Bl2—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, July 7,1984 Digging (Continued from Page BIO) seeing some stains of charcoal,” Anderson recalls. “We dug off the area carefully and came down on another cultural layer. It had chipped stone pieces, bone refuse, and a possibility of a few pieces of shell, though we’re not certain about that. “I was thinking that this could be about 10,000 years ago, and that would be very interesting. When we ran the dates at the Smithsonian Environmental Research Center, we were amazed to find that the lowest layer dated around 27,000 years ago. ’ ’ Among the findings were a number of stone flakes that clearly came from stone tools, says An derson. There also were three stone cores from which the tools may have been made. None of the bones were human; all were from animals, and are being analyzed to help determine what kinds of food the cave’s residents ate. Few Dated Sites Researchers have known for some time that human beings lived in mainland southeast Asia for as long as the last 500,000 years. But though many artifacts have been found, only a handful have been precisely dated using radiocarbon dating techniques. The best-known site, and the oldest about which details have On^eCHlato. Suzuki proved it has what it takes to get to the Olympics As the Supplier of Motorcycles and ATVs to thel9B 4 Games, Suzuki wiil be moving Olympic officials and materials wherever theyjrep —— - needed. For the Otym pic Games-or just j suzuki ; M&S ARCTIC CAT & SUZUKI New Holland, R 1, Pa. 17557 Rt. 322, IV2 Miles West of Blue Ball HELP WANTED Earn $lO, $l5, $2O thousand a year or more! Raise REX RABBITS for the multi*million dollar fur industry. Turn your unused space and spare time into profits. • Excellent Investment • Exciting ▲Program • Enormous Profits To learn more without obligation, fill out and mall the coupon below today: Royal Rex Ranches, Inc. RRI, Box 54 Equlnunk, Pa. 18417 (717) 224-4580 niy« ■»»■!'»'»'! m »~rrr>»nrrmnrvc • « : , '* v v, ; : - V*ti *J : I CRAFT • • >juu.uiiiMiitiiiiiitiiniinii.i.iiiiiimimiO been published in Western scholarly journals, is Spirit Cave in northern Thailand, dated to about 13.000 years ago. Vietnamese archeologists have told of finding a site estimated to be about 30,000 years old, but scholarly reports have not yet been published. The significance of Anderson’s discovery is that it may shed light on a crucial period of southeast Asian prehistory. Harvard Professor K.C. Chang says that sometime between 30,000 and 10.000 years ago people in the area began to exploit the plants and animals they found there, leading to the development of agriculture. Chang cautions that too much emphasis should not be put on a single finding or radiocarbon date, and Anderson agrees. Anderson will return to Thailand this sum mer to dig some more. fun and games-Suzuki’s got what It takes for any event From cruisers to sport bikes, tourers to economy bikes, Quadrunners or “3x6" ATVs, Suzuki's ready to take on the ’B4 Olympics. You - ,| can take on an Olym || pic contender at your UHLS | nearby Suzuki dealer. 999 1 The Sensation {of Sozuld. FYes! I am interested in mak- 1 ing money by becoming a | commercial Fur Rancher!’ | j NAME j I ADDRESS I j City State Zip Phone I Married/Single | Occupation L , Twisted ribs and Lace patterns may look com plicated, but they’re easier to do than you might think. Because pattern stitches give hand-crafted sweaters their rich, distinctive look, lace patterns are well worth learning. In the sweater shown, a twisted rib pattern borders the zigzagging lace panel. Like many other patterns twisted ribs rely mostly on knit, purl and slip combinations. As shown, the sweater is done in Bernat’s cotton “Cassino” yam, but it may also be knit in acrylic, mohair and wool “Sweety.” To order the sweater kit containing either yam and complete in structions, look for details that follow this column. To learn more Age. L£ I zigzagging lace John Deere Diesel Engines Do you own any of the following John Deere Agricultural Products?? Do you have an engine problem? If so call us BEFORE YOU REBUILD OR SHORT BLOCK. We might be able to save you time and money!!! TRACTORS COMBINES 1520 2240 55 2020 2440 95 2520 2640 105 1530 2840 3300 2030 2940 4400 2630 4040 6600 4030 4240 