Winner of a team Olympic gold medal at Los Angeles, Leslie Burr aboard Albany is shown winning the Mercedes-American Gold Cup at Devon last year. morem I&a PiUsbuiy Calf Milk Replacer has the nutritional ingredients your calves need to grow and prosper. Each bag contains just the right combination of all-milk protein for growth, and high fat level to slow digestion and add extra energy. And it’s medicated, to ensure the health of the animals that represent your future herd. *ii: L ■ THE PILLSBURY COMPANY 28 Hiawatha Road © 1984 The Pillsbury Company Our Milk Replacer is feed. DEVON - The Delaware Valley will get its first look at U.S. Olympic Gold and Silver Medal winners Sept. 14-16 when the Mercedes American Gold Cup opens its annual three day run at the Devon show grounds. The three-day extravanganza of equine competition, exclusive country fair shopping, Golden Retriever exhibitions, Mercedes Classic Cars, horse shoeing con tests and live country music is highlighted by the $50,000 Gold Cup Grandprix Sunday at 2 P.M. Joe Fargis and Conrad Homfeld, both of Petersburg, Va., the In dividual Gold and Silver Medalists, are currently planning to show Touch of Class and Abdullah, their Olympic mounts, at the Gold Cup. Fargis and Homfeld, along with Leslie Burr, Westport, Conn., and Melanie Smith, Litchfield, Conn., also won the Team Gold in a separate competition. Not only did this team win the first Gold Medal ever taken by the U.S. in jumping, but they were also ent. ■m ' I«s m (609) 784-0839 Olympic equestrian medalists to compete at Devon Call us today for more information about our Calf Milk Replacer, and other fme products. Well help you turn them into profitable ingredients for your KumtSH business. , Good Business ENSSm' Ingredients , "gS 11 / \ »■<? >« V ' fojt _ '* / Hi-Nella, NJ 08083 Lancaster Farming, Saturday, September 15,1984—D21 the first team ever to win the Gold Medal so decisively that Smith, the final rider, didn’t have to go in the second round. Burr, who won last year’s Gold Cup on Albany, the horse that she rode in the Games, plans to defend her title with Debbie Dolan’s Btown gelding. “I wouldn’t miss the Gold Cup for the world,” says Burr, who also plans to show Boing, 1983 Devon Open Jumper Champion, and Corsair. Smith, who won the 1982 Gold Cup on Calypso, has not finalized Bean nematode alert given NEWARK, Del. Delaware soybean growers should be on the lookout for soybean cyst nematodes in their fields now. New infestations have been identified on a number of farms during the past few weeks especially in Sussex County. University of Delaware tension plant pathologist plans to compete in this year’s event. The Grandprix horses begin their competition Friday at 6 P.M. in a qualifying round for Sunday’s Gold Cup. The round is also a World Cup qualifier. Intermediate and Open Speed horses show Saturday morning, afternoon and evening. Pleasure Driving classes will feature competition among single horses drawing a vehicle through obstacle courses. The gentle giants of the equine world, the Per cherons, will be on view daily. Mulrooney urges growers to check any areas where soybeans appear yellow and stunted. “Don’t let these problem areas go undiagnosed,” he warns. “Early identification of SCN is the key to control. Fields most likely to be infested with SCN are those which have been in continuous soybean culture.” Once the problem has been identified, producers can take preventive steps next year such as selecting resistant soybean varieties or, where possible, rotating to a resistant crop such as com or sorghum. “If you suspect a problem,” says Mulrooney, “call your county extension office for information on how to sample for the soybean cyst nematode. Check fields now while symptoms are easy to spot.” ex- Bob IT’S MAGIC How quickly - CUSTOM MADE FEED BINS AND GRAIN ELEVATORS '» T -rf. f. * Free Estimates Also Steel Roof Trusses for Buildings - Portable Hog Buildings - Bucket Elevators - Grain Augers Distributors - Flow Pipes & Accessories We Sell, Service & Install Ph: 215-944-7808 STOLTZFUS WELDING SHOP Owner - Samuel P. Stoftzfus RDIOII, Dryville Rd. Fleetwood, PA 19522 PHONE 717 394 3047 or 717 626 1164 t *h * ’ *• *.
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