D2B—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, September 15,1984 Woodlot workshops slated NEWARK, Del. - The forestry section of the Delaware Depart ment of Agriculture and the Delaware Cooperative Extension Service have scheduled two workshops to acquaint woodlot owners, residentail wood burners, fuelwood cutters and other interested individuals with the principles of woodlot management for fuel production and the use of wood as a fuel. Next Saturday, a workshop will be held from 9 a.m. *o 3 p.m. at the Blackbird State Forest Headquarters. This session will cover hardwood timber stand improvement, tree-felling techniques (demonstrated by chainsaw specialist Dan Tilton), efficient woodburning, and wood MAILBOX MARKET For Sale 18 feeder pigs Dauphin Co 717 534 2621 For Sale JD roll bar w/canopy off of 4320, good cond Snyder Co 717 837 3826 For Sale WF 730 Case diesel tractor $5OOO MF 15 hole #33 gram drill $2OOO Snyder Co 717 539-8772 after 8 p m For Sale - F 350 Ford stake bed, good cond $BOO, NH 717 harvester, good cond $9OO Juniata Co 717-527-4551 For Sale NH #66 baler w/engme, also 6 ton tag-a long trailer w/beavertail Dauphin Co 717-896- 3656 Mr. Dairyman If You Are Interested In Saving Energy Or If You Are Having A Cooling Problem, Please Call us For A No Obligation Demonstration The Mueller Accu-TherirT Precooler ... u«e* wall water to precool your warm milk before It goee Into your milk cooler! in seconds 100 degree milk is cooled lo within 16 to 20 degrees ol well water temperature Milk Mows between every other stainless steel heat exchanger plate while well water flows in the opposite direction on the other side of these plates cooling the milk Choose Accu Therm (or lowest cost or and water di* $ $ t • M 3 Mull Pi»j A f*ng«(n»nl jrV ,Q Jj~ Accu Therm | P<*coo>e> ' —=A.ccu -Therm—l PLATE HEAT EXCHANGER MOJONNIER P USED COOLERS AVAILABLE • 1,000 & 3,000 Gal. Mueller • 300 & 400 Gal. Mojonnier • 400 Gal. Girton • Various Types of Inexpensive Tanks! pile preparation. On Saturday, Oct. 27, a second workshop will be held from 8:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. at Redden State Forest Lodge. It will include a tour of hardwood management on bottom land and pine sites. To help cover the cost of lunch and workshop materials, a registration fee of $3 per per person or $5 per couple will be charged for each workshop. Participants are encouraged to preregister so that adequate lunches can be provided. For further information contact: Nancy Milliken, Delaware Department of Agriculture, Forestry Section, Drawer D, Dover, DE 19903 (phone (302) 736- 4811). MAILBOX MARKET Wanted Scales platform For Sale Corn picker Nl 1 w/dial or hanging w/large row pull type working dial & pan to weigh cond Balto Co 301 256- pumpkins to 100 lbs Leb 4880 Co 717 272 0750 For Sale Farmall M engine, like new, in tractor, ready to go, tires perfect running cond fair, new paint, Franklin $175 Carroll Co MD3OI Co 717 264-5137 775-2793 after 5 30 p m For Sale IH 1206 D wide For Sale - Ford 1750 watt front, 3 pt dual hyd cab generator, K0F1175 gas, 38” rubber, good cond most new list $595, sale field ready 215 286 $3OO Trenton, NJ 609 5052 259-2802 For Sale 20' Eby wooden For Sale Badger 20' silo livestock body, fair cond unloader, used, 2 1500 $450 Lane Co 215-484- bu rd wire cribs, used 2254 Leb Co 717 867-2258 For Sale JD #26 flail For Sale - Rapid- Dayton shredder 3 pt hook up '/? H P deep well pump, w/gage wheels on the HO or 220 volts, good back $7OO Chester Co $95 Leb Co 717-273- 215-593-5371 6683 after 6pm FOUR REASONS WHY YOU SHOULD HA YE A MUELLER ACCU-THERM PRECOOLER /7\ ON YOUR FARM! f 1 Reduces Energy Cost Milk from the cow is about 100 degrees F Pteroolmg milk by 20 degrees shiriens the time Ihe milk cooler refrigeration system must operate by one third Precooling warm milk by 10 degrees will cut your milk refrigeration system operation m half A Mueller Accu Therm lowers your energy costs and