Master Mix jVf-^ "I'd call this a major scientific discovery for dairy feeding." When you can reduce protein in the milking ration by 15 to 20 percent while maintaining milk production, that’s efficiency! And that’s exactly what new ProTekTM feeding is all about*. 1 This new technology of protein treatment can greatly improve protein utilization by dairy cows. And do it consistently. That’s because ProTek is a unique new process rather than just another reformulation of protein sources. It’s an exclusive process developed by Central Soya Research. Patent is pending. Poofcl^' The new technology in protein efficiency. OELMARVA FARMS Pocomoke City, MD 21851 (301)957-3212 'ANGLER & SPRENKLE INC. York, PA 17404 (717)843-8889 RYICE FEED & SUPPLY CO. Cardiff, Maryland 21024 (301)452-8444 " \ \ AS <<• i* y. f YOUR MASTER MIX DEALERS MAUGANSVILLE ELEVATOR & LUMBER Maugansville, MD 21767 (301) 739-4220 HOLLINGER FARMS HOME SUPPLY LEROY M. SEMSENR INC. ROSS H. ROHRER & SONS, UK. Lititz, PA 17543 Ephrata, PA 17522 Quarryville. PA 17566 (717)626-2330 (717)733-8668 (717)786-3372 rOOJCr The new technology in protein efficiency. «. „ -A PAT PENDING r Tfsiui „ ' /- "V J Contact us now and find out more about this exciting new breakthrough in protein ef ficiency. ABBOTTSTOWN GRAIN & FEED Abbottstown, PA 17301 (717)259-0609 Master Mix More to Gain" SNIDER'S ELEVATOR Williamson, PA 17270 (717)369-3758 OELMARVA MILLS Pocomoke City, MD 21851 (301)957-3212 CENTRAL SOYA
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