—* Coal Boiler Stoker, 4500 i f, or . ? al< 1 f OO ushel SIIQ c ,ft of 11/*I 1 /* inch pipe Ideal I JJondge Bat( ; h P r *?[; MC 800 Corn dryer BV Mt, n for greenhouse or shop. Chevy dump truck, 14 w/loadmg auger power 42 - 8 " m, Efl , Lane Co. 717-354-0316 Midwest with cattle take off driven, LP gas, ■■ UNLOADERS 'i ~ * rack ’ 26 000 Si-oss, $l5OO. 215-933-2223. For Sale; 40x100 barn. 215-944-0535 Ph M i.r r» o,,er 71 - best offer Slate roofing. - Lane 717-354-0316. GRAIN DRYING S STORAGE O P ' ing bids for the removal of _ .... I I «34 xs2’frame barn from Prompt Unloading I 12 1 jft|TT3p| We Buy And Sell " T uesday. |h (717)656-8593 IV9 PHONE: (717) 776-3129 “* ™ Loc: Vt Mile North of Bird-In-Hand 19 on Beechdale Rd. s & s silo REP air WE DO * Most Any Kind of Stave Silo Work * Tear Down & Rebuild Stave Silos * Replastering * New & Used Extensions * New & Used Roofs & Chutes * Unloaders * Wooden Calf Hutches * Fiberglas Feed & Silage Carts * Install Silage Distributors & Fill Pipes * Repair Level Flo Silage Distributors * Silo Doors - Most Any Kind We Buy Some Stave Silos SHOTCRETE RELINING Stronger Than Plaster Seal & Strengthen Your Silo With Shot Crete 5 Year Unlimited Guarantee All Silo Work Done From The End Of October Until The End Of May Will Be Done At A Reduced Cost. We Cover A Wide Area R.D. 2, Box 91, Honey Brook, PA 19344 Answering Service 717-768-3052 ~~~~~215-273-3993~~*~~~< amruMW AND supplies BARN BOARDS-90 pie ces, I"xl2”xl0-16' long, 50 cent bord foot or best offer. Sandstone 90 pie ces, length 12” • 69”, heighthB” -12”, widths’ 1 -18”. Priced to sell. Plus other building materials. Call 717-626-4771. Roy Stauffer. Hand Cut Wallstone, veneer, coping, treads, sills - tile, mantels, patio, irregular. Quality Stone. , Dealers Inquire Elizabethtown, PA 21x50 Herd King HMC Unit Ladic unloader used 4 seasons, went to Ag Bag system. 703-434-4298. For Sale - Hemlock and Hard wood lumber, trailer load lots. We will deliver. 717-494-0550. Heavy duty custom storm windows, doors and porch enclosures. Locally manufactured. Free estimate. Call 717-394- 5060. irburaer ‘otter Coi nf NE Mountville Baptist Church in Mountville, PA is solicit ing bids for the removal of a 34’x52' frame barn from a property at 3968 Col umbia Ave., Mountville, PA 17554. Bidders are invited to inspect the premises and to receive further details by contact ing Pastor Lamar Cram mer at 717-285-7500 or 285-7333. Bids will be received until Tuesday. November 27,1984, at 12 Noon eastern standard time. Offerer retains the right to accept or reject any or all bids. or Ised lumber for sale, 4x4's $2 a piece. As long as 24' long 215-542-7980. 215-646-9057. 35 New 22' Trusses, $lB each delilvered. 717-534-1253. 840,000 BTU gas fired boiler with controls, traps and valves. To be re moved. Best offer over $25. 717-626-2145 Ext. 248 Ask for Fred. QRMIN EQUIPMENT For Sale - California pellet mill, Rough!nger model, capacity 9 ton per hour. food condition, 17-865-6611. Grain Bin, 21' x 7' ring w/aeration fan. must be disassembled; Gas fired grain dryer, 250 bushel, combination flow, PTO driven. This equipment must be sold, all reasonable offers will be considered. Call evenings 609-737-2180. FOR SALE: GRAIN DRYER. American brand. Fully automatic. 1400 bu./day capacity. 72 bu./batch, $2900. (717) 589-3826 after 4:00. Ask for Rosemary. FOR SALE FARM FAN AB 8 Grain Dryer Used 2 Years, Excellent Condition FORMAN'S GRAIN A FERTILIZER Beaver Run Road, R.D. 1, Box 78 Turbotville, PA 17772 717-649-5579 The WHEN YOU WON'T SETTLE FOR LESS THAN THE BEST Kernels crat. _ or maximum digestibility. High quality course feed provides increased bulk, allowing animals to eat more ration and better utilize the total digestible nutrients (T.D.N.) of the grains and avoid flash heat. Feeders who change to tex turized feeds get better results. Beef cattle have a higher average daily gain. Dairymen report higher grain intake and 1 to 4 point increase in butterfat tests. Texturized ear com gives you more profit per acre over shelled com. IWliinobtU Inc. “o" LE SALES • PARTS • SERVICE 727 Furnace Hills Pike Lititz PA 17543 STATIONARY (717)626-2680 Grain Bins, M-C Dryers, Augers, & Electric Motors. Early Order Specials on Poly Tanks 1100 gal. *505 1300 gal. *565 1600 gal. *655 4000 gal. *1,725 Above Prices Do Not Include Freight. Mini Bulk Chemical Tanks, Pumps, Meters Also Available Thomas Bachman & Sons 2501 Fatlston Rd. Failston, MD 21047 301-557-7529 836-6877 EXTUREATO Pat. Pending Lancaster Farming, Saturday, November 17,1984—C37 layreth transport iger. $750 or best 7-529-2512. OR SALE Farmfan AB Batch grain >r w/bins and augers. -273-5231 DAIRY EQUIPMENT For Sale; Patz gutter cleaner, four years old, counter clockwise rota tion; NH 518 spreader; Bender dump station; three Delaval bucket milk ers 40, 50 and 60 lbs.; Delaval 75 2 HP vacuum pump controller and 50 stoll cocks. 814-239- 5 4 3 4, Blair County. Girton D-l 600 gal. milk tank, 3HP compressor, 3 yr. old. Centre Co 814-349-5885. Klenzade automatic tank washer, like new. 301-692-2055. Weaverline electric feed cart, 30 bushel, in good running condition. $l,OOO. 301-733-7281. 27 Jamesway free stalls, 91 Surge free stalls, all like new. 1 Universal double 8 Herringbone parlor with electric feed ers and controls with Boumatic automatic milk ing units. 1 loading ramp, portable, for dairy anim als. Call 215-827-7687. Energy Free DRINKERS For Cattle, Hogs, Calves, Sheep Highcroffs fiberglass drinkers are specially insulated, require no electricity or heat to pre vent freezing. Hold ground water temperature summer and winter Rugged, uncomplicated design for long service Easily connected to present water line NOW... Six Models Write or Call for Details Knutson Brothers 130 Knutsen Lane Rising Sun, MD 21911 (301)698-6325 DISCOUNT LIQUID MANURE EQUIPMENT FOR SALE OR LEASE New Calumet 8 Ft. Pit Pump w/Full Hydraulic Control *2,995 New Calumet 4 Shank Injectors Complete w/Pump To Fit 3250 Tank *1,495 Demo. Houle Agitator Lagoon Pump Reg. $8,995 *7,495 Wic 2700 Gal. Spreaders *5,500 Wic 4875 Gal. Spreader *10,519 (Injectors are available if desired) Martin 3300 Gal. V Model Liquid Spreader *3.495 2200 Gal. Truck-Mounted Spreader MAKE OFFER Martin Equalizer Excellent Cond *3,500 Hedlund Martin 28 Ft. Dual Intake Lagoon Pump, Ex. Condition *2,995 Harvestore 8 Ft. Pit Pump For Hog Manure MAKE OFFER For More Information Call 3052 Barren Rd., Oxford, PA 19363 (301) 398-2948 Toll Free (800) 222-2948 DEALER INQUIRIES INVITED Bender milk transfer system, new 75' hose, dryer, strainer, box hooks, $400.00. J.G. Leiby. RD 2, Hamburg, Pa. Call 215-562-7151. FOR SALE-Computer Fee der made by Selective Feeder Company. Two head boxes and 40 iden tification tags. Will handle up to 8 headboxes. Asking $5,000. 717-597-4224. FOR SALE:BOO gal. mil keeper bulk tank with 5 h.p. compressor (exec, cond.) and DeLaval pi peline with glass for double 6 herringbone par lor with 4 OHIA approved weigh jars. Call 717-524-5899 or 524-2580. For Sale: DeLaval 1 78 Vacuum pump, 5 hp. 6 DeLaval PV 300 pipeline units. 25 DeLaval pet cocks. Chester County, (215)932-5423. For Sale -Outside calf hut ches w/metal roofs & feeders. StoKzfus Wood work. RO2 Gap. PA 17527 along 897.717-442-8972 New 2000 Gallon Bulk Milk tank w/2-5 HP com pressors, $9500, 800-558-0112. Save Money 48x72 rubber mat, $29.95, 301-885-5045. For Sale - DeLaval ration master feeders. 6 sta tions, 150 transponders. Supply auger. 12 ton feed tank. Used 15 months. Reason for selling - Expan sion. 1 year NEW factory guarantee. Phone 304-725-2465 or 725-5183. Somatic stainless steel pipeline milking system. 4 units and 4 Little -Champ detachers. Frederick Co. 301-371-9105 after 8 PM.
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