reduces your operation expenses 2 Flexibility The Accu Therm is available in wall mounted or floor models to fit any milking operation or space restriction As your dairy operation grows Accu Therm can be easily adapted to increased volume by adding heat exchanger plates This is a Simple |OP requiring only a hand wrench and a tew mmoles and does not regui e moving the Accu Therm 3 tow Melntenance The Accu Therm Plate Heat Exchanger sadis rt system and can bt guu,kly and efficiently c leaned m plare with the rest of the milking system 4 Pays For Itself The money you save m reduced energy c osts will sue. i epay Viur investment m a Mueller Accu Therm milk precooltr Fm example with 60 degree F well water tor coclmg rmik 3 ' 3 temperature is lowered by 20 degrees and energy requirements are reduced one th rd The typical b HF m ik cooler condenamg unit uses approximately 5 kilowatts per h-iur of electricity S nglf Pin Ar anqtmeni r m, r i RUFUS BRUBAKER REFRIGERATION 614 Penryn Rd. Manheim, PA 717.665.3525 Southern Northern Service Center Service Center RD3, RD 1, Box 199 Dry Wells Rd. Myerstown. Pa. Quarryville, PA 7 j 7.933.4711 717-786-1617 RTS AVAILABLE D®iry goats added to Lawrence show competition BY BARBARA RADER entered the show ring for the first Staff Correspondent time to compete for the winning NEW CASTLE This year’s prizes. Lawrence County Fair included a Chris Ulmer, showing his 4-year new show category. Twenty-two old Alpine, Ginger Marie, was the different breeds of dairy goats grand champion junior winner, Greenhouse seminar slated NANTICOKE The annual Northeast Greenhouse Seminar will be held at the Luzerne County Community College Conference Center in Nanticoke, on Tuesday, Oct. 16 from 9:30 a.m. to4p.m. Keservations are needed for this all day greenhouse seminar. Reservations can be made by contacting the Luzerne County Extension Service, Courthouse Annex, 5 Water Street, Wilkes- Barre, Pa. 18711 or by calling 825- 1701 or 459-0736 ext. 701. Reser vations for this meeting are due at MAILBOX MARKET For Sale AVAILABLE All Natural New York-State Cheddar Cheese or higher Moisture Cheese Like Longhorn or Colby 42 Lb. Blocks Medium Sharp *1.90 per Lb Mild *l.BO per Lb. Prices Postpaid Please send Check or Money Order to: ADIRONDACK CHEESE CO. RDI Box 74, Newport, New York 13416 We Specialize In . Aerial Work """ Using Our Twin Bucket Boom f TuCk ELECTRICAL \ Extends 1 CONTRACTING \ 55F < I Specializing In \ \ / AGRICULTURAL \ / WIRING / Also Residential Industrial j And Commercial Work / We Have Poles In Stock 25' 30 35 445 HARVEST TIME VALUES... WAGON GEARS \ With Exclusive Zimmerman ACCU-TRAK CALL NOW FOR COMPETITIVE PRICES DISTRIBUTOR OF CENTRAL TRACTOR FARM A FAMILY CENTER the Luzerne County Extension Service by Monday, October 8, 1984. Registration fee is $8 per person and includes lunch. C* M. HIM CO* 320 Kins St Myerttown PA 17067 Phone 717 866 7544 MMERMAN MANY OTHER ITEMS ON SALE! “Feel Free To Call For Stock Check" R.O. 4128 FLEETWOOD, PA. 1*822 low fnwn ttmt Irww FU Mark Raught stepped in to the reserve opening with a Nubian, Mona, a 1-year-old showing in the yearling milking class. Elva Wicks served as judge for the first year exhibition. Hopes are to increase the show next year by welcoming new members into the Neat Kids Dairy Goat 4-H Club of Lawrence County. Interested persons are encouraged to contact the Lawrence County extension office for further information. SERVING THE FARMERS FOR 112 YEARS tot fcpiMr tan* l» StRJH HAMBURG SAVINGS EDIT and TRUST COMPANY Hamburg, PA Phone: 215-562-3811 A FULL SERVICE BANK NORTHAMPTON FARM BUREAU CO-OPERATIVE ASSOCIATION ★ FEED, SEED CHEMICALS ★ LIME AND FERTILIZER ♦ CUSTOM APPLICATION | * I TEXACO PETROLEUM PRODUCTS I ★ t SIMPLICITY i LAWN & GARDEN EQUIPMENT | | EASTON 215-258-2871 | ri 8 AM to 7 PM; Sat. 8 AM to 4 PM HARDWARE C 07"“ 215-944-7681 TATAMY, PA ILE ICAL OR les& Corn HHIHH 1 MW 1 " '
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