£24—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, October 6,1984 Public Auction Register Closing Date Monday 5 00 P M of each week s publication FRIDAY OCTOBER 12 - 1 30 PM Public Auction of State Grade Consignor Feeder Pig Sale Located at the Carlisle Livestock Market, Inc FRIDAY OCTOBER 12 5 30 PM Gap Auction An tiques and Household Goods sold at every auc tion Located off Rt 41', Lancaster Turkey Hill Mmit Market, cross RR bridge, Ira Stoltzfus & Son, Auctioneers FRIDAY OCTOBER 12 SATURDAY OCTOBER 13 Public Auction of Glassware plus the balance of Country Store Located in Intercourse, PA along Rt 340, east of VALUABLE REAL ESTATE, ANTIQUE, HOUSEHOLD GOODS, GUN SATURDAY, OCTOBER 13,1984 Time: 9:30 A.M. Sharp Due to Mrs. Fairie Miller going to retirement home will have public sale at 204 Front St. Lewisberry, Pa. Coming from York on 1-83, use Exit 13 go west on Rt. 382 approx. 4 miles to blinking light, turn right, go one block, turn right to sale. From Harrisburg on 1-83 to Exit 15, come south on Rt. 177 approx. 3 miles to Front St. in Lewisberry, Pa. Signs Posted. Offer Real Estate (At 1:00 P.M.) Plot of ground 60 foot frontage along Front St. going to depth of 208 feet to rear alley. There on erected a 2M; story house with asbestus siding, metal roof in good state of repairs. 3 bedrooms upstairs, living room & kitchen on first floor. Built in back porch, cement front porch, Drilled well, full basement, shade trees in front with side walks. 2 car garage in rear & other out side building. Looking for a community home plan to attend this sale. Terms of Real Estate 10% down day of sale balance in 30 days, or im mediately possession with full settlement day of sale. Other condition day of sale. ANTIQUES-HOUSEHOLD GOODS-DISHES-GUN 3 Pc. Oak bedroom suit with wash stand, 3 drawer dresser, with mirror, 4Mi foot high bed carved design (nice shape); Oak paneled double bed; Oak bow front dresser with mirror; Oak wash stand (nice); Oak buffet with mirror; Walnut square marble top table; Dovetail blanket chest (nice); small camel back trunk; Sellers oak kitchen cabinet, with stain glass doors on top (nice original shape); 2 oak high back cane chairs with matching rocker; old child high chair (original); solid bottom rocking chair; oak solid bottom rocker, carved (nice shape); 2 matching plank bottom chairs; plus odd plank bottom chairs; oak case treadle sewing machine; 2 oak hat racks; oak commode chair; oak towel rack; oak 3 drawer dresser with i mirror; oak desk & china closet combination; Walnut piano stool with ball & <claw feet; cherry drop leaf table with drawer; Motorola black & white T.V.; sofa bed; International refrigerator; Maytag wringer washer; Walnut 5 leg drop leaf table; corner cupboard top & solid end jelly cup board (ruff shape); Wincroft 4 burner gas stove; New Perfection 3 burner stove; New Perfection oil heater; mid size heat rola; Duotherm oil heater; Koleman heater; oak collapsible book Shelves; bed side stand; copper wash boiler; snitz dryer; old table model radio; old shaving mirror; small wooden handle sad iron plus other sad irons; Bonners raisen box; Granite angle food mold, lunch bucket plus other blue & white granite ware; mush paddle; 2 gal. crock plus other crocks; old ice cream dipper; several weaved & reed market baskets; pink depression candy dish with grape pattern; pink depression candle holders; green depression water pitcher plus other depression dishes; Japan metal salt & pepper set; frosted green salt & pepper set with holder; press & pattern glass; North wood orange carnival mug; Harry Hertzler, Carlisle, Pa. glass top bottle; 6 salt dips; barn burner tin