenbach, Auctioneer AU22SL NEXT SALE DATE JANUARY 16,1:00 P.M ApftnricwtWKu antur’i
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