Do you have a century farm? LANCASTER The Century Farms Program, administered by the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture will be continued through this year. The Century Farms Program is aimed at recognizing the efforts of stfa CHAMBERSBURG Cumberland Finn A Dairy Stiffly, Inc. Larry Hugh** Gary Walton, Saks Mgr. 717-263-0826 COCHRANVILLE Farm Construction A Equipment Robert L lannoy 215-593-2365 JERSEY SHORE Tom L Dim lap 717-398-1391 COLUMBIA. MONTOUR* NORTHUMBERLAND CO’S. WlMams Farm DavaWNKams 717-398-2692 Pennsylvania’s farm families who have preserved the traditions and the rural heritage of the pioneer farm. Pennsylvania’s pioneer farmers preserved through all kinds of difficulties. The hardships of Sales Ce LITITZ Fisher * Thompson Assoc. Amos Fisher Rick Thompson 717-627-1530 MIFFLINBURG Wahr’s Dairy Equipment Mark Wohr 717-966-1396 MT. BETHEL K.C. Dairy Service Kevin Corroil 717-897-5141 NEW WILM Chech Moose, Inc. 412-533-3077 liberty. Over 800 farms from 63 counties fanning and settlement were off- J* av * ****** certified as Century set somewhat by compensations of Farms m **** sut years of the farm life. Certain virtures and Program (74 in Lancaster County), ideals were developed. . . thirft, but . th « Agriculture Department close family and community life, estimates at least 2,000 more cooperation, reverence for the farms are eligible for certification. Creator, self-reliance and a love of To be eligible for certification as Individualized computer feeding system SPECIAL ON t >TA*T • PWOR* ;ers SCHWENKSVILLE Psnn VaNoy Cropstora, Inc. Dak Stetzman 215-287-9650 215-944-0126 SPARTANSBURG Brenner Dairy Equipment Albert Brenner 814-654-7309 TROY Dairyiaml Saks * Service Rm Noiky 717-297-4128 SYKESVILLE. MD Dairyman kc. MM-Atlantk Division Wlfliam Stauffer 301-795-2727 301-781-7020 FREE VHS VIDEO DECK FOR EVERY DAIRY THAT INVESTS IN A CODATRON DURING AUG. & SEPT. ’84... SEE i YOUR SALES CENTER TODAY. . . WESTFALIA Westtaha Systemal A Division of Centnco • 1862 Brummel Drive Elk Grove Village IL 60007 • Call Toll Free (800) 323-6723 • Western Office Centnco Inc •Foster City CA SPECIAL WESTFAUA DEALERS FOR THE BELLEVILLE Byler't Diesel* Rtfrig. S#rvic# p a p a nicp Oenielßyler - 717-483-6446 Uoyd Rinck Answering Service 717-687-6361 KIRKWOOD REBERSBURG □an S. Steltzfiis Tim’s Ntsel Service 717-529-2623 Tim SMtzfus 717-529-2668 814-349-5110 Answering Service Answering Service SALES ENGINEERS NORTHWEST PA 8 MD.DEBVA NY DAVE PATTERSON TOM MOORE 28 Petrolia St. Upperville, VA Bradford. PA 22176 16702 703-592-3845 814-362-3933 NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS WESTFAUA SYSTEMAT DIVISION efCENTRICO NY.PA.NJ.CT. 1862 Brummel Dr. MA. VT, Rl, ME, NH Elk Grove. 11l ROOERT E. TURNER 60007 R. 0.11, Box 11 1-800-323-6723 Aspert, PA 17' 312-437-8660 717-677-9301 Lancaster Fanning, Saturday, September 15,1984-A29 SYSTEMAL AMISH DAIRYMAN P. 0.246 N.E. REG. MGR a Pennsylvania Century Farm, a farm must have been owned by the same family for the last 100 con secutive years, and a family member must currently reside on the land. In addition, the farm must consist of ten or more acres of the original holdings or gross at least $l,OOO a year from the sale of agricultural products. The Century Farms Program was initiated as part of the nation’s bicentennial observance in 1976, but is being continued for its value in promoting the ideals of the family farm and the importance of farming to Pennsylvania’s economy. Completed application forms will be held in the State Archives for use by future historians. They will also be recognized at the Annual Agricultural-Industry Banquet. The application forms are available by writing Century Farms Program, Penn State Extension Service, 1383 Arcadia Road, Room 1, Lancaster, PA 17601 or by calling 717-394-6851. They should be returned by Oc tober 26,1964.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers