Lancaster Feeder Pigs Tuesday, Sept. 4 Report supplied by USDA Today Last Tuesday 711 Last Year 685 TREND: Compared to last Tuesday feeder pigs weak to 5.00 lower All pigs weighed on arrival and sold by the hundred weight. US 1-2: 23 head 23-25 lbs. 104.00- 106.00; 76 head 30-39 lbs. 81.00- 98 00 , 95 head 40-49 lbs. 79.00-99.00; 123 head 50-54 lbs. 78.00-86.00; 30 head 58 lbs. 69.00-71.00 ; 22 head 69- 78 lbs 65.00-66.00. US 2: 7 head 29 lbs. 87.00; 18 head 35-39 lbs. 71.00-79.00 ; 44 head 40-49 lbs 67.00-72.00. US 2-3: 30 head 40-50 lbs. 59.05 69 00. Lancaster Hogs Lancaster Stockyards Monday, Sept. 3 Report supplied by USDA Today 1302 Last Mon. Last Year Monday’s Auction Last Monday’s Auction Tuesday, Sept. 4 Today Last Tuesday Last Year 214 TREND: Insufficient volume to test market trends. BARROWS AND GILTS: US 1-2, few 220-235 lb. 51.25-52.10; US 1-3, couple lots 225-240 lb. 49.50. Wednesday, Sept. 5 HOGS; Compared to last Wednesday barrows and gilts 55 100 higher. BARROWS AND GILTS; US 1-2 210-250 lb. 51.25-52.10; US 1 210-250 lb. 52.2553.00. US 1-3 225270 lb. 50.0551.25. New Holland Feeder Pigs Wednesday, Sept. 5 Report supplied by USDA Today Last Wednesday Last Year TREND; Compared to last Wednesday feeder pigs weak to 4.00 lower, instances 15.00 lower on weights over 50 lb. All pigs weighed on arrival and sold by the hundred weight. US 1-2: 33 head 26-29 lbs. 95.00- 102.00; 108 head 30-39 lbs. 87.00- 99.00 ; 78 head 40-49 lbs. 83.00-96.00; 95 head 50-59 lbs. 65.00-82.00 ; 33 head 51 lbs. 90.00; 55 head 60-72 lbs. 58.00-75.00; 13 head 90 lbs. 54.00. US 2: 45 head 46-48 lbs. 61.00- 7100 US 2-3: 41 head 37-49 lbs. 60.00- 70.00; 5 head 57 lbs. 59.00 ; 9 head 75-87 lbs. 49.00-52.00. . ATTENTION Wkm HOG PRODUCERS Now you have a choice of marketing your fat hogs on any one of 4 days a week through Walter M. Dunlap and Sons. The starting times for each day are as follows; Monday at 11 A.M., Tuesday'at 10 A.M., Wednesday and Saturday at 8 A.M. Consign your fat hogs to Walter M. Dunlap and Sons where they will be handled by experienced and capable personnel. All hogs weighed upon arrival. For market information contact Ken Smoker or Ollie Nagle at 717-397-5136. FEEDER PIG SALE Every Tuesday - Starting at 1 P.M. Walter M. Dunlap and Sons Lancaster Stockyards Tel. (717) 397-5136 An Old Line Commission Firm Keeping Abreast New Holland Hogs New Holland Sales Stables Monday, Sept. 3 Report supplied by USDA Today Last Monday Last Year Wholesale: 50.00-51.25; Light weight: 48.50-49.75; Heavyweight: 49.00-51.00; Retail: 53.00-55.00; Sows: 38.00-46.00; Boars: 33.00- 43.00. Vintage Hogs Vintage Sales Stables Saturday, Sept. 1 Report supplied by auction US 1 & 2 215231 lbs. 50.5551.00; 2 & 3 225235 lbs. 49.0550.50; Heavyweights 255285 lbs. 46.05 49.50; Sows 315484 lbs. 38.2543.25. Peach Market News Wednesday, Sept. 5,1984 Report Supplied by PDA 924 1580 1286 Demand early in the reporting period was very good to excellent but began to drop off after the Labor Day Holiday. Today, demand for peaches is moderate to good. Supply was below demand at the beginning of the period but with the Labor Day lull in demand, supply and demand is much closer than it was at the beginning of this period. Supply is still slightly behind demand at present. Prices quoted below are wholesale, truckload, f.o.b. at the orchard on packing house in Adams, Berks, Franklin, Snyder and York Counties. Summer Tree Fruit Summary Peaches: Varieties-Cresthaven, Redskins, Jersey Queen, Few Blake and Coring 38# cartons, U.S. Extra #l, 2V«” up $12.00-13.00, occ. 14.00 few 11.00; 38# cartons, U.S. Extra #1,2-2V4” 6.00-7.00, mo. 6.50- 7.00; Level Vi bu. crates 5.006.00, mo. 5.50-5.75, occ. 6.25; Level bushel crates few 12.25. 