( [ Societies I Berks Society 4 Mrs.JeanWaldo. . „. . . ... .. . Mfs- Joan Leob will install new Berts Society 4 held their officers at the next meeting, which monthly meeting at the home of will be held at the Ben Franklin Inn Your guarantee of qualify. Patz When you buy replacement chain look for the “PATZ CO.” stamped in each link. Be sure to get the genuine PATZ links and flites when you need replacement chain.. Two chain sizes mqjch the load and allow economical updating or expansion. Contact Your Nearest —■ Patz Dealer ALEXANDRIA LEBANON MAXISENBERG AUTOMATIC FARM 814-669-4027 SYSTEMS 717-274-5333 BALLY LONGACRE ELECTRIC 215-845-2261 BERRYSBURG HOCHS SALES QUARRYVILLE & SERVICE UNICORN FARM 717-362-8252 SERVICE JAMES E. LANDIS 717-786-4158 CAMP HILL LLOYD SULTZBAUGH 717-737-4554 STONEBORO ELDER SALES FORKSVILLE & SERVICE DURWOOD J. WHITELEY 412-376-3390 717-924-3460 376-3740 HAMBURG CUAPTI ccuil I c J.'fciTiJ*»r l MP FABM QCPUirp PINDER SERVICE CO 3Ol-348-5263 IPERVISQR Rov W Thillberg 216-549-5492 PIPERSVILLE MOYER FARM SERVICE 215-766-8675 on Dec. 4. This meeting will in clude the group’s Christmas Party and a gift exchange. A Tupperware program was given after the meeting and everyone received a gift. After the demonstration, lunch was served by hostess Mrs. Jean Waldo of Boyertown. Lancaster Society 28 Lancaster Society 28 met on Oct. 25 at the home of Velma Hess. Co hostess was Ruth Mellinger. The State Convention will be on Jan. 14 and 15 in Harrisburg. The program for the evening was stenciling, with each member completing a project. EXPERT REPAIRS FENCERS /Tl • GENERATORS • STARTERS . Cl • ALTERNATORS .** PEQUEA BATTERIES ff Ronks, PA Uncaster Farming, Saturday, November 17,1984-117 Berks County Executive Board The bi-monthly meeting of the Berks County Farm Women Executive Board was held recently at the Berks County Agriculture Center with president, Joan Loeb, presiding and 18 members present. Arrangements were made to have the annual hoedown on Saturday, Nov. 4 at the 4-H building. All County women who made a Lancaster Society 1 honors charter member Lancaster Society 1 celebrated the 100th birthday of their charter member Barbara Moore at their meeting in Lititz on Saturday. The society presented Barbara with a birthday cake decorated with the hollyhock - the farm women symbol. Thirty-three members answered roll call by telling a memory of an incident in their lives involving Barbara and of how much help and inspiration she has been. Each member also prepared a page of a birthday book which the president Idussinger’s I IquaUTY STOVES I Hearthstone AMERICA’S QUALITY SOAPSTONE STOVES 2533 Old Phila. Pike Rt. 340, Smoketown, PA (717) 397-7539 T.T&FIO-8; W&SKMjMa] LANCASTER COUNTY’S AUTHORIZED HEARTHSTONE DEALER Glass anclosuras bv i Schaefer VINYL ELECTRICAL TAPE 3/4" x 60'. ■ 1219-60 REOSOT ;STROY r 14 3.78 66 y Help Stop Fire Hazards Prevent flammable build-up and increase fuel efficiency in fire places, furnaces, and stoves I PAUL B. gQMWCTIII R.D. 4 • WOODCORNER RD. • LITITZ, PA 17543 Phone (717) 738-1121 IVz Miles West of Ephrata craft project will receive ribbons at the State Convention in Harrisburg. The 1985 Spring Rally will be held on May 22 at the Ramada Inn in Hagerstown, Md. Arrangements are being made to rent a bus for this trip. The 1985 State Convention will be held at Harrisburg on Jan. 14 and 15. The board will meet again on Jan. 7 at the Agriculture Center. presented to her. Barbara was also surprised with a bouquet of balloons, and Mary Kreider told a delightful humerous story of Barbara’s early life. Hostess Jean Newcomer and Viola Wolf presented her with a special cake which everyone en joyed with ice cream and coffee. Delegates for the State Con vention will be Mary Clark and Marian Fuhrmar. The December meeting will be at the home of Martha Stoner on Dec. latl:3op.m. WOOD AND COAL STOVES AND INSERTS pecial Holiday scounls Portable Electric HEATER &, 26“ Automatic thermostat and 1300/1500 watt heat selection. Compact design. T 76081 OOT 10VER 1” wide power return blade. 33-425
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