Manage sulfur as you would nitrogen LANCASTER Farmers should manage sulfur the same way they manage nitrogen, says Tom Hemphill, agronomist at Allied Corporation. That means making split ap plications and, if necessary, replacing sulfur that may have been leached from topsoil by spring rains. “Most farmers already know that sidedressing or topdressing nitrogen .will reduce fertilizer Seed case settled BUTLER American Hard ware Supply Company, of Butler, has paid $525 to the U.S. Depart- ment of Agriculture to settle a case involving shipments of seed alleged to be in violation of the Federal Seed Act. The case was settled in an agreement between the company and officials of the USDA’s Agricultural Marketing Service. The company neither admitted nor ;nied the charges. Donald W. Ator, an AMS official i Washington, D.C., said the case ivolved shipments of tall fescue ;ed into Virginia and Georgia, he alleged violations were false ibeling of germination and test ate; failure to test for ger lination within the prescribed me prior to interstate shipment; ulure to label shipper’s name and ddress and to keep required ecords. The Federal Seed Act is a truth- HELP WANTED Earn $lO, $l5, $2O thousand a year or more! Raise REX RABBITS for the multi-million dollar fur Industry. Turn your unused space and spare time Into profits. • Excellent Investment • Exciting ▲Program • Enormous Profits To learn more without obligation, fill out and mail the coupon below today Royal Rex Ranches, Inc. RRI, Box 54 Equinunk, Pa. 18417 (717) 224-4580 losses and provide a better return on investment,” Hemphill says. “But few realize that the same holds true for sulfur. ’ ’ Like nitrogen, sulfur easily moves into the subsoil, beyond the reach of plant roots. Besides reducing crop yield, quality and protein content, a sulfur shortage can prevent plants from making efficient use of applied nitrogen, Hemphill says. in-labeling law designed to protect farmers and consumers who buy seed. AMS administers the program with the help of state seed officials. Seed regulatory officials in Virginia and Georgia cooperated with the Agricultural Marketing Service in making the in vestigation. 1 THINNING OF |lf eJv j [ BULOING? I | READ LANCASTER FARMING'S | I ADVERTISING TO FIND ALL I | YOUR NEEDS! J PYes! lam Interested in mak- | ing money by becoming a j commercial Fur Rancher!’ | I NAME j | ADDRESS I | City State Phone Married/Single | Occupation For this reason, he adds, far mers should consider applying both nutrients together, on the same schedule. “Nitrogen and sulfur are very much alike,” Hemphill says. “They behave the same way in the soil, and they work together to form protein and chlorophyl. A deficiency of one of these vital nutrients could greatly reduce the crop’s yield potential.” For optimum efficiency, crops should contain one unit of S for every 10-12 units of N. This in formation may be obtained from a plant-tissue test, the agronomist says. “Applying supplemental N without sulfur could throw off this balance and induce a sulfur deficiency,” Hemphill claims. A three-year study at Montana State University dramatized the importance of applying sulfur with supplemental N. Replicated plots of orchardgrass topdressed with 150 pounds N Zip Age. Featuring: • 190 MPH Air Stream • Rotating Head (3 Pt. Hitch or Pull-Type) Sprays With The Wind • Low Volume Efficiency Reduces Chemical & Fuel Cost Lancaster County's Only Dealer Specializing In Sprayer Sales & Service LESTER A. SINGER RONKS PA PH (717) 687*6712 Mon Fn 6to 5 Sat 9to 12 SOW COOLER Intermittent Drip Cooling ' W lt's Proven REDUCED HEAT STRESS WILL IMPROVE produced 23 percent less hay than plots that did not receive extra nitrogen. This decrease in yield occurred because the additional N widened the crop’s N:S ratio from 34:1 to 53:1. In adjacent plots, where the same amount of N was appbed with 30 pound S, the crop’s N:S ratio plummeted from 34.1 to an optimum 11:1. As a result, crop yield was more than double the untreated check’s and nearly three times greater than plots that received extra N only. To maintain a proper balance of N and S within the crop, Hemphill suggests using one pound of sulfur for every five to 10 pounds of nitrogen. Type of sulfur fertilizer is also important, as different types work faster than others. For sidedress and topdress applications, farmers IX YOUR NEEDS give your vegetables wrap around protection ffpr X , • RATE OF GAIN • FEED EFFICIENCY •REPRODUCTIVE PERFORMANCE should use a fertilizer that contains sulfur in the sulfate form, the only kind plants can absorb im mediately. “A fertilizer like ammoftium sulfate (21-0-0-245) might be the most practical because it contains sulfate sulfur, plus nitrogen,” Hemphill says. To fulfill additional N requirements, he suggests bulk blending granular ammonium sulfate with either area or am monium nitrate. Fluid-grade ammonium sulfate, a finer mesh material, may be added to suspensions or clear liquids. Elemental sulfur is generally not recommended for mid-season applications because it requires several weeks to break down into the sulfate form. “By that time, you may have already lost some yield to sulfur deficiency,” Hemphill says. 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