563 481 740 Nectarines: 25# boxes, 2V«” up U.S. Fancy 9.5010.00; 2 layer Panta Pack 48’s & larger 11.00. Summer Apples Traypack Paula Red’s Comb. Ex Fancy & Fancy, 100’s Igr. 12.00; 12/3# bags, 2V’ up, all red apples, summer varieties 7.00-8.00 mo. 8.00, occ. 9.00. Pears: Bartlett: 40# Bulk pack, US#l, 2W’ up few 9.00; 40# Bulk pack, US#l, 2M>” up few 10.00; Level bushel crate, orchard run 6.00. Dayton Livestock Dayton, Pa. * Wednesday, September 5,1984 Report Supplied by PDA CATTLE 109. Compared with last Wednesday’s market, slaughter cows $2-3 lower. Slaughter steers - Good, one 55.00, Standard, Couple 48.00-52.25, Utility, one 45.00. Few Standard 43.25-46.75. Breaking Utility & Commercial Slaughter Cows 38.00- 42.50, Cutter & Boning Utility 34.25- 39.00; Canner & Low Cutter 29.G0-36.00, 36.00, Shells down to 20.00. Yield Grade No. 1, one 2395 lbs. slaughter bulls 48.00, Yield Grade No. 2 one 1205 lbs. 43.00. 1556 1889 1886 FEEDER CATTLE: Few Steers Medium Frame #1 250-405 lbs. 49.00-59.00, Few Holstein 435-930 lbs. 34.35. Heifers Medium Frame #1 240495 lbs. 43.25-50.00, Few Medium Frame §2 405-690 35.00- 42.00. Bulls Medium Frame #1 & §2 540-890 lbs. 39.75-48.00. CALVES 106. Choice Vealers, one 70.00, Few Good 58.00-62.00, Standard & Good 90-115 lbs. 45.00- 51.00, 60-85 lbs. 30.0044.00, Few Utility 50-65 lbs. 10.00-28.00. FARM CALVES: Holstein bulls 90-125 lbs. 50.00-74.00, few 85.00. Few Beef Cross Bulls & Heifers 70- 105 lbs. 40.00-55.00. HOGS 142. Barrows & gilts $1.50- $2.00 lower. US No. 1-2 205-235 lbs. barrows & gilts 48.5049.00, Lot 22 head, 50.00, No. 1-3 210-260 lbs. 47.0048.00, 180-195 lbs. 46.0047.00. Sows: $4-5 higher. US No. 1-3 370- 675 lbs. sows 45.2549.25, one 825 lbs. 42.75, a few 2-3 280450 lbs. 37.0042.00. Boars 30.00-35.00. FEEDER PIGS 95. US No. 1-315- 25 lbs. feeder pigs 12.00-16.00 per head, No. 1-3 3045 lbs. 25.00-38.50, Utility Lot 25 lbs. 10.00 per head. SHEEP 16. Lot Choice 91 lbs, 55.00. Slaughter ewes; 14.00-15.50. Editorials Editorially speaking Columns Now is the time The Micro Way On being a farm wife Ida’s Notebook Ladies have you heard 7 Foraging Around The Dairy Business Farm Talk Brockett’s Ag Advice Home and Youth Homestead Notes Home on the Range Cook’s Question Corner Lehigh Co Roundup Kid’s Korner Farm Women News Delaware 4-H'ers SF Dairy Show Kendy Allen Crawford Co Dairy Roundup Lancaster Farming, Saturday, September 8,1984—A3 U.S. Inspected Livestock Slaughter CATTLE Thursday 9/6 (Est.) 142,000 Week Ago (Estimate) 138,000 Year Ago (Actual) 142,000 Week To Date (Est.) 424,000 Same Pd. Lt. Wk. (Est.) 549,000 Same Pd. Lt. Yr. (Act.) 428,000 Chicago Grain Futures (Closing Bids as of Thursday, September 6) Corn Sept. 2.99% Oct. Nov. 2.87% Dec. Jan. ’B5 Mar. ’B5 2.92% May’Bs 2.97% 3.58 July’Bs 2.99% Trends - Com - Sideways; Wheat - Sideways; Soybeans - Sideways Soybean Meal - Sideways. Market Provided by Mernll-Lynch Commodities, York Futures Trading (Closing Bids as of Thursday, September 6 ) eb. ’B5 ly’Bs June ’B5 Trends - Cattle - Sideways; Hogs - Sideways; Potatoes - Stronger. Market Provided by Merrill-Lynch Commodities, York in this Four Sections AlO 823 Estimated Daily Livestock CALVES HOGS SHEEP 12,000 13,000 11,000 44,000 50,000 40,000 Soybean Wheat Soybeans Meal 6.24% 3.49% 6.30% 3.56% 6.43% 161.20 3.60 6.57% 165.50 6.68 6.74% 3.43% Chicago Chicago NY Maine Cattle Hogs Potatoes 63.35 47.75 64.67 49.62 64.77 52.42 66.07 49.37 67.25 52.97 53.77 issue Otity West Va dairy show Morrison Cove Dairy Show Md Holstein Assn Crawford Holstein Show Berks Holstein Sale Futons Boar Sale Berks Ag Day Crawford Co Livestock Sale E-town Fair Butler Co Livestock Sale Blackbird does it again Forage Research Center Pflpartwawfc Farm Calendar Classified Ads Livestock Latest Business News Mailbox Markets Public Sales 329,000 28,000 300,000 26,000 348,000 29,000 988,000 84,000 1,177,000 99,000 1,028,000 87,000 149.70 151.90 158.30 3.67 4.75 Al 7 D2l A 22 A 34 A 35 Al 9 A2O A 34 A 36 D 2 D 4 Dl4 AlO 834. C 4 D 2 D 5 D 25 D 32
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