7700 4230 ' 4440 7700 TURBO 4430 4640 4420 4630 4840 6620 8430 8440 6620 TURBO 8630 8640 7720 TURBO 2040 8850 8820 Fmm ln,act call us even ft it s not a John Deere i i win product. Not always, but many times we Evergreen Enginos an r ®p° wer y° ur equipment with just a 9 few basic facts and your help. diesels to power your equipment TALK ABOUT VALUEI LOOK AT THISII In by 9:00 AM out by 5:00 PM. Here’s how it works. Bring us your old engine by nine in the morning, we will make all the trim changes, you will have your new engine by five PM that same day... That’s Service!!!! Here’s Value!! To Repower A John Deere 1520 Diesel Tractor Your Total Cost Would Be: Base Cost New Engine $3957.19 Less Exchange Value $(584.19) YOUR OLD ENGINE Your Net Cost $3373.00 Here's Value!! To repower a John Deere 4030 Diesel Tractor Your Total Cost Would Be: Base Cost New Engine $6321.00 Less Exchange Value $1021.00 YOUR OLD ENGINE $5,300.00 The above examples are using your old engine trim. The rest of the good news is that all labor and additional parts are included in the above quote. But it doesn't end there: 12 month warranty, that’s the final word. Give Us A Try The Next Time: Get Real Value For Your Money. Prices Are Based On Using Yor Old Engine Trim. Call Us For Details. EVERGREEN ENGINES CO. about lace patterns, just read on. Lace patterns nearly always include small patterns that repeat across a row. The patterns consist of increases and decreases, each counterbalancing one another to keep the number of stitches con stant within the row. By increasing and decreasing stitches, holes occur in the knitted fabric. Eventually, the com bination of holes, increases and decreases form the lace pattern. In most cases, increases are done with a yarnover, abbreviated as “yo.” The yarnover is made by winding the yarn from the front of the work over the top of the righthand needle. The next stich is knit as usual. In many lace patterns, including the one shown, decreases are accomplished through the com bination, “si 1, k 2 tog, psso.” The abbreviations mean slip one stitch, knit 2 together, and pass the slipped stitch over. To work the decrease slip the first stitch from the left-hand to right-hand needle without knitting it. Knit the next two stitches together. Then, pass the slipped stitch, now on the' right-hand needle, over the knitted-together stitches. Increases and decreases as described above are both demonstrated in the pattern below. To try the pattern, choose a finer yam and larger needles than you might ordinarily use for the yam. The correct balance of yam and needles are important in lace knitting. If your yarn is too thick or your needles are too small, the holes won’t stand out clearly enough to show off the lace pat tern. With the right combination of Insist on JOHN DEERE 32 Evergreen Road, Lebanon, PA 17042 (717) 273-2616 yarn and needles, lace patterns can be beautiful, as you’ll see from the zigzagging pattern described below. Here are directions: Cast on 20 stitches. Row 1: + Yamover, knit 3, slip 1, knit 2 together, pass slipped stitch over, knit 3, yamover, knit 1 +, repeat between +’s once. Row 2 and all even rows: Purl. Row 3: + Knit 1, yamover, knit 2, slip 1, knit 2 together, pass slipped stitch over, knit 2, yar nover, knit 2 +, repeat between +’sonce. Row 5: + Knit 2, yamover, knit 1, slip 1, knit 2 together, pass slipped stitch over, knit 1, yar nover, knit 3+, repeat between +’s once. Row 7: + Knit 3, yamover, slip 1, knit 2 together, pass slipped stitch over, yamover, knit 4 +, repeat between + ’s once. Row 8: Purl. Repeat these 8 rows for pattern stitch. The sweater kit, complete with Bemat yams and instructions, is available in white, pale yellow, peach, misty blue, pale pink, pearl gray, marsh purple (amethyst), stormy teal (turqoise) or ruby claret. KIT 5928-273 in “Sweety” acrylic/mohair/wool blend: small (8-10), medium (12-14) or large (16- 18), $l3. KIT C 928-273 in “Cassino” 100 percent cotton; small (8-10), medium (12-14) or large (16-18), (35. To order, send kit price, plus $2.50 postage and handling to Ellen Appel Crafts, your newspaper’s name, Box 1144, Laguna Beach, CA 92652. Specify kit number and color. California residents please add 6 percent sales tax.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers