Shelly Novak tops dairy goat show nty, is pictured with judge Dave Funk, who is congratulating her on receiving the top honor of the show. Novak won the grand champion overall with her Saanen doe. COMPARE FORD i. ***' FAIR DAYS Visii LANCASTER FORD TRACTOR, INC. r #Bs* T A LOW PRICE IS SOON FORGOTTEN GOOD SERVICE IS NEVER FORGOTTEN Foiti Tractor Exhibit At The Last Fair Of The Season • MANHEIMFAIR October 8 thru 12 INDIANA A warm, humid, mid-September day was the set ting for the Fifth Annual Penn sylvania 4-H Dairy Goat Show. At the Indiana County Fairgrounds 70 goats were exhibited to judge David Funk of Norwich, New York. Funk began the day by carefully choosing the top junior, in termediate, and senior champion fitters and showmen of the day. At the end of the competition Shelly Novak, daughter of Carl and Patsy Novak, Rl, Blairsville, stood at the top with both champion overall showing and fitting awards. Dave Duchess, R 4 Washington, received both reserve grand champion overall fitting and showing awards. Judge Funk, a member of the American Dairy Goat Association, has been a breeder for the past 18 years, began the type judging with the French Alpine breed. Bonnie Shields, Indiana County, was selected the champion doe of the breed, while Gwenn Cribbs was awarded the best udder title in the Alpine competition. Brenda Shirley, Westmoreland County, received the grand champion LaMancha title and Ed Sellers, Huntington County, received the best udder in this breed. V, V S' r * n. X, V <...; - f-V ?* s #; * ■ s. * Ford Tractor offers 10w9%% FIXED ANNUAL PERCENTAGE RATE financing for up to 60 months STOP IN SOON FOR DETAILS ON THESE LIMITED-TIME OFFERS ■> * OR Choose Waiver of Finance till March 1, 1985 fißCaih Savings Up To *5OOO 1655 Rohrerstown Road Lancaster, PA Flory Mill Exit off Rt. 283 (717) 569-7063 . was _ . owner «. best udder of the show at the Fifth Annual Western Penn sylvania 4-H Dairy Goat Show. Pictured with Dave is Dave Funk, judge of the event. ✓ < t Jr ** * * icaster Farming, Saturday, October 6,1984—815 A Bedford County 4-H member was the top award winner in the Nubian competition. Andy Det wiler won both grand champion and best udder titles of day’s show. The Saanen breed was dominated by Shelly Novak, who walked away with the two top awards in the annual show. Besides receiving both grand champion and best udder Saanen awards, she also exhibited the reserve grand champion goat of the breed. In the Toggenburg competition Dave Duchess stood at the top with the grand champion and best udder of the show. Ed Sellers was the winner in the recorded grade classes. Sellers exhibited both grand champion and best udder doe in her class. After all the champions were selected and judge Funk had selected the best udder does in each breed he picked the overall champion doe and the best uddered doe of the show. Shelly Novak was received the ultimate champion award. Dave Duchess stood alone as the top winner of the udder competition. Following are the top three placings in the French Alpine classes; Senior Doe Kid 1 Bonnie Shields Indiana Co 2 Louis Reash Crawford Co 3 GwennCnbbs Westmoreland Co Senior Yearling (not m milk) 1 Brenda Shirley Westmoreland Co 2 Lisa Bash Indiana Co Junior Champion Doe Brenda Shirley Westmoreland co Reserve Junior Champion Doe Bonnie Shields Indiana Co Yearling Milkers 1 Gwenn Cnbbs Westmoreland Co 2 Kim berlyKopp Butler Co Milking Does 2 and under 3 1 Rick Wilmer Lawrence Co 2 Gwenn Cnbbs Westmoreland Co Milking Does 3 and under 5 1 Brenda Shirley Westmoreland Co Milking Does 5 years and over 1 Bonnie Shields Indiana Co Senior Champion Bonnie Shields Indiana Co Reserve Senior Champion Gwenn Cnbbs Westmoreland Co Grand Champion French Alpine Bonnie Shields Indiana Co Reserve Grand Champion French Alpine Gwenn Cnbbs Westmoreland Co Best Udder Gwenn Cnbbs Indiana Co Dam Daughter 1 Bonnie Shields 2 Gwenn Cnbbs 3 Brenda Shirley Produce of Dam 1 Gwenn Cnbbs LaMancha Results Junior Doe Kid 1 Edward Sellers Huntington Co Senior Doe Kid I Edward Sellers Huntington Co Senior Yearling (not in milk) 1 Shelly Novak Indiana Co 2 Edward Sellers Huntington Co 3 Cindy Hull Westmoreland Co Junior Champion Doe Shelly Novak Indiana Co Reserve Junior Champion Doe Edward Sellers Huntington Co (Turn to Page BIS)
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