Four States Livestock Hagerstown, Md. Wednesday, Sept. 3 Report supplied by Auction SLAUGHTER: Fed Steers- Steady. Choice none; Good 52.00- 54.50; Medium 47.00-51.00; Dairy type 38.00-45.00. Heifers- Choice 53.00- Good 47.00-52.00; Medium 40.0046.00. Cows- Steady. High Yield 37.00-38.75; Average 32.00- Big Middle 28.00-31.00; Fatty Herf. 28.00-32.00; Shelly 30.00 down. Fat Bulls-1.50 higher. Good 44.0047.00; Medium 40.0043.00. Veal Calves- Steady. Farm calves 8.00 lower. Choice 66.00-69.00; Good 60.00- Medium 51.00-59.00; Farm Hfrs. 43.00-51.00; Farm Bulls 60.00-72.00; Light Calves 35.0043.00; Weak Calves 34.00 down. Lambs- Few offered. Choice & Choice 65.00-65.50. STEERS- 300- 550 lbs. very active, 2.00 higher. Choice 59.00-63.00; Good 53.00- 58.00; Medium 47.00-52.00; Culls 46.00 down. Steers- 600850 lbs. Choice 56.00-60.00; Good 51.00- 55.00; Medium 50.00 down. Heifers (all weights) Choice 53.00-58.50; Good 46.00-52.00; Medium 40.00- 45.00. Dairy Cows- 350.00400.00. Springing Heifers- 560.00-710.00. Pigs, hd. Large run, steady prices. 20-30 lbs. 15.00-31.00 ; 3080 lbs. 32.0041.00; 6080 lbs. 42.00-53.00. Shoats By Lb.- 110165 lb. 49.00 54.00. Stock Boars- 225-270 lbs. 47.0055.00. Slaughter Hogs- few offered. 205-225 lbs. 58.0080.85. Sows- 400700 lbs. 50.00-54.25. Bulls- Choice 56.0061.50; Good 50.00 55.00; Medium 44.0049.00. Special next week, Sept. 10, 4 head registered Yorkshire boars, 200225 lbs. Omaha Weekly Thursday, Sept. 4 Report Supplied by USDA A higher trend was registered on the close for all classes of slaughter cattle at the Omaha livestock market terminal this week. Steers and heifers closed 50 cents higher, cows steady to 1.00 higher and bulls firm to 1.00 higher. Trading on all classes was marked by good buyer demand as most were in need of some cattle for immediate needs. Even though some weakness developed in dressed beef channels sellers maintained a firm hold on cattle ready for slaughter and buyers were unable to force prices lower to come in line with dressed realizations. Estimated 4 day receipts this week 4,000 compared to actual 5 ATTENTION ALFALFA GROWERS! Our hydro seeding of alfalfa with fluid suspension fertilizer has proven to be a very successful way to seed alfalfa. Reserve your alfalfa seeds now for next spring to assure availability of the seed of your choice. Alfalfa Seeds Available BIG TEN - MAGNUM - EDGE - EPIC APOLLO - ARMOR - ARROW - And Many Others Fall is the time to top dress alfalfa with our high potash fluid fertilizer. With one application we can fertilize and apply Princep & other herbicides for winter weeds in alfalfa. ATTENTION CORN GROWERS! Don’t overlook our prices on big corn starter 9-18-9-3 S. Before you order your next years corn starter, check our low prices. Because of our direct buying we can offer our liquid corn starter at such low cost. Livestock market and auction news day receipts of 4734 last week