D4—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, November 17,1984 Equine 'heavy haulers' featured in NAILE show, sale ad pulling contest LOUISVILLE, Ky.-The giants of the horse world made an early appearance at the 1984 North American International Livestock Expo on Nov. 2, as they pulled massive weights for a-$5,000 purse. When the final pull-off was over, a team owned by Matthew Gilkison of Versailles, Ky. had won by pulling an' 8,000-pound sled a distance of 22’6”. For placing first among the 13 teams entered, Gilkison took home a trophy and check for $l,OOO. In second place was Gerald Drury of Harrodsburg, Ky. with a pullof 20’2”. The NAILE was also host to the North American Draft Horse Sale on Nov. 3. At $2700.00, Allegheny Mt. Farms Maggie, consigned by Allegheny Mt. Farms of Nettie, W. Va., was the top selling female. The horse’s new owner was C.L. Peters of Logansville, Ga. Bert Gilkerson of Harrodsburg, Ky., sold the high selling male. His horse, Stoney 40753, went to Washington, Ind., with new owner Marvin Mead. The sale’s 30 males and 38 females averaged $736.54 per head, for a total of $50,085. Long before farmers throughout the world knew of diesel engines and mammoth farm tractors, animals were used for work purposes. And among the most popular of man’s helpmates were the draft horses, weighing up to two tons. While the weights on the sled at the Draft Horse Pull seem im mense, the animals were visibly eager to take their turn at moving the sled. “They’re born and bred to pull and work,” said Harold Workman, manager of the North American International. “The Belgians are suited to pull, and trained to do so, just as Quarter Horses are known for their sudden bursts of speed, grace and barrel racing capabilities,” he added. A fancy team of Belgian draft horses moves across the parking lot at the North American International Livestock Expo in Louisville, Ky. There is great affection evident between the huge animals and their owners, a matter described by Bluegrass Horse Pulling Assoc, president, Bert Gilkison. “These big fellows like to pull and they’re easy to train...we’ve got big in vestments in them, and we’re careful to protect them during pulls.” Illustrating his concern for his animals, Gilkison permitted his young pair of Belgians to pull the sled only a little more than three feet. “They’re young,” he em phasized. “Just started them two weeks ago and I want to go easy until they’re used to pulling.” This was the first year for draft horse pulling, sponsored by the NAILE and the Bluegrass Horse Pulling Association. Results from the NAILE’s Draft Horse Show and listed below: DRAFT HORSE SHOW STALLIONS-FOALED in 1984 1 Lee Eller In 2 Don Schneckbth IA 3 Keller Acres OH STALLIONS-FOALED in 1983 . 1 Don Schneckbth IA 2 Bob Whisman In 3 Alice & Marc Robertson AL STALLIONS-FOALED in 1981 4 Before 1 Bert A GilKison Ky GRAND CHAMPION STALLION Don Schneckbth IA RESERVE STALLION Bob Whisman In MARES-FOALED IN 1984 1 Keller Acres OH 2 Bill Chapman & Myra Kibler TN MARES FOALED IN 1983 1 Bob Whisman IN 2 Bill Chapman & Myra Kibler TN 3 Don Schneckbth IA MARES FOALED IN 1982 1 Lee E ler IN 2 Bob Whisman IN 3 William Hines Ky MARES FOALED IN 19808 1981 1 Double M Belgians IA 2 Ed Sigmon NC 3 Keller Acres OH MARES FOALED IN 19794 BEFORE 1 Don Schneckloth IA 2 Don Schneckloth IA 3 Keller Acres OH GRAND CHAMPION MARE Double M Belgians IA RESERVE CHAMPION MARE Don Schneckloth IA MARE AND FOAL 1 Don Schneckloth IA 2 Keller Acres OH PRODUCE OF DAM 1 Don Schneckloth IA 2 Don Schneckloth LA 3 Adams Franklin Ky STALLION AND THREE