CHARLES & BEVERLY MORRIS SUGAR RUN, BRADFORD COUNTY FARM DISPERSAL due to health problems we have been commissioned to sell on WED., DEC, 10th, ® 11:00 A.M. at the farm- 1 mile off Rte. 187- turn off Rte. 187 in Sugar Run on road to Quicks Bend follow arrows- 3 miles south of Wyalusing, Pa. 33 HOLSTEIN DAIRY CATTLE 33 31 mature cows in various stages of lactation Cows are a little thin, but they show dairyness and quality- 2 heifers 30 day blood and T.B. tested- Shipping fever shots- Preg. examined. FARM MACHINERY; Case 770 diesel tractor; Ford 5000 diesel tractor; N.H. 479 haybine; NH 268 baler w/thrower; NH 717 chopper 2 heads; Kneverland 3 btm. spring reset plow; transport disc; transport harrow; M.F. com planter; Gehl chopper; Case rake; Bush Hog; post hole digger; 2 augers; Ford 7 ft. blade; Skeleton elevator; grain elevator; alternator; cultivator; Lily fert. spdr.; N.H. blower; cultipacker; Lamco, N.H., Int. self-unldg. wagons; bale wagon; A.C. & N.H. manure spreaders. TEEMS: CASH OR GOOD CHECK OWNERS CHAS. & BEVERLY MORRIS HOWARD W. VISSCHER AU959 SALES MANAGER AND AUCTIONEER NICHOLS, N.Y. 607-699-7250 LUNCH AVAILABLE KJL PUBLIC m* SALE FARM EQUEP.- 5 TRACTORS -4 TRUCKS -2 PAYLOADERS SATURDAY, DEC. 20,1986 9:30 A.M. Along Rt. 441 North of Columbia, Pa. Top of ChickiesHill Located: TRACTORS 1085 Massey Ferguson, 1350 hrs. (one owner); 2010 J.D. w/Culti. (gas); 450 Farmall (gas-one owner); 350 Farmall (gas); M.M. Uni Tractor w/NEW IDEA Mounted Picker (runs); TL6 Payloader; TLI4 Payloader; BACKHOE- 73 CASE 5808 Extend a-hoe w/Shuttle & cab, 18” Bucket, (good Cond.) TRUCKS White Truck Tractor w/220 Cummings 10 Sp. Trans, Single Axle; 71 INT. Cab-Over 1610 w/16 Ft. Dump; ‘64 INT. 1600 w/12 Ft. Dump (Farm); ‘64 INT. 1600 w/12 Ft. Flat Bed (Farm); Tandem Axle 20 Ft. Trailer (no title). FARM EQUIPMENT JD 7700 COMBINE (D) W/Rotary Screen, Hydro. Cab & Air, 6 R. Narrow Com Head, 13’ Platform; 5400 John Deere Self-Pro. Har vester, Cab & Air, 4-wh. drive, 3 Row Narrow & New 7 Ft. Pickup (Good Cond.); 225 Int. Hay swather (self-pro), N.I. Ensilage Blower; 2 Badger Self-unloading wagons w/roofs; 6-R. Int. 400 Air Planter; Taylor Way 10 Ft. Cutaway Plowing Disc; Int. 1(475 14’ Disc; Brady 18 ft. Field Cultivator; Int. 700 SB 16” Auto, plow; Two J.D. Drills; Int. 35 Rake (like New); Int. 430 Baler w/Thrower; Int. #lOO 7 Ft. Fast Hitch Mower, Int. 2 16” B. Fast Hitch Plow; 11 Ft. Cultipacker; Century 300 Gal. Trailer Sprayer; 12F dump wagon w/963 J.D. Gears; Thrower Wagons on 963 J.D. Gears; 16 Ft. Harvest Handler (elec, w/motor); Drag Elev. w/motor; THREE Bin Wagons; Elec. Welder; Air Compressor; Hojida Motor Cycle; 12 Rolls New Fencing; 50 Bale Twine; Twisted Spikes; Snapper Lawn Mower; Hydro. Post Driver; Hance Seed Cleaner #lOO. Plus many items not listed. LUNCH AVAILABLE REASON FOR SELLING- Discontinuing Farming Operation Equip. In Good Shape & Well Maintained NOTE- Financing Available On Big Equipment To Qualified Buyers. Arrangements Must Be Made With Owner Prior To Sale Day. Please Be Prompt. SALE BY RICHARD 0. BINKLEY Phone 684-5895 WOLGEMUTH AUCTION SERVICE Ph. 665-5664 Lie. #1036 TUES. DEC. 9 4PM Antiques, Blanket Chest, Coverlets, Marble Top Table, Schhitzel