AI4-Lancast«r Farming, Saturday, December 6,1986 Frederick Livestock Monday, Dec. 1,1986 BUTCHER COWS: Steady to $.50 lower. Good 36.00-37.00; Standard & Utility 32.00-35.50; Canners 28.00- 32.00; Shelly 30.00-Down. BULLS; Steady. Good 41.00- 43.00; Medium 37.00-40.00. STEERS: Standard 42.00-44.00. HEIFERS: Good 42.0045.25; Medium 37.0041.00. BUTCHER HOGS: $1.50 Higher. 240-260 lbs. 53.75-54.00; 365400 lbs. 46.0049.00. SOWS: 450550 lbs. 45.0047.00. VEAL CALVES: Mostly Steady Prices. Good 60.00-69.00; Standard 55.00-59.00; Stocky & Thin 50.00- 54.00; Light Calves 45.00-51.00; Weak & Rough 44.00-Down. CALVES RETURNING TO FARM: Bullsss higher. HOLSTEIN HEIFERS; 90-120 lbs. 52.00-55.00. HOLSTEIN BULLS: 85-95 lbs. 60.00-70.00; 100-115 lbs. 75.08-86.00. LAMBS; 1 Lot Med. to Good at 58.00. STOCK CATTLE: Good Run- $2 Higher. Steers- Choice 57.00-64.00; Good 51.00-56.00; Medium 45.00- 50.00. Heifers Choice 47.00-56.00; Good 41.0046.00; Medium 36.00- 40.00. Bulls- Choice 50.00-51.50; Good 45.0049.00; Medium 40.00- 44.00. SPRINGING HEIFERS: Large 750.00-785.00; Small 350.00-550.00. PIGS & SHOATS: Steady Prices. By The Head 20-30 lbs. 16.00-30.00; 35-60 lbs. 31.00-50.00. By The Lb. Stock Boars 175-315 lbs. 36.00-40.50. Experienced John Deere Mechanics wanted for growing John Deere Utility and Light Industrial Equipment Dealer. JD Ag experience OK, should have completed J.D.F.O.S. Program. Full benefits including dental and retirement plan. We are located in the Town of Newton, Pop. 8500, County Seat of beautiful rural Sussex Co. in New Jersey. Sussex Co. borders Orange Co., NY and Pike Co., PA. 20 miles from Milford. PA bridge. Drop a note or call Roy Van Eeckhoven, Service Manager. All replies held in confidence. Livestock morket and auction news Four States Livestock Hagerstown, Md. Wednesday, Dec. 3 Report supplied by Auction SLAUGHTER: Fed Steers- Good Run $3 Higher. Choice 60.00- 65.00; Good 54.00-59.00; Medium 48.0053.00. Heifers- Choice 51.00- 53.00; Good 45.0050.00; Medium 40.0044.00. Cows- Large Run $1 Higher. High Yield 37.0040.00; Average 33.00-36.00; Big Middle 28.00- Fatty Herf. 28.00-33.00; Shelly 30.00-Down. Fat Bulls- $1 Higher. Good 45.5048.50; Medium 41.0045.00. Veal Calves- Mostly Steady. Choice &.Good 63.00-68.00; Medium 55.00-62.00; Farm Bulls -75.0056.00; Light Calves- 44.00- 51.00; Weak Calves- 43.00-Down. Lambs- Choice & good 58.00-60.00; Medium and Feeder 60.00-63.00. STOCKER: Steers- 300-550 lbs. Choice 57.00-60.50; Good 52.00- 56.00; Medium 46.0051.00; Culls 45.00- Steers- 600-850 lbs. Choice 55.00-58.00; Good 50.00- 54.00; Medium 45.0049.00. Heifers (All Weights)- Choice 47.0049.50; Good 42.0046.00; Medium 37.00- 41.00. Pigs, Hd.- Steady Prices. 25- 35 lbs. 27.00-35.00 ; 40-60 lbs. 36.00- 46.00; Shoats By Lb. 125-165 lbs. 47.0049.00; Slaughter Hogs- Few Offered. 275-365 lbs. 47.00-50.50; Sows- No Heavyweights Offered. 