match box; small jardinier; hand painted Nippon dish; glass basket; milk glass with owl designed; milk glass chicken; milk glass mug with horse head on side plus other milk glass; 1886 death certificate with velvet frame & gold letters; 1889 marriage license; Lewisberry coffee mill sign S& B No. 4 dovet ail Pat. 1881; Real nice buggy robe floral design; velvet hand warmer; 5 comforts; 5 old patch quilts (nice); lot of old fabric & patches for quilts; linens, dollies, sheets, pillow cases; lace table cloth; Adv. flour bag; 2 Rainbow carpet runners; other carpet rugs; oak frame wall mirror; lots costume jewelry; sterlmg silver peacock brooch; Patten Ironstone pitcher & bowl set; 5 Pc. decorated pitcher & bowl set; Germany porcelain figurene; dish with 3 feet: wooden cloth dryer; Powell Bishop ironstone meat platter; Z. S. & Co. Bavaria plates; New Habsburg Austria saucers; 6 R.S. Germany saucers; old brass tuba; W.W.I helmet, chin guards & pistol holder; black leather cycle coat; Sentry safe (0.K.); earthware pottery; Palmelto model 2-12 ga. shot gun (nice shape); old Olympic wooden express wagon; shovel plow; wooden benches; plus hundreds of items to numerous to mentions. Auctioneer Note: This is one of the older residents & real estate in Lewisberry. Everything in nice to A-l shape. Plan to attend this sale. Sale Order: Small items, dishes, quilts at 12 noon, real estate at 1:00 P.M. follow by furniture. Terms of Sale; Cash or good checks Not responsible for accidents Trustee: DELBERT W. ZINN Attorney: ROBERT MYERS Little IKE Eichelberger Professional Auctioneer Phone Lewisberry 717-938-6322 Complete Auctioneering Service Now booking spring sales Pa. Lie. #AU-001954-L Stoner & Griffith Clerks Refreshments: Friends of Annie E. Serline Libiary Lancaster, PA R G Worst, Owner Ronald D Funk, Auctioneers FRIDAY OCTOBER 12 - 7 PM Public State Graded Feeder Cattle Sale Located at Keister's Mid dleburg Auction Sales, Inc , Rt 522, 3 miles East of Middleburg, PA, 5 miles west of Selmsgrove, PA Don & Walt Keister, Owners Ray Long & Dave Imes, Auctioneers FRIDAY OCTOBER 12 - 7 30 PM Public Auction of a Special Yearling Sale Located 4 miles east of Washington, PA on Rt 136, Exit 8 off 1-70 Eighty-Four Auction Sales, Inc , Auctioneers PUBLIC SALE FRIDAY OCTOBER 12 2 PM Public Auction of Valuable Real Estate Located along Groffdale Church Rd, IV? miles north of Rt 23, turn off of Rt 23 on Farmersville Rd , first place on right after passing the Groff dale Frame Mennomte Church, West Earl Twp , Lancaster Co, PA Am mon F Jr i Rachel B Stoltzfoos, Owner Robert E & Jeffrey R Martin & Frank L Steller, AUc tioneers FRI , OCT 12 - 7 PM 40 head Holstein Dairy cows (Selling at Klmg's JSale Barn, Located on PJrRt 74, l'h miles ME of Lan disburg, Perry Co , PA 15 miles North of Carlisle, PA Herd Dispersal of Lewis Curley V Art Ktmg, Auctioneer FRI , OCT 12 - 7 PM Angus Club Calf & Select Show Heifer Sale to be held at the Lebanon Area Faugfounds PA Presented by PA Angus Association Harry H Bachman, Auctioneer FRI OCT 12 - 11 AM Public Auction of a Dispersal of Equipment and Holstein Cows Located off Rt 248 at Camsteo, 20 from Bath, NY and 25 from Knoxville, PA Mr & Mrs Lewis Ell ington, Owners Rumsey Sales, Auctioneers FRI OCT 12 - SAT OCT 13 9 30 AM Public Auction of Farm Machinery, etc Located on Virginia Rt 633, just south of the village of Mt Olive, Shenandoah Co, Virginia, and about 3 miles west of Exit 73 at Toms Brook, VA From Ex it 73 go west to Rt 623, south about x h mile FOGELSVILLE AUCTION CENTER ANTIQUES; COLLECTIBLES; ANTIQUE TOYS; CARS MONDAY, OCT. 8,1984 at 4 P.M In the Fogelsville Auction Center Bldg., S. Nursery