Look into Futures By Peter D. Forbes THOMSON MCKINNON SECURITIES INC. (800) 336-0241 Hie recent^iHic. B action in the mi grain markets simply shows us _ ' how much pressure the seasonal weather trend can hkve on the market. It J”*®* 8 e *® ™f Jor graui was only two weeks ago that we ®*P® n ® nc ® were looking at contract highs in t ®Sfi’^f. h and ™ re the November soybeans at 7.71 bu. two and 8 month high in the December . com at 3.17. How quickly a little bit ° f the cnUcal of rain can send the nrices turn- P ollinatlon stage for com, which of ram can send me prices mm year should around July Currently we are looking at « ntU T 866 contract lows of 6.61 in November *““« tins soybeans being broken with the Md price settling on Thursday at 6.53 . u^ e ‘ %. Likewise, in the new crop com I Tf" t the recent more favorable wither t ™ lB d “ e to th » forecasts have dropped that a^ lde .™* ets / mn V tarme ™ contract’s mice to 2 94 and graui °P erators are generally M»t of the in the ™L*™ e of markets can te attributed to ETLhS'S- - current weather and weather JJJS *®" dt ° f® a good “■ forecasts in the central com belt pressures in and also to pressure from outside 0,6 market Recena y metals such PUBLIC AUCTION SATURDAY, JULY 21,1984 9:30 A.M Located 1 mile West of Elliottsburg, Perry Co., Pa. on rt. 74; .2 mile North of the intersection of its. 274 & 74 (watch for sale signs): REAL ESTATE To be offered at 12:00 Noon' 2-Story Frame Dwelling with oil-fired steam heat and new water system; kitchen, dining room, living room and parlor downstairs; 5 bedrooms and full bath upstairs, 3 individual porches; 40x50 Frame barn and an old mill constructed in 1826 (formerly known as the Bernheisel Mill); all situated on 11.194 acres. For inspection of property, call 717-582-2397. Terms: 10% down; balance in 30days. HOUSEHOLD GOODS, FURNITURE & ANTIQUES Caloric Gas Stove; Frigidaire Refrigerator; Iron Skillets, Silverware, Antique Glassware of all descriptions (some Roseville & Hull), Oak Dining Room Table with 6 boards, Table Lamps, Sofa, Chair, Oak Flower Stands, Wicker Stand, Player Piano & Piano Rolls, Clocks, Quilts, Bedspreads, Wicker Rocker, Lawn Chairs, Comb Case; Electrolux Sweeper, Crosscut Saw; Hand Tools; Wooden Barrels & Bucket; Platform Scaled*, Horse Harness & Line; Salt & Pepper Shakers; 2 American Flour Bolts pat. 1876 by S. Bemheisel & J. Young; Wood Box; Lancaster Coal Stove; Toaster, Mixer, Dishes; D.E. McNicol Set of Dishes; Sewing Baskets; Fancy Work; Assortment of Chairs; Port. B&W T.V.; T.V. Stand; Rocking Chair; Spool Stand; Bedroom Suit; Braided Rugs; 12x16 & 9x12 Rugs & Pads; 2 Treadle Sewing Machines; Christmas Decorations; Lanterns; Crocks, Scales; Copper Wash Boiler; Kerosene Stove; Boss Stove; Pots & Pans; Lawn Mower; Chicken supplies; 2 Small Stone Burrs; Antique Rail Cart; Old Wooden Wheel Wagon. Many More Items Too Numerous to Mention! Not Responsible For Accidents. I.D. Required for Bidder’s No. Lunch Stand. MRS. ESTHER FREEMAN, Owner R.D. 1 Elliottsburg, Pa. Wayne Freeman, Power of Attorney Elliottsburg, Pa. 582-2397 Sale By: Kling's Auction Service Landisburg, Pa. Lie. #AU-000500-L Gerald Morrison, Attorney IINIIIIIIMMIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIItmiIIIIIIIIIIIIIIi R. D.>l, landisburg, PA 17040 Tel. 717-789-3883 789-3616 as silver, gold and copper h**c been making new contract lows, indicating a very deflationary trend to the commodity markets. This ultimately must pressure the inflation sensitive grain markets. Bond prices are a direct reflection of interest rates. As current interest rates go up, traders must discount the price of their current bond holdings to “mark them to the market”. As interest rates increase, the cost of holding physical commodities also increases thereby creating selling pressure on the physicals market, i.e. grain. Currency prices are a direct reflection of the relative strength of the U.S. dollar in the world market. Recently the many major international currencies such as the Swiss frank, British pound, Canadian dollar, German mark and Japanese yen have all been making new contract lows. What this simply means is that foreign buyers have less purchasing power for American goods than