350450 lbs. 43.0045.50; 300-350 lbs. 38.0042.00; Heavy Boars- 400-800 lbs. 36.75-39.75. Beginning Dec. 10 We Will Be 6 & H Service, Inc. Route 206 North P.O. Drawer E Newton, N J 07860 201-383-3370 To prevent a hernia, lift with your legs. The groin is the weakest point. With strain it may give way and cause a hernia. Bend your knees to pick up a heavy object, then straighten your legs. When your legs are doing the work your groin and back are protected. What if you already have a hernia? In most cases, a hernia can be repaired in one i outpatient surgery iy the Canadian 'ice method, out more about )air, call 397-5104 lure or an tisterkamp 111, M.D., Hogg fc HeisterKamp SURGICAL ASSOCIATES 719 North Duke Street Lancaster, Pa. 17602 717 397-5104 Holding Hay Auctions Every Wednesday At 11 A.M. At Four States. Oklahoma Cattle Wednesday, Dec. 3 Report supplied by USDA Cattle & Calves; Estimate; 600; Actual Auction Sales: 590 head; Same Day Last Week: 82. Limited supply Feeder steers & heifers steady with this week’s advance. Few slaughter cows steady. Bulls scarce. Cows & bulls comprised 12% of supply, balance feeder cattle. FEEDER STEERS: Medium & Large Frame 1, pkg 425 lb. 75.00; 500600 lb. 64.5069.60; 600-700 lbs. 63.2564.10; pkg. 750 lb. 63.80; pkg. 835 lb. 61.60; pkg. 975 lb. 55.10. Medium and Large Frame Mixed 1-2, pkg. 360 lb. 68.00; 400-500 lb. 66.5069.50; 500600 lb. 60.6065.70; |g| EVERGREEN ■gl EBiITRACTOR CO., INC.@I2I TRACTORS: JD 4020 Power Shift Cab (I) White 2-105 w/Roll Guard MF 50 Gas (recently overhauled).. MH 22 w/3 pt. and 2 row cultivator MF 135 D Tractor w/Loader 4020, Syncro New Rear End 4620, PS, cab, overhauled JD 3020 side console, gas JO 4010 Diesel JD 2040 Osl. Tractor w/145 Loader JD 2440 Tractor COMBINES & PICKERS: JO 454,4 Row Bean and Sunflower Head $2,650 Gleaner M combine, 2 heads, nice $11,700 6620 Side Hill, turbo hydro, heater & air, monitor, spreader. 6600 hydro, rotary screen, diesel, heater & air, chopper, US feeder house, monitor, adjustable rear axle, bin extension. 6600 gear, rotary screen, diesel, monitor, heater & air, US feeder house, bin extension. 4400 Diesel, rotary screen, heater, monitor, US feeder house, bin extension, chopper. Ml 324 2 Row Wide 12 Row 327 bed Ml 818 combine 4R narrow head & 13' flex head. Sharp Nl 2 row narrow, pull type picker (1)11343 3 Row 30” (1) #443 Corn Heads #244 Corn Head #244 Corn Head 13' Gram Table (2) #444 Corn Heads 13' & 15’ Flex Heads, Black Reel JD 300 busker w/2 row Nl 2 row narrow w/sheller, A 1 .... JD 216 Flex Black Reel JD 444 Corn Head JD 343 Corn Head w/Harvester Adaptor. JD 243 Corn Head w/Harvester Adaptor. PLANTERS & GRAIN DRILLS; JD 20x6 Model B Plain Grain with Grass D.D. JD 8 Row 7000 30" Planter GRAIN DRYERS: New Farm Fans ABB Auto-Batch Dryer. MUST MOVE. CALL FOR PRICE. .. (Dealer Inquiries Welcome) Coming in... JO 145 Loader JD 450 Crawler Loader Hudson 14' Tandem Axle Trailer Brillion 10' Packer (Big Shaft) IH #lO 15 Hole Drill, sharp JD 16A Chopper, sharp JD 148 Loader for