and 5126 last year. Slaughter steers accounted for 45 percent of receipts this week, heifers 43 percent, cows 9 percent, feeder 1 percent. SLAUGHTER STEERS: Choice 2410501300 lbs. 39.5061.00,4 loads 61.50. Mixed good and choice 2-3 10501250 lbs. 57.5059.50. Good 55.0057.50. Few good 2-3 12001500 lb. holsteins 50.50-51.50. SLAUGHTER HEIFERS: Choice 2-4 9501150 lbs. 58.5080.00,3 loads 60.25-60.50. Mixed good and choice 2-3 925-1050 lbs. 55.5058.50. Few good 53.50-55.50. Average of LS 214 detailed price quotations for choice 9001100 lb. steers this week 59.50, 11001300 lbs. 60.50. Average cost of all slaughter steers this week 60.06, average weight 1155 lbs. compared to 58.30 and 1167 last week. Average cost of all slaughter heifers this week 58.54, average weight 1040 lbs. compared to 57.80 and 1031 lbs. last week. SLAUGHTER COWS: Breaking utility and commercial 24 36.75- 40.50. Cutter and boning utility 1-3 35.5040.00, high dressing to 41.00. Canner and low cutter 33.50-36.75. SLAUGHTER BULLS: 1-2 1600- 2400 lbs. 46.50-51.00, low dressing 42.0046.00. North Jersey Livestock Hackettstown, NJ Tuesday, Sept. 2 Report supplied by auction Calves- 30.00-79.00. Cows 28.50-46.00. Easy Cows 14.50-36.00. Heifers 33.50-51.50. Bulls 36.00-53.50. Steers 45.00-56.75. Hogs 47.50-58.00. Roasting Pigs, each 7.00-68.00. Sows 39.00-44.50. Sheep 15.00-51.00. Lambs, each 22.00-57.00. Lambs, per lb. 40.00-86.00. Goats, each 22.00-77.00. Kids, each 12.00-40.00. Total 1012. Chambersburg Livestock Chambersburg, Pa. Thursday, September 4 Report supplied by PDA CATTLE; 270. Cows strong to 1.50 higher; few Choice 1200-1360 lb. 57.60-62.50; few Good 49.25- 56.00; few Choice holsteins 46.00- 50.60; few Good 43.75-44.75; Breaking Utility & Commercial cows 36.75-40.10; Cutter & Boning Also, Paymaster Seed Corn A Jcrry’A v XpncaUenJPtL. MOUIO 2020 Horst Shot , PA «IT«M2ER *PH» 71.749#43088 35.00-38.75; Canner & Cutter 31.50- 35.50; YG No. 1,1270-2000 lb. bulls 44.10-52.10. FEEDER CATTLE: Few Med. No. 1,400-840 lb. steers 44.50-51.00. CALVES: 483. Few Choice 70.00- 77.00; few Good 55.00-65.00; few 110-125 lb. 52.00-55.00; 70-105 lb. 41.00- hoi. bulls 90-130 lb. 49.00- heifers 90-130 lb. 45.00- 55.00. HOGS; 31. Couple lots No. 2-3, 210-255 lb. 60.25; sows No. 1-3, 275- 5001 b. 51.0085.00. FEEDER PIGS; 26. Lot No. 1-3, 20 lb. 25.50; few lots 35-50 lb. 37.00- 47.00. SHEEP: 14. Lot Choice 88 lb. spring lambs 55.50; few si. ewes 18.00-38.00. Leesport Livestock Leesport, PA Wednesday, Sept. 3,1986 Report Supplied by PDA CATTLE 257. Supply included 23 feeder cattle. Compared with last Wednesday’s market: Slaughter steers steady to weak; Cows mostly steady. Few High Choice and Prime 1050-1250 lbs. slaughter steers 61.50-02.25, Choice 950-1350 lbs. 58.85-62.10, Good 55.00-59.00; few Standard 46.35-50.00; Good and Choice 1200-1500 lbs. 47.5056.75, mostly 49.60-54.75, few Standard 43.5047.00. Choice 850-1300 