D34-Lancastar Farming Saturday, December 6,1986 Dairy and Livestock Sales j 1 | AUCTIONEER’S DIRECTORY j NOTICE To assure that your Public Sale appears m the Public Sale Section we must have your ad vertisement by 4 P.M Tuesday of each week's publication. General Auctioneers - Specializing in Liquidation of Personal Property, Equipment, Antiques, Real Estate fßeist » c Auctioneers^^ Alfred G. Reist Licensed • Bonded 1050 Eden Road Lancaster 717-569-2079 Lancaster, Evenings/Lititz PA 17601 717-627-8008 r i Kiln* A KfidT AuctlontTi COMPLETE PROFESSIONAL AUCTION SERVICE REAL ESTATE farms a residential PERSONAL PROPERTY - ANTIQUES - FARM STOCK SALES - LIQUIDATIONS RANDAL V. KLINE AUCTIONEER REALTOR 717 733 1006 717 669 8701 I ROY E. GOOD, JR. \ 1 RD 1 BOX 151 A i L DENVER PA 17517 I 215 445 4309 X WHITTORD SALES COMPANY S L ROBERT FRAME & SONS i AUCTIONEERS J 1 ROBERT FRAME SR L ROBERT FRAME JR ESQ A Vintage Sales Stables Inc P 0 Box 100 ■ Paradise PA 17562 Uwchiand PA 19480 I ,!7 Years Of Complete And Expeiiemcd * Auction Service We Will Bu\ Youi haim i Machmerv And ( attle OR Sell '1 hem hOl Nmi I At Public Auction For Their Highest M.uktl £ Value' FOR INFORMATION CALL: | 808 (717)442-4181 ROB (215) 458-5060 ? I (215)458-8518 I J Licensed and Bonded f A "Eastern Pennsylvania's Foremost X Auction J WOLGEMUTH AUCTIONEERS RD 12 Manheim Pd COMPLETE AUCTION SERVICE C H PH 717 665 5664 808 PH 717-665 6684 DENNIS PH 717-627 0571 LLOYD H. KREIDER AUCTIONEER 717 786 3394 TUES. MAR. 10 - Farm Eq. & HH. Martin W. Zeiset, along Churchtown Rd., I'A mi. S. of Churchtown. Nevin Martin & Lewis Groff. Aucts. FRI. MAR. 13 - 9AM Farm Eq. New Holland Sales Stables, Inc., New Holland, PA. Abe Dif fenbach, Manager. SAT. MAR. 14 - 22 Acre Farmette and Farm Eq. Located between Denver and Reinholds, PA. Wm. O and Sandra I Coldren, DEALER IN ALL KINDS OF LIVESTOCK Also Crippled & Down Cattle MARLIN S. IRWIN Quarryville, PA PH 717 786 3016 i mmm » I DECEMBER 13TH - COMPLETE DAIRY I 1 DISPERSAL, Cecil Mason, Ferrum, VA * | (near Rocky Mount) Cattle Sell First! 85 I J Holsteins- 14 Registered, Rolling DHI * | Average 18,800 m 3.5% 666 f, Average I I Age 43 Months, 19 First Calf Heifers I * Projected ME 20,486 m 7 llf, 100% | I Select Sires Breeding, 40 Heifers (13 | { Bred), 100% Sire Identified and Vac- I I cmated. VA MILK BASE 55,264 LBS., | I Dairy Equipment Including Pipeline and z | 1000 Gal. Milk Tank, Farm Equipment I j Including 3 JD Tractors, Grinder-Mixer, ? X Baler w/Thrower, No-Til Corn Planter, I I Mower-Conditioner, Offset Disc, Roller * i Harrow, Manure Spreader, Chisel Plow, I I Hay Rake, Subsoiler, Silo Unloader, feed I J bins, augers, wagons, elevators and | I more items of equipment. | I 1417 BROOK ROAD V904-644*LAND J VIRGINIA 23220 ff Sf” 2 SPECIAL CONSIGNMENTS AT BELLEVILLE LIVESTOCK MARKET WEDNESDAY, DEC. 10,1986 at 1:00 P.M. 26 HEAD HOLSTEINS MAJORITY REGISTERED Including: 6 cows- 4 Chairmans-1 Type Blazer- 1 Creek. One should be fresh by sale time. The rest due next couple of months. 