\f. Cornell holds ITHACA, NY - Seed producers, dealers, processors, and other representatives of the seed in dustry in the Northeast gathered here for the 46th annual Cornell University Seed Conference this week. Held at the Conference Center of the Ithaca Sheraton Inn, the conference was sponsored jointly by the New York State College of Agriculture and Life Sciences at Cornell, the New York State Seed Association, the New York Seed Improvement Cooperative, and other industry groups. High on the agenda were new developments and trends affecting the seed industry and discussions of progress made in Cornell’s plant breeding programs, according to the conference chairman, William EASTON, Md. - Papillon Agricultural Products, Inc., of Easton, Md. has introduced an atmospheric ammonia monitor for poultry houses. The “Model 210” Sequential Ammonia Monitor has the builtin capacity to control four in dependent circuits, allowing the user to automatically control Baby pig hospital they are saving 80 percent to 90 percent of the baby pigs which would have died under ordinary conditions in the farrowing crates where the baby pigs were bom. After these “patients” returned to regular nurseries and growing pens, it was found that they attain WE NEED MILK! HASaL Come Grow VOP? 1 with Us YWSSHpy 860 Allentown Rd. Lansdale, Pa. 19446 (215) 855-0210 Membership Benefits Include: 20* - Quality Bonus 2* - Premium 70 % - Base for New Order 4 Members Patronage Dividends Blue Cross/Blue Shield Plans A oil ARANTEED MARKET oP* FOR ALL YOUR MILK Call Membership Manager Max O. Sumser At home - Pa. (717) 334-8900 or Call the Office Toll Free from Pa. from Md., Del., N.Y., N.J. (800) 322-9254 (800) 523-9336 seed conference D. Pardee, chairman of Cornell’s department of plant breeding and biometry. Among Cornell’s new crop varieties announced at the con ference were an exceptionally high-yielding wheat and two alfalfa varieties, one resistant to a fungal disease known as “Ver ticillium wilt” and the other resistant to anthracnose, an alfalfa stem malady. Both diseases have become increasing problems. The conference also featured a series of talks ranging from tissue culture in plant breeding and its implications for seed production to new services to be offered by the New York State Seed Testing Laboratory at Cornell’s New York State Agricultural Experiment Station at Geneva. Ammonia monitor listed ventilation fans and curtains to maintain a preselected ammonia level in the house. Fans can be operated either independently, or sequentially, Alarms, lights, and other electrical devices can also be activated at any ammonia level selected. The “Model 210” provides highly (Continued from Page D 6) the same sizes and weights as other pigs. Some of the Intensive Care Nursery operators have figured that these piglet life-saving units pay for themselves in as little as two years of operation on farms marketing as few as 5,000 hogs per year. WALLA WALLA, Wash. A new, small-sized spin spreader that covers as much ground as bigger, conventional applicators has been developed by Wimer Machine Works. Called the Little Big Rig SS-60 Spin Spreader, the unit has been designed to trail accurate ammonia detection from 0 to 100 ppm and comes with a direct-read meter mounted on the control panel. The sensor head is equipped with 156 feet of pretested shielded wire. Additional sensor head line extensions are available in 50,100, and 150 foot lengths. Dependability, accuracy, and flexability of use were the primary concerns during the last year of development and field testing. Confidence gained during this period has allowed the manufacturer to offer a one year full guarantee on all parts and labor, plus a 30 day unconditional satisfaction guarantee. Why Tie Up Your Money? USE THE GATES HYDRAULIC CRIMP MACHINE LEASE PROGRAM REDUCE DOWNTIME It used to be that when a hydraulic hose broke, you had to wait hours sometimes days to get a replacement. NOW THERE’S NO MORE WAITING! With a Gates crimper in your shop, you can make assemblies any time you need them. QUALITY The components you use are the same Gates uses in its factory. Every assembly you make is factory quality. The only difference? You made it instead of us. SAVE MONEY Don’t pay a premium for immediate replacement. No delivery charges, either. With a Gates crimper, you never have to pay extra to get an assembly right now. LEASE THE MACHINE THAT’S RIGHT FOR YOU Your Gates Distributor has a full line of crimpers at easily affordable lease prices to meet your assembly requirements. You can handle anything from 3/16” to 2” I.D. 6-spiral wire hydraulic hose. Lease For As Low As *65 Per Year! Ask Us About Trading In Your Old Machine FREE % PRICE Buy 3500 Ft. of Hose and Receive a Buy 2000 Ft. of Hose and Get a Gate Gates PC 707 Crimping Machine PC 707 at FREE! Limited Time HYDRAULIC & AIR SUPPLIES (717) 656-2846 Spin spreader is timely behind three and four wheel ATC’s and will cover up to 150 acres a day. Because of the Little Big Rig’s smaller size, it makes it possible to get into the fields earlier then with heavier, conventional rigs. This improved timeliness can mean increased yields and profits. The Little Big Rig features a ground-driven broadcaster with an adjustable swath up to forty feet and can be used for fertilizing, seeding and other broadcast ap plications. A manual on/off control and an adjustable pattern setting along > * * Little Big Rig Spin Spreader can cover up to 150 acres i day. BEILER HYDRAMATICS Box 587, RD 3 New Holland, PA 17557 with it’s smaller weight and j makes the Little Big Rig S Spreader a versatile piece equipment for use on farms and small, orchards, golf cour; parks, cemeteries, and more. Wimer Machine Works a manufacturers the Little Big I Sprayer, a small-sized spraj capable of covering up to 200 aci per day. For more information on tl Little Big Rig SS-60 Spin Spread or the Little Big Rig Spray* contact R&R Agri-Product P.0.80x 2115, Walla WaUa, fl 99362. The Gates Hydraulic Power Crimp Equip ment Guide will help you decide which Gates crimper will meet your needs. COMPLETE LEASING SERVICES When you lease from Gates, we will work with you to set up your equipment, determine your inventory requirements, train your shop personnel, and establish a quality control program. And we can keep your inventory requirements to a minimum because we stock the full line of Gates hydraulic hose and fittings. With us as your partner, you’ll be making your own top quality assemblies to your own specifications. ,* t**- , • raoi |EE l(?i i f PCSOOBj PC7O7 % £ y 2 PRICE! WHOLESALE - RETAIL t* f*f \ **** Wi i Lf PC6O3 UPS SERVICE
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