WAIVER OF INTEREST IS NOW AVAILABLE ON ALL HAY TOOLS TIL JULY 1,1985 847 MODELS ■ CHOOSE YOUW BALER FROM THE LEADER If You’re Going To Be Baling Fodder This Fall You'll Want To Have A Baler That's Right For The Job - A Sperry New Holland Square or Round Baler. These Balers Are Designed To Get The Job Done Fast And Easy In Those Tough Baling Conditions. But These Balers Will Work Equally Weil In Hay, Straw. Our Round Balers Are Unmatched In making Silage Bales. If You Want Dense, Weil Shaped Bales You Want A Sperry New Holland Baler. We've Got More Ways To Help You Bale Right Than Anyone Else In The Business. Choose From The Leader - Choose Sperry New Holland. CHOOSE YOUR BALER - CHOOSE YOUR FINANCE PLAN WAIVER 849 20 LOW INTEREST 4.9% FOR 12 MONTHS 7.9% FOR 18 MONTHS 9.9% FOR 24 MONTHS 11.9% FOR 36 MONTHS SPERRY NEW HOLLAND ROUND BALERS - THE TRADITION CONTINUES Sperry New Holland’s fast becoming a legend in the round baler business just like we did with square balers. We’ve got unique design features like the exclusive roll floors that make our units second to none. Easy core formation and solid, dense well shaped bales produced by these machines give us our reputation. Take your choice from our four models. - SPERRY NEW HOLLAND BALERS - THE "NEW OLD RELIABLES." For over forty years Sperry New Holland balers have been known as the “Old Reliables.” They work long and hard making solid square bales and rarely miss a tie. Well now there are some New “Old Reliables.” These Machines Are Designed To Be Even More Rugged And Reliable. We’ve got three 14x18 models from which to choose so that you can match your capacity needs. Ask for a demonstration today. Lancaster Farming, Saturday, October 6,1984—8: MODEL 311 CASH URGE DISCOUNTS ARE AVAIUBLE TO THOSE PAYING CASH OR USING IMMEDIATE INTEREST BEARING CONTRACTS 858 855 MODELS 11'
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