5 Bred Hfrs.- Couple Due Soon 7 Open Hfrs. 8 Calves- Under 6 Months Hfr. sires include Chairman, Stewart, Trump, Jet Stream, Jemim, Ned Boy, and Wiseman. Vaccinated & Health Charts Consigned By TIMOTHY BLISS COMPLETE DISPERSAL OF 48 HEAD DAIRY HFRS. & BEEF CATTLE Including: 18 Grade Holstein Hfrs. 5 Short Bred 4 Breeding Age 9 Under 1 Year Old All Have Health Charts 30 Head Beef Cattle- Mostly Charolais 1 Reg. Bull 12 Cows- Couple Registered- 5 With Calves On Some Due Early Spring 3 Bred Hfrs. 2 Yearling Hfrs.- Held For Breeding Stock 7 Feb. & March Calves- 4 Strs. & 3 Hfrs. Weaned and On Full Feed Consigned by MRS. FREDHARTZLER Belleville Livestock Market will be closed December 24,1986. | Merry Christmas A Happy New Year | Jr., Owners. Paul Martin & John O. Stauffer, Aucts FRI. MAR. 20 - 7PM Horse Sale at New Holland Sales Stables, Inc , New Holland, PA. Abe Dif fenbach, Manager SAT. MAR 21 9AM Kempton Community Center, Northern Berks Co. 24th Annual Spring Sale. 14 Aucts. 215-756- 6973, 756-6532. SAT. MAR 28 - Farm Mach., Lawn & Garden Consignment Auction. At Rheemstown/Denver lig ht, take Church St. through Rheemstown to Red Run Rd, turn left on Red Run Rd., go 1/10 mi. turn left on Steffy Rd., approx Vi mi. on left Terms by: Arthur Nolt and Allen Martin. Roy Good, Jr., Randal V. Kline and Lloyd Kreider, Aucts APRIL FRI. APR. 3 - 9AM Farm Eq. New Holland Sales Stables. Inc., New Holland, PA. Abe Dif fenbach, Manager. FRI. APR. 10-7 PM Horse Sale. New Holland Sales Stables, Inc., New Holland. PA. Abe Dif fenbach, Manager TUES. APR. 21 - 7PM Feeder Pig Show & Sale. New Holland Sales Stables, Inc., New Holland. PA. Abe Dif fenbach, Manager. FRI. APR. 24 - 9AM Farm Eq. New Holland Sales Stables, Inc., New Holland, PA. Abe Dif fenbach, Manager. FRI. APR. 24 - 6PM Reg. and Grade Heifers, all ages. At the Belleville Livestock Mkt, Belleville, PA. SALE EVERY TUESDAY Graded Sale Ist Tuesday each month 2 P.M. Horse Auction 2nd Saturday each month IFAUUHER ■livestock lEXCHANGE Marshall, Va. V MILLERDALE FARM Complete Dispersal LOCATION: At Ulysses, Pa., 18 miles North of Coudersport, Pa., 20 miles Southeast of Wellsville, N.Y., 8 miles South of Genesee, Pa., Potter Co. * WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 10,1986 mANK AT 10:30 A.M. IHHKm 177 Head Registered Holstein Dairy Cattle Sell 177 95 young milking age animals, consisting of many fresh cows and first calf heifers, balance various stages of lactation. 