at any time in the last 18 months. Since grain prices are very dependent on large expert activity, the current strength of the dollar is certainly responsible for much of the pressure on grain prices. However, the bullish fun damentals in the grains can not be overlooked. We are entering this crop year with one of the tightest levels of carry over stocks in history. Any threat to the current crop will cause trading to be very volatile. It seems that as it stands right now, the majority of the U.S. crop in corn and soybeans looks very good. With moderating weather and adequate subsoil moisture levels, indications are for a normal pollination period. Based on what we have planted, and the very favorable conditions that seem to be developing, some Sft PUBLIC jßpk AUCTION FARM MACHINERY, 4 TRACTORS, DAIRY EQUIPMENT, 60 HOLSTEIN DAIRY CAT TLE. Located on Farm 3 miles S. of Mon tgomery, Pa., 1 mile N. of Dewart, 15 miles S. of Williamsport, Just off Montgomery - Dewart Rt. 405 Highway (Northumberland Co.) FRIDAY EVE. JULY 13,1984 Starting 7:30 P.M. w/Machinery FARM MACHINERY, 4 TRACTORS J D 4020 D w/f/e Tractor, 3 Pth , 540 & 1000 rpm, Dual Hyds , Diff Lock, 18 4-38" Rubber M H 444 Row Crop Tractor w/3 Pth , M H 44G Row Crop Tractor, Case 530 G Industrial Utility Tractor w/Case Industrial Frontend Loader, M F 6-16" Semi-Mounted Plows, J D 14' Transport Disc, Dunham-Lehr 14’ Transport Cultunulcher, Gehl 120 PTO Grinder-Mixer w/Metal Detector, Gehl 99 PTO Blower - Real Good, J D 494 A 4 Row Corn Planter, N I 325 2 Row Pull Corn Picker w/no 327 12 Roll Husking Bed, J D 17-7 Sgl Disc Gram Drill, N H 461 Haybine, J D 640 Roto-Bar Rake w/Rubber Teeth, J D 24T PTO Baler, J D no 54 PTO Single Beater Manure Spreader. 2 McCurdy 225 Bu Gravity Bins - 1 w/Gehl 6 Ton Chassis, Flotation Tires, Telescopic Tongue, NH 8 Ton Gravity Bin Wagon, Grove 16' Self-Unloading PTO Forage Box w/Roof, E-Z Trail 12 Ton Tandem Chassis w/Flotation Tires, Telescopic Tongue, Sauder Frontend Loader. DAIRY EQUIPMENT INCLUDES: Esco 850 gal Bulk Tank with New 4 hp Compressor, App 130' Surge IVi" Glass Pipeline tot 16 Stanchions w/Washer, 4 Surge Milker Units, 60 HOLSTEIN DAIRY CATTLE 60 4 Registered 56 Hi-Grades Dairy Herd consists of 38 Milking Age including 7 Ist Calf Heifers, 3 Fresh June, 3 Due July, 15 Due Aug , Sept, Oct Balance various stages lactation Majority of herd less than 5 yrs old 8 Bred Heifers mostly Due Aug & Sept, 10 from Calfhood to Breeding age, 4 Baby Calves This is basically a Fall freshing herd with many young cows 30 Day Health Charts, Preg. Checked, Dairy Sale Under Cover Sale Order: No Small Items - Starting 7:30 P.M. with Farm Machinery, App. 8:30 Dairy Equipment, followed by Dairy Herd. TERMS; Cash or Good Check Evening of Sale. OWNERS GLENN E. & RUTH ANN BRUCKHART (717) 538-5180 Conducted by Fraley Auction Co. LICENSED & BONDED Auct. Lie. No.. AU-001194-L R.D. 1, Muncy, Pa. 17756 (717) 546-6907 Experience Doesn’t Cost You-It Pays! LUNCH AVAILABLE market analysts are calling for an 8 billion bushel corn crop and a 2 billion bushel soybean crop. This will make the market feel very comfortable. Livestock Many traders are comparing the current hog market to that of 1982 with prospects for a very strong summer rally. Currently the hog market is under a great deal of pressure for several reasons. Packers are losing money on every hog they slaughter and they are showing great unwillingness to bid up the prices for current market hogs. Adding to this pressure on the park products market, is the heavy inventory of frozen bellies in storage. The latest USDA report showed that as of May 31st there were 128 million pounds in storage compared to 65 million a year ago. This is the second highest level since 1962. Adding to this bearish scenario is the heavy increases in Milk security bill now in Thornburgh’s hands Senate amendments changed the definition of “milk” to include only “fluid milk sold tfa dealer from a producer;” darifleff bond surely provisions; added language providing that the security fund shall be a security trust for die exclusive benefit of milk producers who supply the dealers paying into the fund; and prohibited those applying for a new dealer’s license, or