A3B—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, October 13,1984 (Continued from Page Al 9) Transmission of Johne’s occurs Hannon from the Animal Disease primarily through the ingestion of Laboratory at Penn State, another manure from infected animals. member of the Johnes’ research The key is to remove infected team, has drawn up some animals from the herd, and keep management guidelines for con manure away from the calves, the trolling the spread of the disease, most susceptible animals. Washing the dam’s udder prior What this means for dairymen is to calving and providing a management changes. Dr. Sharon separate calving area for each calf Bill priority HARRISBURG - State Grange bean fl B htln f * or poetry growcra Master Charles Wismer an- who contracted with the bankrupt nounced the Grange’s legislative plant f “ Nor ' pnorities in the lame duck session thumberland, Pa. About 90 con of the State Legislature from Nov. tract Poultry growers never 19 to November 30. received u P to 16 weeks payment Topping the list, Wismer said, is a ter tbe company declared a bill requiring poultry and egg bankruptcy last year. Farmers producers to be paid for live aso have to bear housing feed and poultry and eggs within 21 days of utility costs to raise the chicks and delivery to the buyer or processor, depend on their pay checks to H.B. 2035, introduced by Rep. John Co Yfr these eicpenses. Broujos (D-Adams) earlier in the otber P^ lont y legislation sought year, must be approved by the by the Grange includes a bill Senate Agriculture Committee as profiting foreign investors in well as the full Senate before the agriculture from obtaining low cpccinn pnHs interest Pennsylvania Industrial Under the bill, a farmer could Development Authority (PIDA) add interest onto the late payment ™ th stat * after 21 days and put a first agricultural industry, and a bill priority hen on any company owned birds still in his possession. (Contract poultry farmers raise the chicks to maturity for a fee, but the birds are actually owned by the processor.) Under the legislation, farmers can sell the birds after meeting certain stipulations in the bill The poultry bill has been a priority project for the Grange. The rural farm organization has * SHORT NOTICE- * * MACHINERY J J SALE J t MOH.-OCTOBER 15th. 1984 1 J 10:00 J. PENNS VALLEY LIVESTOCK AUCTION U, T CENTRE HALL, PA. J (Rt. 45 & 144) T I SALE ITEMS I T 1974 International 1206 Tractor with 150 hrs, J with good 24”x38 tires, wide front end, 3 pt. T Jhitch (Good Condition) ***l972 Ford 4000 Jr Tractor, with Diesel Engine, 1000 hrs, 3 pt. J J^- hitch, wide front end (Like New) ***New Jr jL Holland Lime Spreader***lsoo gallon Badger )f - (Good Condition)***l2’ Drag THarrow***l6 Hoe International Grain jA, T Dnll***lnternational Hay Crusher***Chpper T J Seed Cleaner***l4 in. x 16 ft. Portable Grain T Jr Auger***? ft. National Scraper Blade. J * JOHN DEERE J JD Model 50 Tractor (Excellent Con-T dition)***JD Model 60 Tractor (Good Con- J jf-dition)***JD Model B Tractor (Good Con- Model 245 Semi-mount 7 bottom )4.plow***JD #5 Mower***JD Wheel Weights***JDJf yt. Spike Harrow***JD 13 Single Disk Drill***JD 9 ft. ji. TlDrag Disk***JD F 145 5-Bottom Plow***Wagon J Load of JD Parts. ± J Atss J : New Holland 975 Self-propelled Combine u. J w/gram head and cab***New Holland 495 12 ft. T *Pull type windrawer***7o2o Hesston Pull J if' Harvester w/2 row 30 in. and pickup sharpener***AC 60 Combine***Ford jA. Corn Picker***N.l. No. 7 Com i w/Cora Sides***N.H. Drag Elevator***(2) 6-i Tlon Wagon Running Gears (New)***4 Section THarrow***lnt. 13 Disk Drill***lnt.T J Mower***Hammermill Belt***N.H. pt. No-Till Drill w/grass seed box. J SALE ORDER: Wagon Load of J.D. Parts Machinery 11:00 A.M. 7^ TERMS: CASH/CHECK jf jA Not Responsible In Case Of Accident )A J Ron Gilligan #AU 000339-L TmORE INFORMATION: Scott L. Yocum (814) jA Ofii HAOfi a*, / filih 9Ai.1701! Johne’s set by Grange is a first