CB—Lancaster Fanning, Saturday, August 4,1984 Dana Moyer, right, received both grand and reserve grand championship 4-H Jersey honors during the 1983 Lebanon County Fair. NFO announces convention highlights CORNING, lowa - The 1984 convention of the National Far mers Organization will be held Dec. 4-6 at the Riviera Hotel and ' Convention Center in Las Vegas. David Kozishek, national secretary and convention arrangements chairman, said the three-day convention will be preceded by meeting* of the resolutions, credentials and other committees on Dec. 3. The convention’s opening day on Tuesday will feature reports from offices and department heads and a report on the state of the organization from DeVon Woodland, NFO’s national president. The second day’s activities in clude a series of commodity marketing seminars, meetings of A LESSON WELL LEARNED... LANCASTER FARMING'S CLASSIFIED AOS GET RESULTS! Phone: 717 394-3047 or 717-626-1164 Lebanon Fair Highlights Daryl Balmer won the senior, grand and supreme grand champion overall breeds during 4-H and FFA competition at the 1983 Lebanon Area Fair. HOG COOLING SYSTEMS . REDUCE HEAT STRESS • TWO COMPLETE SYSTEMS •100% SOLID STATE CONTROLLER ' Wmm&SSl • EXCLUSIVE TWO YEAR WARRANTY Pig Shower Sow Cooler A Intermittent y J \ Drip Cooling Sprog A Cooling ■ ■* & Hi-Capacity Coarse Droplet Nozzles Pastures Qentle Drip Nozzles For (Not Foggers) Wetting Individual Animals •IDEAL FOR FINISHING PIGS OR ‘IDEAL FOR SOWS IN FARROWING BREEDING STOCK IN GROUP PENS OR GESTATION CRATES •CAN BE USED FOR BOARS IN STALLS tri-coun tw CW/Mf£ SVSTJFMS (717)274-3488 wWJWwC r *J J Cgrw Hours Mon Fn 7 00 to 4 30 district ana state ofticers and legislative meetings conducted by Chivies L. Frazier, director of NFO’s Washington office. The final day’s activities on Thursday include consideration of the report of the resolutions committee, proposed by law changes, and addresses by Woodland and Ed Graf, chief assistant to the president of NFO. Kozishek said invited speakers from outside the organization will appear on the program throughout the convention. The selection of delegates to the national convention is underway now in county NFO meetings across the country. Members of convention committees will be elected this summer at district meetings. Topping the 1983 Lebanon Fair Open Jersey Show were a father-daughter team. With the winning cows are Laura Harding, holding the reserve grand champion, and Susan Bomberger, with the grand champion. Susan's father, Donald, owned the grand champion. Check Us Out At The Lebanon Fair CONSIDER THESE RIBSTONE SILO FEATURES: * Double-sealed walls. * All installation labor supplied. * Steel reinforced staves. * Concrete chute * Extra-heavy steel hoops * Colored roof, enamel painted concur t»c cs On Display At The Lebanon Fair! • Ribstone Silos • Butler Livestock Systems • Silo Unloading & Manure Handling Equipment J.A. SWOPE SILO EQUIPMENT, INC. Box 121 RD 1 Myerstown, Pa. 17067 LER IG JIM® •Rage tiandHng system Phone 717-933-4758
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