Bunk, Toys, etc. New Mahoning Fire Halal, 6 mis. W. of Lehighton, off Rt. 443. By; Kate Sherrie. Houser Aucts. BLAINE RENTZEL’S AUCTION BARN THURSDAY, DEC. 11,1986 12:00 NOON 2 ESTATES-PLUS SMALL COLLECTION OF CLOCKS AND POCKETWATCHES Furniture and clocks will be sold in evening LOCATED 1 mb Mile North of Man chester, PA Along Rt. 181, Turn Right at White Rock. “Watch for Signs." PARTIAL LISTING-7:00 P.M. Grandfather’s Clock made by W. Bobb Mon trose dated 1751- Flowered Face w/Brass Owl on Case, Columbus Wall Clock w/Wooded Works and Gears-1492, Weight Driven, Wooden School House Wall Clock, School House Wall Clock by National Clock Co. w/Chimes, Weight Driven Mantle Clock w/Cherry Case and Skip on Glass made by L.N. Welch (inscription on back of face J.L. Kable Merchant Sailor, 1874, York, Pa), Mantle Clock by Waterbury w/Chimes, Wall Clock w/Cherry Cabinet made in Germany- West Minster Chimes, Mantle Clock w/Alarm, Sessions and Gilbert 8 Day Mantle Clocks, Wall Clock- made by Seikosha, 3 R.R. Pocketwatches- New Era, Elgin, American Keywind, Pocketwatch w/2 Faces, Ingersoll Reliance 7 Jewels, Imperial, Elgin, Chatillon Co., Etc. PLUS 2 ESTATES OF FURNITURE AND DISHES TERMS: CASH OR GOOD CHECK Rentzel’s Auction Service Auction Room: Emigsville, PA 266-1671 Blaine- Nevin- Ed Office: #761- #1442- #1329 764-6412 PUBLIC AUCTION Tractors, Farm Equipment, Tools, Straw WED., DECEMBER 31,1986 10:00 A.M. LOCATED; York County. PA Rt. 30 to Hellam Exit, South across Rt. 462 (E. Market Street) onto Freysville Road, 2 Miles to Fry's Lane on Left, Ist Farm on Right. New Idea 323 Com Picker (excellent shape). Allis Chalmers C Tractor w/Hydraulics, Cultivators and 2 Row Mtd. Planter. John Deere Model A Tractor (1945) (A 1 condition). John Deere Model H Manure Spreader. Smoker 32’ Elevator. BMB 5’ Pull-Type Rotary Mower. Approx. 300 Bales Wheat Straw (to be sold by bale). New Holland 66 PTO Baler, Case 4 Bar Rake, AC 2 Row Mtd. Planter, J.D. Lime Drill, 2-14’ Flat Wagons w/Side and Back Ladders, 12’ and 20’ Alum. Com Elevators, Front Mtd. Circular Saw, 8 Row Field Sprayer w/Poly Tank, 3 Sect. Spring Harrow, Rhome Disk Harrow, Cement Mixer, Potato Plow, Garden Seeder, Garden Cultivator, JD Walking Plow, 2 Drag Sleds. 2 Iron Butcher Kettles w/3 Ft. Stands and Lids, Wooden Wheel Barrow, 500# Platform Scales, Lard Press, Scalding Trough, 3 Whl Freight Cart, Benches, Wash Tubs, Iron Picket Fence, Wagner Turner Drill Press, Anvil, Elec. Motors, Shop Vacuum, Chain Binders, Log and Tow Chains, Tire Chains, Lot 1” Turkey Wire, Ladder Wooden Gates, Dolly Wheels, Strap Steel, Stove Pipe, Storm Windows, Asbestos Siding, Bam Hinges, and More. TERMS: CASH OR GOOD CHECK. NOTE: This equipment is in exceptional condition, operated by owner on 20 acre farm and kept under roof. SALE CONDUCTED FOR: MR. A MRS. RICHARD E. DIETZ RD24 York, PA (717)755-4215 AUCTIONEER: Blaine N. Rentzel Emigsville, PA (717)764-6412 PA Lie. #761 IUU. DEC. 9 -5.30 PM Antique Furniture, Dishes, etc. Wellsville Fire Co. Social Hall along Rt. 74,8 mis. S. of Dillsburg or 15 mis. N. of York, York Co., PA. H. Farlow. Clair R. Slaybaugh, Auct. TUES. & WED. DEC. 9 & Lancaster Farming Saturday, Dacambar S, IM4-D27 Daily and Livestock Sales 