step. Removing the calf from the cow immediately after calving and washing the cow’s udder again before drawing the colostrum is another. And colostrum should not be pooled because that allows one con taminated sample to infect all the calves. Separate housing for calves is especially important. Calves must be kept away from the manure of adult animals, whether it’s along fences, on the boots of the dairyman, or in the bedding. That’s how the paratuberculosis providing protection to rural landowners who lease property for oil and gas drilling. The foreign investment bill, a house bill, is currently in the Senate Ap propriations Committee and has a good chance at passage, according to Wismer. The oil and gas bill, S.B. 402, is in a House-Senate conference committee where the Grange will push for the com mittee to retain a section requiring a well operator to restore any water supply that may be diminished or contaminated. The strongest opponent of all of these ’'ilia is the clock, Wismer said, as legislators are faced with many bills and only an estimated six days in which to act. Affiliated Auctioneers AUCTIONEERS AND APPRAISERS 3330 S. 20th St., Phila., PA (215) 336-8803 New Jersey Office: 501 Cooper St., Camden, N. J PA Lie. No.; AU-000064-L ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ ADVANCE NOTICE TRUSTEE’S SALE IN BANKRUPTCY Re: Roger R. England No.: 83-04054 G" and Frances H. England AUCTIONS; TUES., OCT. 30,1984 at 11 A M. REAL ESTATE 356+ Acre Dairy Farm 45 Holstein Cows. Farm Machinery & Equipment on the premises of 7200 Scroggy Rd , Lower Oxford Township Oxford. PA LEOF DOYLE, Esq. EDWARD J. DiOONATO, Esq Trustee Attorney for Trustee Bob Peifer “It’s the best way to feed cows in a free stall barn. It saves labor and gets the right feed to the right cows. It alerts us to individual cow performances in time to prevent serious health problems. Getting more milk for the same amount of feed will give us a return on our investment in less than 2 years.” Learn What W&J Dairy Sales Can Do For You DON'T DELAY - CALL TODAY organism is transmitted. Calves should be pastured in areas uncontaminated from the manure of adults. And con tamination of feed and water should be avoided as well by using separate waterers for calves and adults. All those suggestions are steps to protect calves from exposure to infected manure, but the other important step in eliminating Johne’s is to cull infected adults. The guidelines and management suggestions for handling Johne’s are quite detailed. If you’ve had Cut Energy Costs 75%—Uses the drying power of fan forced air. No gas to buy. And the only electricity used powers the computer con trolled fan system. Reduced Shrinkage—Shrink loss is cut up to 50% through natural moisture removal without high temperature heat. Better Grain Quality—With no high temperature heat to crack and damage grain, more starch, sugar, valuable nutrients and profit are retained. It’s All in the Computer—The AeroDry Computer automatically monitors dry down day and night—then holds optimum storage conditions to keep gram in top condition. Farm proven from the Midwest to the East Coast, the AeroDiy System can improve your gram drying operation. Call or mail the coupon for more information and where to see Bob & Dwayne Peifer Pei-Valley Farm Quarryville, Pa. Tell what their W&J Dairy Sales Computerized Feeding Management System does for them Johne’s diagnosed in your hen suspect you have carriers, should be working with y veterinarian. You must take whatever propriate steps you can now. March or April when the rese chers have some answers fr their three-year project to plaguing questions about economic consequences of Johm they will be anxious to share th results with dairymen. As : Whitlock said, this is all be undertaken for the benefit of dairy industry. Slash dryin costs as mud as 75% with the AeroDry System Jr C Dwayne Peifer •d,
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