St. Fogelsville, Pa. (1 block W. of Shankweiler's Hotel) ANTIQUES Grandfather’s clock w/bracket feet (walnut); dark marble top walnut dresser w/ornate carved mirror; hall rack w/bench & bevel mirror; 4 sectional bookcase; 3 sec bookcase w/desk; half spindle back plank seat settee; 32” school master’s desk; 2 oak ornate bowed glass china closets; small oak bowed frt china closet; oak C-roll top 66” desk plus leather wood swivel chr; linen cupboard 6’x34”; dry sink w/high open frt top; dry sink w/galley & 3 spice drawers; 2 oak wash stands; 28” sq table w/lg ball & claw ft; Oak Vale 54” high coal parlor heater (chrome finished); black ornate coal stove; sm 48” tall wood burning stove, signed; 50” counter top display case; 6’ showcase; sm oak server w/ornate work; 2 dr cedar wardrobe; blanket chests inc. cedar & miniature; 4 drawer spool cabinet; Windsor style, plank seat, & Lincoln style chrs, me: rockers; 2 drawer night table; child’s h chrs & child’s Lincoln rocker & one collapsible w/wheels; hand carved oak claw foot, dogs head captains chr; Oriental hand carved captains chair w/serpent arms; rd. oak ped ext table w/claw ft; 3 pc. wicker set; oak swivel office chrs; oval wicker table; 16”x24” dentist cabinet; victrola layer; 78 spd records me thick Edison; Ig. walnut frame & gilt gold frame mirrors; approx 200 frames & pictures, me fruit etc; Currier & Ives prints, Isabella & Nettie; candle stands; Ig. tapestry picture; sm brass cash register; 2 treadle sew machines; 5’ Flexible flyer sled (nice); farm wagon seat; Alladin oil lamp; hanging oil lamp & brass store hanging lamp w/lg shade & smoke bell; Crystal chandelier, stained glass table lamp; 2 candle stick telephones; 2 blue agate one rm ker heaters; 30 metal folding chrs; 19 bell strap of sleigh bells (graduated); 3 spongeware mixing bowls; 8 lamoge bouillion bowls w/under plates; cobalt blue salt & pepper & condiment jar; few pcs. Carnival glass; dep. irridescent candle holders 9”; 2-5 cents Planters peanut jars; old Philco console radio; green agate bulb shades; C.T. Milligan glass picture projector w/wdn case; early 1900’s asst magazines; brass bird cage w/stand; cherry pitter; wood chisels; 125,000 BTU space heater; Ig. fish frying pan. TOYS Buddy L dump truck; Mar #3OOO tin locomotive 10” x 27”; Keystone RR tin locomotive 11’x26”; Mechanical tin merry-go-round; mechanical ferris wheel; 2 mechanical tin rocket rides; windup cannon; one cent skill game; Jassbo Jim dancer w/fiddle player mechanical HOUSEHOLD ITEMS &MISC. Kenmore washer & dryer; sm chest freezer; port dishwasher; port color TV; meat grinder; homemade self-contained p gen for one house. CARS 1963 Chev Impala Convertible Supersport w 327 eng, 75,000 ong miles close to mint; 1973 Buick Electra approx. 55,000 miles. AUCTIONEER’S NOTE; This is outstanding merchandise from a private collector of many yrs. Don’t miss this one. Terms - Cash or Acceptable Check Conducted by Ralph W. Zettlemoyer Auction Co. Inc. (215) 395-3084 Pa. License #AU-001809-L Refreshments Served William J Keller Estate O L French & Billy L Hot tle, Executors R F Prangle, Jr and Mark Prangle, Auctioneers FRI OCT 12 ■ 11 AM Public Auction of Farm Machinery Located in Snyder Co , 1 mile east of Beavertown, PA, on Rt 522, turn north on Covered Bridge Rd, 1 mile to farm Edwin J Yoder, Owner Mark Click, Auctioneer FRI OCT 12 - 12 Noon Public Auction Annual Fall Feeder Consignment Sale and Commercial Cow and Calf Herd Dispersal Located at Luther’s Livestock Commission Market, NY Rt 22, Wassaic, Dutchess Co, NY Delos D Luther II Sale Manager SATURDAY OCTOBER at Mahanoy Creek; 6 miles 13 -10 AM Public Auction