capture the bounty. A lot of corn was planted late this year and will be late maturing. Maybe this is the year to store your wet corn (22% to 28%) in a Har vestore® high moisture grain system... and capture the bounty of benefits. You’ll get better quality, more efficient feed with more palatability, too! Wet corn is easy to feed and livestock like it. There are even more benefits! By buying or leasing a Harvestore high moisture grain system you can combine one to three week early, reduce field losses, eliminate drying costs and have peace-of-mind during the harvest season. Store corn wet and capture the bounty of benefits. Call your Harvestore systems dealer or representative and get your late-planted com out early. Authorized Harvestore® Systems Dealer Farm Master Tumble Mixers P.O. Box 7 Penn Jersey Products me. m New Holland, PA 17557 Authorized Slurrystore® Systems Dealer CompuTrac Computer Feeders ‘ • 717-354-4051
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