MARES 1 Don Schneckloth IA 2 Bob Whisman In BEST THREE MARES 1 Don Schneckloth Davenport IA 2 Bob Whisman Cicero IN GET OF SIRE 1 Bob Whitman IN 2 Don Srhneckloth IA 3 Adams Franklin Ky STALLIONS FOALED IN 1984 Bill Clark Covington OH STALLION FOALED IN 1983 Matt Montgomery Ky Matt Montgomery Ky STALLIONS FOALED IN 1982 I Elizabeth Beil Ky PERCHERONS GRAND CHAMPION Elizabeth Bell Ky PERCHERONS RESERVE CHAMPION Matt Montgomery Ky GELDINGS FOALED IN 1981 & YOUNGER 1 Ted T J Miller IL 2 Rod Derrer IL GELDINGS FOALED IN 1980 & BEFORE 1 Miller Container Corp IL 2 Sparrow Hilgendorf CO 3 Sparrow Hilgendorf CO GRAND CHAMPION GELDING Miller Container Corp IL RESERVE CHAMPION GELDING Sparrow Hilgendorf CO m PEOPLE’S SALES I SERVICE Oakland Mills, PA 717-463-2735 A. L HERR & BRO. Quarryville, PA 717-786-3521 CLAIR J. MYERS Lake Road R 1 Thomasville. PA 717-259-0453 ARNETTS GARAGE Rt 9 Box 125 Hagerstown, MD 301-733-0515 HE. SMELTZER EQUIPMENT CO. RD 2, Box 2 Centre Hall, PA 814-364-1419 Free gift if you buy now! Buy a new Mix-All now and select a free gift from Gehl Panasonic Microwave Oven GE 13” Color TV Total Gym exercise system by West Bend. Plus you can delay final payment until Feb. 1, 1985 if you qualify. But don’t wait. This is a limited time offer. See us for details. GEHL Skid Steer Loaders Have Interest Free Waiver Until Hay and Forage Equipment Have Interest Free Waiver Until Mav 1. 1985 Ask Your Dealer About Rebates Instead Of Delayed Payment Walter Sale about half oats, using natural protein, corn and hay. Calves should be turned out for plenty of fresh air and exercise, and a policy of “the earlier the better” applies to practice on showring walking and walks for proper muscling. Although their children are now 4-H graduates, the family still exhibits in the open classes at area beef shows. Earlier this month, they won the reserve open carcass class at the Keystone International Livestock Exposition with a cross of Hereford, Chianina lines. Sunmentals have also caught the Walter’s interest, and their nurebred heifer took the York Fair February 1. 1985 J I. M MACHINERY LEBANON VALLEY Green* burg, PA IMPLEMENT CO., INC. 412-668-2276 Richland. PA 717-866-7518 BENNETT MACHINE CO. 1601 S. Dupont Blvd. Milford, DE 302-422-4837 NICHOLS FARM EQUIPMENT Bloomsburg, PA 717-784-7731 ECKROTH NOS. ftTERMAHJARM STOUFFER BROS. INC. FARM EQUIPMENT EQUIPMENT, MC. Ch* mb# rebuff, PA RT 2 Box 24A 225 717-2634424 Now RmffoU, PA C«rh»N.PA 717-943-2131 717-249-5338 6EO.W. KINSMAN, INC. 516 Main Street Honeadale, PA 717-253-3440 (Continued from Page D 2) calf championship in September Prior to the purchase of their farm on the highlands of the west bank of the Susquehanna Walter operated an excavating business based in southern Lancaster County. A native of that area, Walter was a noted rodeo roper for a number of years, and in the 1960’s held the roping cham pionship at Cowtown, New Jersey. Although still known to toss a lariat on a rare occasion, Walters now spends his spare time roun ding up select animals for the home cow-calf herd and the sale that is fast becoming a southern Pennsylvania tradition among the beef industry. DAYTON EQUIPMENT COMPANY Dayton, PA 412-783-6990 UMBERGER’S OF FONTANA Rt 4 Lebanon, PA (Fontana) 717-867-5161 MILLER EQUIPMENT ms EQUIP, * NT on Cresson, PA 814-886-4183 RDI Bechtelsville, PA 215-845-2911 ELDER SALES & SERVICE, INC. RT 1 Box 619 Stoneboro, PA 412 376-3390 412-376-3740 BINKLEY I HURST BROS. 133 Rothsville Station Road Lititz. PA 717-626-4705 Bellwood 814-742-8171
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