D26— Lancaster Farming, Saturday, September IS, 1984 NEWARK, Del. - Broiler producers can’t always spread manure from their poultry houses as soon as it’s removed, so it must be stored somewhere. But unless proper precautions are taken, stockpiling this manure can pose management and environmental problems, warns University of Delaware extension en vironmental quality specialist J. Ross Harris. The dilemma is easy to solve, though, with a few simple practices. Two problems are involved in litter/manure storage. First, the material must be put where it’s easily accessible to farm equip ment. And it must be protected from rain or melting snow to prevent runoff into surface water or groundwater while preserving its fertilizer value for later crop use. According to Hams, the best way to deal with both problems is to cover the manure with a large sheet of 6 mm black plastic, securing this along all four sides and over the top with some kind of anchor, such as old tires. The plastic will protect the en vironment from possible con tamination, and at the same time maintain the manure’s nutrient vlaue at or near what it was at cleanout. NEW STAINLESS STEEL Cnidlo,. I o I America’s #1 Feed Saver Is Now Available In i 14 Gauge 304 Stainless Steel f - Smidley Hog Feeders - Nursery Decks I - Hog and Cattle Fountains - Flush Pans I - Heavy Duty Farrowing Crates - Nipple Waterers | - Smidley Hog Houses - Chutes and Scales i YES, WE CAN REPAIR YOUR SMIDLEY'S { ASK ABOUT STAINLESS REPAIR PARTS ) Call Your Smidley Dealer Or Call Us: | MARTING MANUFACTURING. INC. I Washington Court House, Ohio I Ohio 800-247-1843 Out Of State 800-247-1845 | WE NEED MILK! i iWw 860 Allentown Rd. llStaKtiarC Lansdale, Pa. 19446 (215)855-0210 Membership Benefits Include; 20* - Quality Bonus 2* - Premium 70 % - Base for New Order 4 Members Patronage Dividends Blue Cross/Blue Shield Plans : ■{‘KaA A RANTEED MARKET I oV*' FOR ALL YOUR MILK , Call Membership Manager Max O. Sumser At home • Pa. (717) 334-8900 or Call the Office Toll Free from Pa. from Md., Del., N.Y., N.J, (800) 322-9254 (800) 523-9336 Store poultry manure under plastic In demonstration projects Harris has conducted on poultry farms around the state over the past few years, and in research conducted by University of Delaware soil scientist Tom Sims with the aid of a DPI grant, this practice has proved very cost effective. There’s another advantage to storing broiler manure under plastic when it can’t be spread immediately, the specialist says. By its very nature, this material is highly absorbant. It can easily hold almost twice its weight in water. This means that if stockpiled manure is exposed to rain, it can double in weight, thus leaving a grower with twice as much lifting to do when spreading time comes. “You may carry l,poo pounds of water to a field for every ton of manure in that uncovered pile,” Harris says. “This means wasted time, plus added fuel costs and increased wear and tear*on the spreader.” Cleanup is easier, too, when a covered pile has been stored. With uncovered sites, removing all the manure from the ground can be difficult and crops won’t grow on the site for at least a year. But if a plastic tarp is used, planting can be done immediately, once the pile is gone. Covered manure is also jU«T!' i < J 4F l b Vi»n *< tkl TRY A NEW STAINLESS STEEL SMIDLEY WITH A MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE!! t . y less likely to create odor problems in the neighborhood. It will cost around $BO for enough 6 mm black plastic to cover the manure and litter from a 20,000- bird broiler house, the specialist says. In Delaware that expense can be cost-shared through ASCS. What’s more, in many cases the plastic will last more than one season. “There are plenty of good reasons to cover broiler manure while it’s being stored at times of the year when it can’t be land applied,” Harris concludes. “This material is too valuable a nutrient source to misuse or waste. So the next time you have some to All-Plant LIQUID PLANT FOOD 9-18-9 PLUS OTHERS! • Contains 100% white ortho phosphoric acid. Made in USA. • Non-corrosive. Won’t settle. • Top quality. Excellent service. • Newest equipment. • Financially sound... and growing! Big Demand Requires More Distributors! □ I sell to farmers. How do I become your distributor? D I'm a farmer. What’s the price? Where do I get it? CALL or SEND FOR FACTS: Phone: 419-962-4707 ALL-PLANT LIQUID PLANT FOOD, INC. 821 State Rd. 511 N., RFD 3, Ashland, Ohio 44805 INSULATION R. MAX URETHANE (4xB or to your spec) FIBERGLASS ROLLS BLOWN IN ★ ★ wheeling I*JS,, CHANELDRAIN li 1 il ROOFING & SIDING <•>l ' SALES RD2, Box 267, East Earl, PA 17519 Call us for low prices - (717)354-7561 stockpile, why not try this storage manure, in Delaware contact method 7 ” county extension offices in Newark For other information on ways to (451-2506), Dover (736-1448) or make better use of poultry Georgetown (856-5250). Holloway wins Md. swine honors TIMONIUM, Md. - Dave Holloway, of Holloway Durocs, Glen Rock, York County, was a top winner in highly competitive Open Duroc swine judging at the Maryland State Fair. Among top honors Distributor For • White • Gold • Brown • Tan • Silo Blue • Red • Avocado Green • Plain Galvanized • Light Green Holloway Durocs were the grand champion boar, grand champion female and the reserve champion barrow. Other awards included the grand champion production barrow on foot. Judge was Ralph Doates, of Ohio. won EAR CORN Paying Top Prices For Good Quality Ear Corn • Wet or Dry • No Quantity too large or too small • Fast Unloading - Dump on Pile & Go • Easy access - 2.2 miles off 283 bypass- Manheim, Mt. Joy exit • Daily Receiving 7:30 A.M. to 5 P.M. - un loading evenings & Saturdays by appt. • Trucks available for pick up at your farm. Call Anytime For Price 717-665-4785 JAMES E. NOLL GRAIN Colors In Stock Distributor For ALUMAX ALUMINUM ROOFING & SIDING COMPLETE POLE & OTHER BUILDINGS TRUSSES
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