11 bred heifers due Dec. ‘B6 to Mar. ‘B7; 25 short bred heifers; 46 started heifer calves, 2 weeks to 14 months old. DHIR RECORDS—RHA of 10/21/86 95.4 Cows 17,172 Milk 3.9 Test 662 Fat (A FREE STALL AND TIE STALL HERD) Classified 5/6/86 - 14 VG, 35 GP, 37 G (RE-CLASSIFIED PRIOR TO SALE) Millerdale Farm awarded First Premier Breeders Award 1983-84-85- 86 at Potter Co. Fair. A.I. proven sires used for 25 years. Millers have selected 62 A.I. proven sires to breed this choice herd of many 20,000 to 24,000 milk dams. Dollars were not thought of when they could get the best of sires (Example Bell, Rotate, Very, Valiant, Spirit, Troy, Astronaut). Bred animals bred to Ned Boy, Odyssey, Valiant, Cavalier, Majesty, Steady, Bell. The Very Good udders and stature of these animals will amaze the most critical cow men and women. Cow families selling that are a Holstein breeder’s dream. Interstate Tested Charts Sale Day 100% Vaccinated Pregnancy Checked Inoculated For Colds Catalogues TERMS: Cash or good check with proper ID; full payment sale day! Out of state buyers, cash or guaranteed funds or bank letter of credit stating date and amount you can spend! ALVIN B. and DONALD MILLER, Owners ROCKWELL AUCTION INC., SALE MGRS. Troy, Pa. Phones 717-297-3460 717-297-3172 Don Rockwell, Sales Agent AU-002064L—AU-001273L Lunch Available by Ladies Auxiliary of Penn York Camp and Myrtle Christian Academy PRIVATE SALE OF FARM (ONE OF POTTER CO.’S MOST PRODUCTIVE FARMS) 290 acres—2oo tillable, 90 acres pasture and woodland. Soil Conservation approved. 2 family home with all modern conveniences; 98 free stall barn, 2 other barns for dry cows and heifers; 3 Harvestores, 2 wood patented silos; Double 5 milking parlor, 1250 gal. bulk tank, 8 month liquid storage with pump. Farm, Home and Dairy operation cannot be appreciated until seen. Mortgage available to responsible party. Contact-ALVIN B. and DONALD MILLER-Phone 814-848-7478 Public Auction Register Closing Date Monday. 500 P M of each week's publication PUBLIC SALE Trucks, Heating & Cooling Systems, Parts & Access., Excess Inventory EPHRATA THURS., DECEMBER 11,1986 At 9 AM Located at 1162 Steinmetz Rd., Ephrata, Pa. (Just off Rt. 272 between Ephrata & Akron at “Goodwill”). Trucks 1973 TRACTOR DIAMOND “T” - 318 Detroit- Diesel- GVW 44000; 1969 WHITE - TILT/CABOVER - Cummins 250- 2400 Tank, Diesel GVW 33,000; 1970 WHITE TILT/CABOVER- Cummins 250- 2700 Tank- Diesel; 1965 White COMPACT TILT/CABOVER- Cummins 250- 3150 Tank- Diesel. PANEL SERVICE TRUCK. BURNERS & PARTS- Oil Burners; Warm Air Furnaces; Hot Water Boilers w/Bumers; Circulators; 180 Tested Motors; Hi Boys; No Drip Pumps; Pipe Threader; Central Air Conditioners. Hot Water Baseboard. Heat-o-lators; Furnaces; Copper Tubing & Fittings; Alum. Tubes; Cast Iron Radiators; Gasoline Service Station Pumps; Skid Tanks; Pumps; Pump Meters; Chain Hoist. Electro-Air Cleaners; Electric Fittings; Lawn Mowers. Wheel Balancer; High Pressure Washer; Chains & Cables; Truck Tires; 1929 Model “A” Ford Car Parts. Terms by; BRUBAKER & RUPP, INC. 1-717-733-2196 T. Glenn Horst, Auct. AUOOO43BL 717-859-1331 - 717-738-1245 Timothy G. Horst, Auct. AU001767L
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