lbs. slaughter heifers 54.75-58.25, few 61.75, few Good 47.5049.50, few Standard 40.75-42.25. Breaking Utility and Commercial slaughter cows 36.50-39.00, few 39.75, Cutter and Boning Utility 33.85-36.50, few 40.25, Canner and Low Cutter 31.50 33.85, Shells down to 30.00. Good and Choice slaughter bullocks 48.00-53.00, one 56.75, few Standard 47.0048.10. Yield Grade No. 1,1300 1550 lbs. slaughter bulls 47.75-50.50, couple 55.25, No. 2, 900-1200 lbs. 39.75-45.00. Feeder Cattle: Medium Frame No. 1, 400-575 lbs. steers 63.50-68, one 70.00, few Large 675- 750 lbs. 58.50-59.00. CALVES 180. Vealers $1 to $1.50 higher. Few Choice 83.00-90.00, few Good 70.00-78.00, few Standard and Good 120-130 lbs. 48.00-01.00, 90-110 lbs. 44.0046.50, 65-90 lbs. 40.00- 45.00, Utility 55-110 lbs. 30.0042.00. Farm Calves; Holstein Bulls 90-130 lbs. 64.00-85.00, some down 46.00; Holstein Heifers 90-115 lbs. 49.00- 73.00. Few Beef cross bulls and heifers 85-100 lbs. 48.00-75.00. HOGS 502. Barrows and gilts $1 to $2 higher. Few US No. 1-2 215-250 lbs. 64.75-65.25, small lot 66.00, 1-3 205-250 lbs. 62.0084.35, mostly 62.5083.25, 200-205 lbs. 58.00-59.25, 2-3 215-245 lbs. 60.0082.00, few 2-4 240-275 lbs. 54.0089.50, few 1-3 170- Lancaster Farming, Saturday, September 6,1986-Al3 190 lbs. 54.0087.25. Sows steady. US No. 1-3 300800 lbs. sows 51.00- 55.25, 500-700 lbs. 54.0086.00, one 57.00, few Medium 250400 lbs. 46.0080.00. Boars 45.0049.00, few Light Weights 50.0082.00. FEEDER PIGS 183. US No. 1-3 15-20 lbs. feeder pigs 21.00-31.00 per head; few 20-25 lbs. 149.00-150.00, 2540 lbs. 130.00-140.00, lot 149.00, 4080 lbs. 111.00-120.00, lot 55 lbs. 100.00, lot 75 lbs. 88.00, lot 120 lbs. 77.00 - all per hundredweight. SHEEP 36. Choice and Prime 90- 110 lbs. spring slaughter lambs 62.0085.00, few Good and Choice 2080 lbs. 77.00-92.50, few Utility and Good 45-70 lbs. 51.00-78.00. GOATS 29. Large adults 34.00- 49.00, Large Kids 23.00-38.00, few Small Kids 11.00-22.00 - all per head. Belleville Livestock Belleville, Pa. Sept. 3,1986 Report supplied by PDA CATTLE 80. Good slaughter steer, individual 54.25. Good holstein slaughter heifer 45.00. Breaking Utility and Commercial slaughter cows 36.00-38.60, Cutter and Boning Utility 34.75-36.50, Canner and Low Cutter 30.00-34.75, Shells down to 28.00. Couple Good slaughter bullocks 45.00 and 48.00. Few Yield Grade No. 2, 985-1260 lbs. slaughter bulls 41.5083.25. CALVES 93. Standard and Good 70-100 lbs. vealers 40.0047.00, Utility 6080 lbs. 30.0041.00. Farm Calves: Holstein Bulls 90-130 lbs. 48.00-72.00. HOGS 58. One Lot US No. 1-2 225 lbs. barrows and gilts 64.00,2-3 215- 235 lbs. 62.0063.35. Few US No. 1-3 425-550 lbs. sows 54.00-56.00. Few Boars 40.0041.00. FEEDER PIGS 171. US No. 1-3 2035 lbs. feeder pigs 30.0045.00,35- 45 lbs. 45.0051.00, lot 100 lbs. 55.00 - -all per head. SHEEP 43. Few Choice 45-55 lbs. spring slaughter lambs 76.00- 100.00. Good and