024-Lancaster Fanning Saturday, December 6,1986 chicken houses, out houses, corn cribs, etc. Also iron & wood fences. 717-296-7641 Used hot water coal boilers with or without grates. Somerset Co., 814-445-2027. Male Norweigan Elkhound pup or dog. Write Albert Wible, Box 107, Hustontown, PA 17229. 3 Llama breeding age adults. Please write or call with location & prices. R.H. Merritt, Farmington, ON 06032-1506. 203- 677-1583. Used open buggy. Also, wooded silo. Daniel S. Kauffman, RRI, Box 116- A, Loganton, PA. 17747- 9801. Clinton Co. Small coal furnace hot water or hot air. Young Jersey or Guensey cow. 215-944-8077 or 215- 544-9276. Berks Co. 23.1x26 10-ply combine tire, approx. 40-60% tread, prefer Goodyear or Firestone. Call collect, 301-848-8638 after 8 p.m Over 16.hh TB cross between 3 and 6 years old. Prefer ’/* Percheron cross. 215-869-8998. Need 16 good used tie stalls, headlocks for heifers, plastic ventilation tube and fan, freeze proof waterer, gates 717-865- 7240 Cub Cadet for parts, 100 series and up. Howard Co, MD. 301-465-8754 Tools: Old machinist and Stanley planes. Pay good. Mont Co., MD 14516 Carona Dr. Silver Spring, MD 20904 301-384- 4377 Wire corn crib about 14' high w/or without roof Sch. Co. 717-386-4324 evenings. Allis Chalmers Dl5 diesel tractor. 301-797-3062 Used skid loader, mini Mac or other brand, any condition. 215-536-6595 after 6 p.m Small donkey and an open buggy. Lane Co 717-665- 6647 Gearing to fit Dunlap (Sears) #lO9-0702 small lathe. York Co 717-428- 1012 anytime Gas heater. 1 or 2 room automatic. Give price and location in first letter 1.8 Zimmerman, R D 2, Ephrata. Pa. 17522 BOOK-Melchor Engle Family History, 1730- 1940 by Winfield Engle. Lipia. OH James Engle, Rt 1, Box 65, Swoope, VA 24479 600 gallon round Esco bulk milk tank for milk Leb Co, Pa 717-865- 2529 Side mounted pulley for a 180 Allis Chalmers tractor State Price and Condition Yost Yoder, RD 1, Box 171, Grant sville MD 21536 Any tooling tor a milling machine w/#9 Brown A Sharp taper Dauphin Co 717-692-2493 Used 10' vertical manure pump on trailer Lebanon Co 717-865-3876 To hire, younger person preferred to help maintain property year round Pleasant environment Montgomery Co 215-646- 7760 Bucket for JD 47 loader Balto Co, MD 301-239- 8187 1970 or up tandem axle cab & chassis. 38,000 or 44,000 rears, diesel motor, mechanic's special, under $3,500 215-767- 4632 Lard Cans, must be in good usable condition, need 5 or 6 York Co 717- 938-1776 AC Big Ten or Big Twelve mower Bill Suominen. R 0.1, Box 503, Lincoln University, Pa 19352 Chester Co 215-255- 4413 Someone to board 3 yr old Reg. Holstein Bull Also wanted grass hay Lebanon Co 717-949- 6836 Farm tractor; JO 1020, MF 135, or MF 235, 3 cyl gas, 4 spd., live PTO & hyd., horiz. exhaust, good to excellent condition. No Dealers. Lehigh Co. 215- 799-2536 Round milk bottles w/dairy names and paper milk bottle cap collections John Tutten, R.D.4, Box 929, Front Royal. VA 22630. (2) metal livestock gates. 16', not tubular, 2 storm doors approx. 36"x76" and 42”x91". Lehigh Co. 215-756-6618 Christian family looking for 3 or 4 bedroom house, to rent in Lane. Co. 717- 665-7631 AUCTION SALE TRUSTEE’S SALE IN BANKRUPTCY REAL ESTATE-SAW MILL EQUIPMENT- MACK TRUCKS FRUEHAUF TRAILERS Property of Denton Trucking, Inc. and Richard Perry Mezick SATURDAY, DEC. 27,1986 Hobbs Rd.- Market St. Denton, Md. To be sold at 10:00 A.M. 12 acres of land improved by a nice office building and saw mill building. Sawmill Equipment: 0-1 Frick carnage timber tiger, takes 20’ logs, all air; Tyrone Berry- 215 feed; Mobark EM36 Deßarker line head; Fulghum 60”- 6 knife chipper; 200 hp motor; Mellott #5 log turner; 11’ saw mandel; 60’ Toledo inground mechanical scales 5n4361; 2 Englo 5 hp conveyors, 3 phase; 83’ Webster vibrating conveyor; 52’ 3 Stran conveyor; Corley sliding arbor double saw end trimmer; : Weise single arbor edger; 20’-12” traught ( conveyor; 4 Stran 24’ line deck w/air kickers; / 26’ Horizontal slide off bearer; Starters, | capactors and cut off’s 52’- 3 stran conveyor; j 76’ green chain; 55’-18” belt conveyor. ! The following to be sold at 1:00 P.M.