south of ShamoKm, 11 of Farm Equipment miles north of Hegms R Located 1 mile south of Lee Engle, Owner Mike & Gowen City along Rt 125 George Deibert, Auc tioneers , QUILTS Bth Annual Juniata Mennonite School Sale SATURDAY, OCT. 13,1984 McAlisterville Park, Juniata Co. Home Made Food All Day- Pancakes & Sausage 7:30 Lots of Miscellaneous (Mostly New) at 9:30 A.M. CATTLE AT 12 NOON 15 Head Young Cattle, hay, straw, corn, wood, lumber. QUILTS AT 2 P.M. 20 Top-Quality beautifully handstitched quilts. All new, many patterns & colors. For More Information 717-463-3211 Terms: Cash or Approved Check Sale Under Roof Chairs Provided Not Responsible for Accidents Long’s Auctioneers Farm Machinary and Relatad Items At PUBLIC SALE SATURDAY, OCTOBER 13,1984 ll:OOA.M. Sharp Located 6 miles south of Richfield, Juniata Co., on road from Richfield to Oriental. Follow direction signs off Rt. 35 at Richfield and off Rt. 104. TRACTORS AND MACHINERY Farmall 706 gas, wfe, fast hitch; Farmall H; Farmall M w/N.I. 2 row picker; N.I. corn sheller for 2 row picker; J.D. 60; J.D. 45 loader; ACXTI9O gas w/cab, wfe, 3 pt; J.D. 14” plow; J.D. 3 pt. 14” plow; Ford 2 bottom plow; Ford 3x16” 3 pt. plow; Oliver 365 16”, 3 pt. plow; 3x14” fast hitch plow; I.H. Little Genuis 14” plow; I.H. 504 4x16; semi-mounted plow; I.H. 504 4x14” semi-mounted plow; I.H. 55 7’ chisel plow; I.H. 8’ disc; Ford 7’ 3 pt. disc; J.D. 8’ disc; J.D. 10’ drag disc; J.D. 9’ wheel disc; Oliver 12’ wheel disc; Brillion 14’ wheel harrow; J.D. 8’ harrow; J.D. 12’ spring tooth harrow; J.D. 2 section rotary how; Brillion 10’ cultipacker; Brillion 12’ cultipacker; Leroy 12’ cultipacker; J.D. 3 pt. 4 row cultivator; J.D. 3 pt. 10’ field cultivator; Ford 3 pt. 4 row cultivator; I.H. 4 row, fast hitch cultivator; M.D. riding cultivator; J.D. 290 com planter; I. 2 row, pull type com planter ; Ford 302 3 pt. 2 row com planter; J.D. 494 A 4 row com planter; White 5400 5 row air planter; com drag w/elec. motor; com drag w/gas engine; Oliver 76 grain drill; Killbros 165 bu. gravity box; I.H. 80 combine; I.H. 76 combine; Grain O Vaten grain bin; Emca 135 bu. grain bin; J.D. wheel driven manure spreader; 2 new Baltic Matic fertilizer spreaders; J.D. 480 haybine; Oliver crimper; J.D. 32 crimper; I.H. crimper; Oliver 415 trailer mower; new 5’ 3 pt. rotary mower; Brillion pull type rotary cutter; J.D. 896 rake; J.D. 350 A 3 pt. rake; J.D. 14T baler; J. 24T baler; A.C. 303 baler; N.H. bale thrower; 16’ flatbed wagon; Little Giant 36’ elevator; 16’ alum, elevator; I.H. 5 flail chopper; 11” auger w/motor; 3 pt. booms; 2 new 3 pt. 6’ blades; used 3 pt. blade; 250 gal. field sprayer; 6 row wheel sprayer, 100 gal. tank; Sauder manure loader; N.I. loader fits Ferguson 50; Deerbome 3 pt. scoop; tractor roll over scoop; wheel weights for 1.H.; 2 h.p. single phase motor; frame w/conveyor belt; Gehl water pump; 275 gal. oil drum; misc. tractor tires; 3 pt. potato plows; concrete mixer; 14’ gates; 6”, 10”, 14” assorted belting; wagon load of misc. items. Please Note: Possibly other pcs machinery that are not listed at this time. LAWN & GARDEN EQUIPMENT M.F. 7 h.p. w/mower, Bolens 8 h.p. w/mower, Cadet 7 h.p.; Ford 16 h.p. hydrostatic w/mower; Jacobson 14 h.p, hydrostatic; Ride A Magic 800 w/mower. GUNS Rem. 30-06, 760 Game Master w/scope & sling; Win. 30-30; Ithaca 12 ga. old model 37; Savage 12 ga. pump; 303 British; Noble 22 pump; 12 ga. single barrel. Other guns. TERMS: Cash or Good Check Lunch ELWOOD FLOWERS, Owner Phone 717-653-4839 Lyter, Clerks Bryan O. Imes, Auctioneer AU-001656-L Owner, Auctioneer Not Responsible For Accidents J- ‘
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