10 -10 AM Ea. Day. Real Estate, Hdw: Store & Vacant Land, Hdw., Tools, Plumbing, Housewares, Stationery, Fixtures. Estate of Albert Gellenthin Jr. Del-Val Hardware & Mill Supply, 1315 N. Delaware Awe., Paulsboro, NJ. Wm. F. Comly & Son, Inc., Aucts. WED. DEC. 10 -10 AM Tractors, Trailers, Farm Eq., Shop Tools & Eq. Going E. on Rt. 9 from Georgetown, DE, to “SHORT NOTICE” VALUABLE FARM REAL ESTATE PUBLIC AUCTION 40*/2 Acre Dairy Farm Farm Machinery ■ Household Items FRIDAY, DECEMBER 12,1986 10:00 A.M. LOCATION: Take Rt. 897 North of Fivepointville to Chestnut Hill Road turn Left to Woodlyn Drive, turn Left to Farm on Right. Brecknock Twp., Lancaster County. REAL ESTATE consists of 40% Acres more or less of Bucks silt loam soil w/approximately 35 Acres tillable, balance pasture w/stream and woods, (Zoned Agriculture) road frontage on both sides of Woodlyn Drive. Dwelling consists of log and frame 2M> story, 4 bedroom, eat-in kitchen, living room, guest room, and large wash house and wood shed. Bam is frame and block bank bam w/29 tie stall stanchions, gravity flow gutters w/5 month manure storage, 40’ bunk space w/head gate, 12’x50’ stave silo, block milk house, frame tobacco shed 32’x45’ w/20’ height, pole equipment shed 20’z40’ w/attached com crib and hay drying shed. Ideal farm ready to go w/eariy possession. Real Estate Sale at 1:00 P.M. Terms 10% sale day, balance on or before December 31, 1981. Inspection anytime by appointment For details, land plot plan, etc., call Auctioneers 717-733-1006. FARM MACHINERY: MF6S and JDSO Tractors on steel, Oliver 2 bot. trip plow, JD plow, 3 pt. chiseler, 3 section harrow, 9’ cultipacker, 9’ drag, roller, JD 4 row corn planter, JD cultivator, JD loader brackets, JD 7’ mower, JD crimper, 8’ 13 disc Ontario grain drill, 9’ 990 IH haybine, 303 AC baler w/thrower, Kemiflo preserve applicator, Beacon hay preserver, moisture tester. 8 T. Zimmerman 16’ bale wagon, 6 T. 16’ bale wagon, 3 pt. balespear, 3 pt. 125 gal. sprayer, JD #34 manure spreader, 1100 gal. liquid manure spreader, 28’ Zimmerman manure auger, 3 pt. 8’ blade, 4 bar N.I. side rake, sauder loader with dump cylinder, N.H. flail chopper, 3 pt. 2 row blackhawk corn planter, JD bale thrower, 28’ Kingwise elevator, 68’ skeleton elevator, 12’ Feedeasy silo unloader, 15 KW generator, 275 gal. gas tank w/pump, lots of new and used lumber, fir 4”x4”xls’, 4”x7”xlB’, boards, 60” agri. fans, other fans, 2-30”, 2-36”, 30 gal. gas hot water heater, surge timer, Delaval timer, 12’ gates, hog trough, shovels, forks, elec, motors, calf hutches. Bulldozer fencer, sunbeam cow clipper like new, blades, 14 bags barn dry, Kurtz and wanner pump jack, scalding trough, equip, for parts: JDSO, case cornbinders, MC horsemower lots of scrap iron, 4 hp. self propelled lawn mower, Gilson rototiller, stihl mist blower. HOUSEHOLD GOODS: warm morning coal heater, dresser w/mirror, wardrobe, sofa bed, iron kettle, utility table, cabinet w/metal top, meat sheer, misc. dishes kettles. Refreshments Available NOTE: Sale order: Small farm items, household goods, farm machinery, (all to be sold before real estate), very few small items: Machinery sold early. TERMS BY ELI Z.