a 2640 or 2840 Tractor JD 2630 Tractor w/Cab 650-725 lb. 61.25-63.70. Small St mixed small & medium frame 1, 400-500 lb. 64.00-67.25. Large frame 2 holsteins 575 lb. 51.30. FEEDER HEIFERS; Medium St large frame 1, 350-400 lb. 62.00- 65.00; 400-500 lb. 60.20-63.60; 500-515 lb. 59.00; pkg. 865 lb. 50.90. Medium & large frame mixed 1-2,270-290 lb. 60.00-69.00 ; 390-395 lb. 60.50-05.00; 450-500 lb. 57.75-59.70 ; 550-600 lb. 56.90-57.50. SLAUGHTER COWS: Breaking utility & commercial 2-4 36.75- 37.60. Boning utility 1-2 35.50-36.60, over filled 33.75-33.90. Few cutter 1- 2 33.25-36.00. Canner & Low dressing cutter 30.80-34.10. SLAUGHTER BULLS: None. REPLACEMENT OF FEEDER COWS: Small thru large frame 1-2 young 37.50-38.10; middle aged 36.50-37.75; aged 28.10-33.25. FOR THE WEEK: Feeder steer .... $6,950 Make Offer .... $3,250 .... $1,650 .... $4,450 .... $8,450 .... $9,750 .... $5,850 .... $3,950 $8,950 $3,950 $3,950 $6,850 $3,950 $3,950 $2,675 ireen Rd.. Lebanon. PA . (717) 272-4641 or Toll Free 1-800-441-44! 30 Even & heifer calves under 600 lb. 1.00- 3.00 higher; over 600 lb. feeders steady to 1.00 higher. Slaughter Cows .50-2.50 higher, mostly .50- 1.50 higher with greatest advance on utility. Slaughter bulls 2.00-3.00 higher. New Holland Horses New Holland Sales Stables New Holland, PA Monday, Dec. 1,1986 Report supplied by auction Registered receipts of 242 head of horses, mules and ponies. Market: steady. Local Driving Horses 225.00-900.00. Riding Horses 150.00-500.00. Lightweight Killers 125.00-200.00. Heavyweight Killers 250.00- 365.00. Mare Ponies 25.00-60.00, Colts 10.00-20.00. TILLAGE: JO 1010 Flat Fold Field Cultivator 18' JDBWF 14’Flex Disc JO 1450 5x16 Plow JD F 845 Roll Over Plow (New) JO TWA 12' Plowing Disc... JD3-14F125 Plow JD7B 2500 Plow. JD 28x20 KBA Transport Disc JD 3-16 F 620 Trailer Plow, nice JD 4-16" F 350 Auto Reset Plow MISCELLANEOUS: Nl PTO 2 Beater Spreader, Model 214 $750 18.4x38 Direct Axle Dual Wheels 14.9x38 Direct Axle Dual Wheels 14.9x26 T-rail duals NH 679 tandem axle spreader, hyd. endgate NH«9O Bale Mover Nl 214 Spreader w/End Gate Best Land Rock Picker 9 Tooth Folding Anhydrous Bar Owatonna stack wagon, model #540 Cattle Feeder Wagon JD 18 4x38 Direct Axle Duals HARVESTERS & FORAGE EQUIPMENT: NH Super 717 Harvester ... NH P U Attachment JD 35 Harvester, 2 row narrow & pickup, sharp JO 15 Chopper HAY MACHINES; Hesston Hydro-Swing Mower Conditioner Hesston PTIO Mower Cond NH 850 Round Baler .. JD #336 Baler w/#3O ejector Hesston PT 10 Mower Conditioner. 15' Hyd Fold Bat Wing Mower MC 9' Rotary Scythe . SPECIAL NEW 16’ 3 BEATER ARTSWAY FORAGE WAGONS $3,450.00 each SPECIAL New JD Weather Shields For 2840 Tractors Part# ARB6OBI List $317 SPECIAL $l4O. $3,650 $2,350 $1,950 $2,850 $2,950 ..$475 $3,650 $1,550 $3,850 . $1,850 . $1,850 $1,250 . $3,450 $750.00 . $1,250 M5O $575 $3,550 $450 $2,750 $2,350 $3,850 $950 $2,150 $1,450
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