Choice 60-120 lbs. 56.0086.00. Slaughter ewes 16.00- 31.00. GOATS 24. Large 27.0041.00, Medium 18.00-31.00—a1l per head. Holstein Dairy Cows $450.00- $970.00, one $1490.00 all per head. Shippensburg Wholesale Produce Auction (Leinbach’s) Shippensburg, PA Aug. 28,29, Sept. 1 and 2 Report Supplied by Auction Price quotes are only #1 and Perry Meinnert 21 Lancaster Estates Mt. Joy, PA 17552 New MoorMcm PeteCrout 717-738-1326 DougShaab 717-295-5320 □57 Sunnybrook Or. Apt. 1 608 W. Chestnut St. RR4 Ephrata, Pa. 17522 —•Now providing livestock owners helpful, on-the-spot feed counseling Through personal contact with you and your livestock operation, the Moor Man Representative can recommend research-developed products and feeding programs that fit your individual needs and feeding and manage ment suggestions backed by Moor Man Research and geared for today's profit-minded livestock producer. In addition, our representative can supply you with a wide range of laborsaving livestock equipment from Moor Man’s Livestock Equipment Division. If you aren’t feeding Moor Man’s, find out what high-quality, high-performance Moor Man products and feeding programs can do for your livestock and your cost of production. Firm Produce. Apples 2.25-6.00/% bu. Cabbage 1.60-3.00 (50 lbs.) Cantalopes .35-1.30 sm to Ig. Com white 1.65-2.45 doz, yellow 1.00-1.25 doz. Cucumbers 3.20-4.75/11/9 bu. Eggplant 3.204.8011/9 bu. Honeydews .35-.90 ea. Lima Beans 12.50-20.0011/9 bu. Nectarines 3.75-6.50 Vz bu. Peaches 3.304.25 Vz bu. Pears 2.504.00 Vz bu. Peppers bell large 4.50-7.75 1 1/9 bu., bell medium 3.654.00 1 1/9 bu., bell red 5.35-8.0011/9 bu. Plums 2.25-6.60 Vz bu. Potatoes 3.754.25 50 lbs.; 2.00- 3.25 20 lbs. - PumpkinsK'(neck) .30-1.70 ea.; (round) .90-2.50 ea. Squash 4.10-5.0011/9 bu. String Beans 3.00-7.40 Vz bu. Tomatoes large 4.50-9.00 25 lb., medium 3.75-6.35 25 lb. Watermelon (all sizes & varieties) .04-.lolb. East Coast Carlot Wednesday, Sept. 3,1986 Report supplied by USDA Compared to Tuesday’s close: Trading slow, demand moderate. Special steady in light test. Good and choice boning veal steady to 2.00 higher; Inshipped firm in limited test. Compared to last week, limited sales of spring lamb 5.00 lower. Veal Carcass- Hide On Choice & Prime (Special Fed) Hide On 50 Head 220-280 lbs., few 145.00, steady. Good and Choice Boning Type-Hide On Northeastern Suppliers 360 Head 65-75 lbs. Ltd. 73.00-75.00, steady -2.00 higher. 55-64 lbs. 71.00-73.00. 45-54 lbs. 69.00-71.00. 35-44 lbs. 67.00-69.00. 34 lbs. dn. 65.0067.00. Inshipped 120 Head 71-80 lbs. Ltd 76.00, firm. 61-70 lbs. Ltd 74.00. 51-60 lbs. Ltd 72.00. 41-50 lbs. Ltd 70.00. 30-40 lbs. Ltd 68.00. Spring Lamb Carcass Choice and Prime 2 Loads Compared to last week 5.00 lower. 55 lbs. Dwn 140.00. 55-65 lbs. 140.00. 65-75 lbs. 140.00. 717-653-4404 epresentatives Lancaster, Pa. 17603
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