a renewed or re-instated license, from doing so if he or she has been convicted of a felony within five years or less of ap plication. According to Morris, “the milk security law now in effect bill has not provided adequate protection up to this point as evidenced by a series of severe defaults and bankruptcies in the dairy industry. This bill is intended to provide that additional protection.” Dairy goat field day set HARRISBURG - A bill is now in the hands of the Governor which would establish a “Milk Producers’ Security Act” in order to better provide for prompt payment by milk dealers to milk producers. The House this week concurred in Senate amendments to House Bill 1969, sponsored by state Rep. Samuel Morris, D-Chester, thus clearing the way for the Gover nor’s signature. The bill had originally passed the House unanimously on May 15. The bill would establish a security fund, provide for processing of claims by milk producers and provide for alter native methods through which milk dealers may protect their producers against default of payment or bankruptcy. MANHEIM A dairy goat field are invited to bring samples of day is scheduled for next Saturday, good and poor hays, and weeds July 14 from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. at they suspect might be poisonous. Jacob Fisher’s Windy Hill Goat Educational materials will be Dairy, Manheim. Anyone in- displayed and distributed. People terested in dairy goats is invited to are also invited to bring samples of attend. dairy goat products and recipes. It The afternoon program will should be an afternoon of good include a tour of Windy Hill Goat fellowship and an opportunity to Dairy. A variety of management learn more about dairy goats, practices will be demonstrated. Fishers are located at Bucknoll Milking, milk handling and and Holly Tree Roads, south of mastitis will be discussed. People Manheim and east of Route 72. GRAIN DRYING BINS Formerly Zartman’s Roller Mill Roller Mill Items & Equipment from mill over 200 years old. 3 miles North of Lititz just off Rt. 501, on Zartman Mill Rd.,' Lane. Co., Pa. THURSDAY. JULY 26 6:30 P.M. Fairbanks-Morse (40,000 lbs. capacity scales) 42’ portable cardinal grain-8 inch auger, handy portable belt type conveyor, wooden wench w/rope & wood pullys, several augers, large steel shaft & pullys, baggers, old glass storage batteries, belts, (ogs, gears, augers, flour mill equip., several brass bushings, steel, mill rollers, motors, steel tanks, 6’xB’ utility type shed, old 25 KVA, 120 i-volt generator, (3) - 30’ (diameter) x 14 carrugated grain drying bins by Long (2) - 8’ diameter x 10’ galv. bins, (2) carrugated feed bins good condition. Old large safe, oil burner w/ducts, (2) good Duo-therm space heaters (1 w/blower), G.E. Clothesdrier steel drums, plenty of scrap iron & numerous items not mentioned. Sale by DENNIS PIERCE Aucts. Carl & John Oilier AU000226L (717)464-2233 Lancaster Faming, Saturday, July 7,1984—A39 poultry production that has been evident since the abatement of the Avian Flu problem in the east. Also lending weakness to the back months in the livestock is the current weakness in new crop grains the logic being weakening grain prices will mean greater hog expansion and marketing early next year. However, the maricet analysts who are most bullish on the pork complex point to several factors that could contribute to a summer rally. They indicate that as slaughter continues to decline in hogs, supplies of pork products in storage will be quickly cleaned up. These people are calling for bellies to rally up above 85.00 late this summer and hogs to make at tempts at contract highs „(i.e. 58.00 for October hogs). They also noted that the strong up trend that has developed in the cattle market will lend underlying strength to the pork complex. 100 YEAR OLD FRAME BARN AVAILABLE Seeking capable party to remove 40'x80' two story barn located in center of Boyertown Built 1880’s as livery stable of peg con struction One half roof of slate All materials free in exchange for immediate removal July to mid August 1984 Contact Torn Brunner, daytime (215) 369-7214 Nights and weekends, (215)326-4692 «
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