- All the ( following real estate and trucks and trailers to } be sold at Denton Trucking, Crystal Avenue, j Denton, Maryland. j The Real Estate is located on the Choptank | River and Robins Creek between Harmony and | Denton. The property consists of ap- I proximately 20 acres of highland and is im- l proved by a small house built of 6x6 timbers j with 2 bedrooms, one bath, living area, small { kitchen and eating area, 2 porches, a partially | completed 24’x48’ outbuilding, swimming hole | with dive and dock. J Trucks- 11 Macks- 3 Macks for parts: 2- 1980 > Mack R6B6ST, 300 engine w/wet line; 3- 1979 • Mack R6BSST, w/wet line; 1978 Mack R6BSST, \ needs engine rebuilt, wet line; 2-1974 Mack I R6BSST, wet line; 1976 Mack 3686LST, wet line, 5 alum, frame, needs work and parts; 1970 Mack j R6BSST, parts only; 1970 Mack R6BSST, wet { line; 1963 CMC yard truck. | Trailers- All dump trailers w/wet line: 1981 | Bobcat line bottom 42' trailer, 85 yd. wet line; J 1979 Bobcat line bottom 40’- 85 yd. wet line; 1980 t Fruehauf 32’ dump W.L.; 1979 Fruehauf 32’ ( dump; 1969 Fruehauf 65 yd. 33’ dump L.; 1971 f Fruehauf 33’ tall dump W.L.; 1959 Fruehauf steel dump 82 yd. 30’; 2- 1970 Fruehauf 30’ dump; 2- 1980 Fruehauf 42’ flat w/head board; 1969 Fruehauf 40’ flat; 1973 Fruehauf 40’ flat side axle; 1955 Fruehauf box w/no top; 1970 Fruehauf flat; 2- 1974 Fruehauf 40’ flat side axle; 1971 Fruehauf 40’ flat; 1970 Evans pole trailer; 1961 Baker pole trailer; Homemade trailer. Shop Equipment: Hydraulic crane, variable speed drill press, runs, 4 bolt bins, vise, Linde 230 amp welder, air grease guns, hydraulic jacks, 20” & 22” cases for recapping. , Terms; Personal property: Cash on day of • sale, Checks will be accepted from residents of ( the Delmarva Peninsula when drawn on a local ( bank. All others must be accompanied by a | current Letter of Credit from a bank which is J federally insured, i Real Estate: $5,000 down on each property, j deferred portion due 45 days at 10% interest. j For full particulars contact the auctioneer or | see Editions of Times-Record, Denton, Md. j Trustee, | LLOYD 0. WHITEHEAD | Pete Richardson Auction Sales ( P.0.80x 51, Willards, Md. 21874 { Phones: 546-2425 Office 742-6220 { Home / Steel wheels for 100 h p tractor; Manure spreader approx. 150 bu , no more than $4OO. Lane Co 717- 354-8529 New or used storm front market wagon, and/or spring wagon, state price and condition. All replies answered. T. Holliday, Rt 4, Box 244, Waynesboro. TN 38485. Old used pine lumber from barn, house, etc. Must be in good condition. No white paint Lane. Co, 215-445-6231. Attic Flooring and Log Houses. 717-626-4520 White Pekin Ducks Adams Co. 717-642-8221 «* ® do fi and/or buy $25 .550 cash reward tor R.lffJin 10,0 leading to purchase E rnn«ars' ° f old Sl B nS ' POStCrS. D e °#sf,i rds »' B C t U *2ri’ calendars, catalogs. ‘ BerkS ’ 215 ‘ photographs. 717 560 3742114 0639. POLLED HEREFORD AUCTION Cattle have been moved to Dr. Sanford's farm at Stormville, N.Y. for convenience of the auction. From the north take Rt. 55 out of Poughkeepsie to Poughquag then west on Rt. 216 to the auction. From the west take Rt. 84 to Exit 12 (Rt. 52) east to Rt. 216 on SAT., DECEMBER 13,1986 It 10:31 A.M. (storm date Dec. 15th) 76 Hereford * 31 Registered 54 Breeding age cows, 10 of which will be sold with calves at side. All breeding information will be announced at ringside pending veterinarian’s examination. Cattle have been pastured with a reg. Polled Hereford bull up until the middle of Sept. Service sire’s credentials will be announced. Highly regarded sires being represented include: 3 daus. of RWJ Victor J 3 212 6 daus. of PAF Victor 837 667 4 daus. of Vindicator 2 daus. of WSF PRL Justa Banner 5 daus. of Graystone Hurrah 2 daus. of EDR Victor 405 JlBO 1 dau. of Enforcer 107 H 1 dau. of Charme Norden 10G Registrations for more cattle may become available by sale tune. All animals will be vaccinated for shipping fever and will have been tested for interstate shipment. In the event of questionable storm phone auction company for status. TERMS; Cash or good check with letter of credit accompanying an out-of-state check. I.D. required. Sale by order of FARM CREDIT SERVICES of Central New York Lafayette, New York GARRISON AUCTION & REALTY ASSOC. (914)895-2929 Real Estate Brokers - Auctioneers (914)895-3514 Wallkill, N.Y. HOLSTEIN DAIRY AUCTION m MONDAY, DECEMBER 15,1986 2 mi. N.E. of HAMBURG, N.J. From light in center of town, take Rt. 23 south 1 mi. to Rt. 517 North, 1 mi. to farm. 15 mi. E. of Newton, N.J. FARM SOLD! 11:30 - NH Super 717 chopper w/lR corn hd, JD- 3PT- 3 btm 16" plow, JD- 3PT- 2R corn planter, Century 200 gal sprayer, 2 fuel tanks 11:45 - GIRTON 550 GAL BULK TANK, HWH, 4 Surge units, Surge pump CORN SILAGE 170 tons in trench, 2,000 bales of hay 12 NOON -48 HOLSTEINS -45 in the milk now, w/15 fresh recently and’2l hd due now thru March 46% are Ist and 2nd calf Balance bred and milking well. Many big producers and some top udders will be found here 1 HEIFERS - 3 bred and 1 ready to breed A honest owner operated dairy Pregnancy examined 1 Shipping fever shots 30 day T B and blood tested for interstate shipment l TERMS: Cash or Good Check w/proper I.D. Full Settlement Sale Day SALE CONDUCTED BY; COL. FRED R. DANIEL AUCTIONEERS INC. NESHANIC ST A., NJ. 201-369-4784 LAST NOTICE! 19 yr old boy desires work on a dairy farm next summer. 717-354-6727. Aaron S. Nolt, RD3, New Holland, PA, Lane. Co. Blizzard date 12/17/86 If you would like to do guiltine, write to RDffl, Experienced Auctioneer ox 66. Richland. PA Will Call Your Sale, in New 17087 for information Castle Co., DE. Call Buying, Renting. Lease to Florence *'Flo" Hall, own. Family looking for anytime. 302-731-7977 farm Owners stay living FREE Old used car tires, on to help and cut pur- Will Deliver up to 20 miles chase price. SE PA 215- from Gordonville, Lane 323-1917. Co. 717-768-8440 PUBLIC AUCTION Located just north of Woodsboro, Md. on Route 194 on Legore Bridge Road, 3 miles to farm. THURSDAY, DEC. 11,1986 at 10:00 A.M. 70 Head of Holstein Cattle 70 Consisting of 5 1 dairy cows of which 30 have freshened in past 60 days or due to freshen near sale time; balance in different stages of lac tation; 11 vac. Holstein heifers, approx. 6 months of age; 7 started Holstein heifer calves. This is a good home raised herd in good flesh with good size & production - average herd test 3.9%. Bangs & T.B. Tested within 30 days of sale for interstate shipment. Sale held in tent Loading chute available Dairy Equipment & Hay Mueller 1000 gal. bulk milk tank; Surge Alamo vac. pump; Surge pipeline for 60 cow bam; 4 Surge milking units; 80 gal. hot water heater; feed cart; Sunbeam clippers; dehomers. Approx. 200 bales of rough hay. Tractors & Machinery John Deere 2030 gas tractor, W.F., power steering, selling w/JD 146 loader; Allis Chalmers W.D. tractor; Hesston 310 self propelled hay mower/conditioner; Int. 16 hay rake; Int. 430 baler w/thrower; Int. 46 baler for parts; Miller 10 ft. transport disc; Int. 10 ft. lever harrow; JD 13/7 disc gram drill; Int. 56 four row com planter w/liquid fertilizer tanks; 2 New Idea manure spreaders; 5 hay wagons; Mayrath 32 ft. elevator; Mayrath table con veyor; Surge portable 25000 alternator, tractor seeder; 2 small farm trailers; platform scales and other farm related articles. 1964 Int. tilt cab 1800 truck w/18 ft. Omaha body w/twin hoists. 1967 Plymouth auto. SALE ORDER: small items on wagon, machinery, cattle w/Real Estate offered at 12:00 noon. TERMS: Cash - Not responsible for ac cidents. MR. & MRS. ALLEN FLANIGAN Phone (301) 694-8537 Auctioneer: Robert C. Mullendore Clerk: C.L. Metz Lunch Rights by 4H Camp Fund at 11:30 AM FOR ABRAM & GERALD ESTELL, OWNERS- 4. & 6. ESTELL 201-827-7627
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