& ADAM. MARTIN 215-445-5928 AUCTION CONDUCTED BY: Randal Kline, Lloyd Kreider Roy Good, Jr., Auctioneers 717-733-1006 or 215-445-4309 Lie. #AU-002116-L Public Auction Register Closing Date Monday. 500 P M of each week's publication T-ewes. DE, turn left on Rt. Dairy Cattle.' Milleroafl sat Harbeson, DE, go N. Farm Complete Dispersal approx. 1 ml., Ist farm on at Ulysses, PA, Potter Co. left. Martin Farms. 18 mis. N. of Coudersport, Wilson's Auction Sales, PA. 20 mis. SE of Inc. Dave Wilson, Auct. Wellsville, N.Y. 8 mis. S. of Genesee, PA. Alvin & Donald Miller, owners. Rockwell Auction, Inc. Sale Mgrs. WED. DEC. 10 - 10;30Ak 177 Head Reg. Holsteii WED. DEC. 10 -11 AM Complete Saw Mill. Wilcox Saw Mill Auction located 5 mis. S. of Canton on Rt. 414, Off Rt. 220, at Monroeton, PA. Ordered by: Small Business Ad ministration. Jerry Burke, Auct. WED. DEC. 10- 11AM 33 Holstein Dairy Cattle of Charles & Beverly Morris, Sugar Run, Bradford Co., PA. 1 mi. off Rt. 187, turn off Rt. 187 in Sugar Run on road to Quicks Bend follow arrows, 3 mis. S. of Wyalusing, PA. Howard W. Visscher, Auct. WED. DEC. 10 - IPM Two Special Consignments at Belleville Livestock Mkt., Belleville. PA. WED. DEC. 10 - 2PM 54 Acre Steer and Hog Farm. Located along Mill Road, 1 mi. NE of Goodville. Walter & Alice Hoover, Owners. Nevin Martin & Lewis Groff, Aucts. WED. DEC. 10 - 3:3OPM Public Sale of Antiques. HH Goods, GMC Suburban & Coins. Brickerville Fire Hall. 8 mis. W. of Ephrata, Lancaster Co., PA. Terms by Elvin & Mabel Williamson. T. Glenn Horst, Auct. THURS. DEC. 11 - SAM Trucks, Heating & Cooling Systems, Parts & Acces., Excess Inventory. 1162 Steinmetz Rd., Ephrata, PA. Just off Rt. 272 between Ephrata & Akron at “Goodwill''. Terms by: Brubaker & Rupp, Inc. t. Glenn & Timothy G. Horst, Aucts. THURS. DEC. 11 -10 AM Trucks, Snow Plowing Eq., Backhoe, Garage Eq., Vehicles, etc. Rt. 100, Uwchland, 6 mis. N. of Exton, 12 mis. S. of Pottstown, PA. By: Alex Delcane & Fred Adams. Hess A Moyer, Aucts. THURS. DEC. 11 -11 AM Farm Eq., Trucks, Irrigation. 2 mis. S. of Felton, DE, on US 13 at Kent Packing Building. Leonard Farms, Inc., Owner. C.T. Scuse A Sons, Inc., Aucts. THURS. DEC. 11 -11 AM 24th Golden Harvest and 335th Garden Spot Sales at Lebanon Fairgrounds, Lebanon, PA. 180 Registered Holsteins. Backus Associates, Aucts. THURS. DEC. 11 - 12 Noon Real Estate, Cattle & Mach. 4V4 mis. N. of Woodsboro, MD, off Rt. 194 on Legore Bridge Rd. Mr. & Mrs. Allan L. Flanigan. Robert C. Mullendore, Auct. THURS. DEC. 11-12 Noon 2 Estates, Plus Small Collection of Clocks and Pocketwatches, Furniture, Clocks. Blaine Rentzel's Auction Barn, 1 1/10 mi. N. of Manchester, PA, along Rt. 181, turn right at White Rock. Rentzel's Auct. Serv. THURS. DEC. 11-2 PM 96 Acre Lebanon Co. Farm Real Estate. S. Annville Twp., Lebanon Co., PA. Along Rt. 322, V* mi. E. of Rt. 934. Turn N. into farm lane. Isaac L. Lentz, Owner. Earl S. Buf fenmeyer, Auct. FRI. DEC. 12 -10 AM 40 l /i A. Dairy Farm, Farm Machinenr, HH. Take Rt. 897 N. of Fivepointville to Chestnut Hill Rd. turn left to Woodlyn Drive, turn left to farm on right. Brecknock Two., Lane. Co. Terms by: Eli Z. & Ada M. Martin. Kline, Krefder, Good, Jr., Aucts.
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