A36—Lancwttr Farming, Saturday, November 17,1984 NEDCO criticizes SYRACUSE, N.Y. - NEBCO dairy executives have voiced dismay at Agricultural Secretary John Block’s announced intention to discontinue the National Dairy Diversion Program, a farmer funded program that pays farmers not to produce milk, which the cooperative feels has been doing the job in cutting heavy U.S. milk surpluses. Block, in a recent public statement, said he will probably discontinue the diversion plan on its expiration date of April 1,1985. Edward McNamara, NEDCO OAKRYN Fulton Grange N 0.66 held its regular meeting Monday at 8 p.m. in the Grange Hall, Oakryn. It was voted to ex tend an invitation to southern Lancaster Co. townships to use the Grange Hall for special blood donations for the Lancaster General Hospital. Fulton Grange will sponsor Connie Bushong for the Miss Solanco Contest next Saturday, a $25. donation was given in answer to an appeal. Clifford Holloway Jr., chairman of the tour to Old Bed ford Village. Also Lecturer, Betty Wise, announced a walking tour to I THINKING OF ||f &S | ( BUILDING? c^^y^'\- 7 1 | ( f READ LANCASTER FARMING'S ! I ADVERTISING TO FIND ALL I * YOUR NEEDS! j AIR-COOLED PH2 Water Cooled Version Available • Hand Cranked Standard • 24 Air & Water Cooled Models Available - IVt ■ 40 H.P. Diesels Our Speciality Call For Used Diesels let Us Know Your Service Problems 24Hour Service Check Our Prices AUTHORIZED PETTER DISTRIBUTOR HOOVER DIESEL SERVICE NEW PH. NO'S Mptotatrtkm PH: 717-656-3322 717-295-1729 2998 West Newport Rd. Ronks, PA 17572 2Vi miles East of Leola Along Rt. 772 president, countered Block, stating the program is working well; that production is down in the northeast more than six percent compared to last year, and four percent nationally. “For the past two months alone, government purchases of surplus butter, powder, and cheese have been reduced by 88 percent from the same period last year,” he said. “John Block has been against this type of incentive payment program since NEDCO and the nation’s dairy cooperatives at tempted to first put it in place last Fulton Grange holds meeting see the gnomes Township. The Lecturer introduced David Ellenbery, Superintendent of Muddy Run Park, who spoke on the deer population in the 3,000-acre park and efforts to relieve the problem. All the fences around the perimeter have been lowered and only hunting with special per mission will be allowed. Hunters are allowed only on anterless deer, and hunting will be permitted only between Dec. 26 and 29. Only SO hunters will be chosen each day in FETTER DIESELS PH: 717-786-2173 RD 3. Box 91A Quarryville, PA 17566 2 miles West of Georgetown on Furnace Block on dairy diversion end year.” McNamara said that NEDCO is pleased with the program. “I think it’s working much better than we had expected,” he said. “I know there is some dispute among dairymen who didn’t sign up for the program concerning the government’s 50 cents mandatory assessment. Remember, this assessment pays for ad ministration of the diversion program,” he said. However, when you consider the other choice (Conable Bill) available at the time, you were in Colerain designated areas and will be selected on a lottery basis. Hunters must check in at the En vironmental Studies Center each morning at 6 a.m. and must check out by 4 p.m. Hunting will be permitted rally between 7 a.m. and 3 p.m. To apply for the lottery, in terested hunters must complete a postcard with name, address, telephone number, Pa. Hunting License number, muzzleloader State stamp number, preferred hunting days, and mail to y* < Help keep hogs healthy and growing fast—at any stage. Introducing the Tylan® Team, the antibiotics with teamwork that pays at every phase. To control atrophic rhinitis, 1 or pneumonia, 2 or to boost weight gains and feed efficiency, there’s a member of the Tylan Team that can help —at any stage of a hog’s life. Tylan products have proven to be effective over many years of use, and continue to be effective today. Tylan® Sulfa-G" 1 is the only feed grade antibiotic approved to control both atrophic rhinitis l and deadly bacterial pneumonia 2 in a pig’s starter/grower phase. Tylan Sulfa-G also reduces Bordetella infections in sows and gilts, too, Wp.sy|*e Philadelphia Electric Co., Muddy Run Recreation Park, R.D.3, Box 730, Holtwood, Pa. 17532. These cards must be received no later than 4 p.m., Dec. 3. Hunters selected will be notified. Com and Pie Night will be ob served at the Nov. 26 meeting. Com classes will be for best single ear and best 10 ear exhibit. Pie classes will be pumpkin and a double crust fruit pie. 25 or 50 year members will be honored. Dec. 10 will be a Christmas party with $3.00 gift exchange. before they pass these dangerous organisms on to their litters. Tylan® Feed Medication boosts weight gains and feed efficiency in growing and finishing hogs. At 100 grams/ton, Tylan helps by maintaining weight gains and feed efficiency even in the presence of atrophic rhinitis. Tylan® 200 Injection is the active antibiotic that goes right to the Elanco Products Company A Division of Ell Lilly and Company 740 South Alabama Street Indianapolis, Indiana 46285 ELANCO lyianTeam tylosm Teamwork that pays at every phase. TYLAN, PAYS AT EVERY PHASE ■TARTS. OROWIR ilVton. looking at a $1.50 straight cut in the support price,” he said. “I would say these farmers came out of it pretty well, even though they weren’t in the program.” When asked what he and NEDCO feel will happen production-wise down the road, into spring, Mc- Namara said that the nation could be facing two opposite situations: “There could be a greater decline in production based on present trends. Dairy farmers income has been very depressed for the past three years, and loans have increased tremendously. I ilMpvpkß I MM don’t know at what point farmers can keep on fanning without a whole bunch of them going out of business all at once. If that hap pens, production will drop dramatically, and there will be no need for a diversion plan,” he said. “On the other hand, if, on April 1, the people who have participated in the program decide to go back into full production, and if there are as many heifers bred to freshen in the spring as everybody says there are, just the opposite could happen. “We could have increased production back to levels somewhere in the range we were before,” he said. McNamara added that it is just too soon to know, therefore dairymen should be prepared with some sort of program containing a continued incentive to ease production. Then if milk flow looks like it will increase, “we should offer this program on at least a six month basis,” he said. “Drastic cuts in supports are harsh remedies and unworkable in emergency situations. Over the long run a dairy specific formula to adjust support levels would be an acceptable and workable solutions.” infection site, such as lung tissue in the case of pneumonia. Use Tylan 50 Injection for baby pigs, and Tylan 200 Injection at any phase after that. Tylan® plus Vitamins Soluble helps control and treat swine dysentery (bloody scours) caused by sensitive pathogens. Get on the Tylan Team. For more information, talk to your veterinarian or feed man. They can recommend a Tylan Team program, and help give your hogs a winning performance. ’For lowering the incidence and severity of Bordetella bronchtseptica rhinitis ‘Caused by Pasteurella multoada and Corynebaclenum pyogenes Tylan* (tylosin, Elanco) /Wv Sulfa-G" (sulfamethazine elliptical pellets. Elanco) 'SBJS 1 SOMHQBTS ihtan.
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