High FFA dairy judging team from Solanco High School includes, from the left, Kris Esbenshade, Joe Delong, Mark Welk and Tom Arrowsmith. ftarmatar pit PAL MANURE HANDLING SYSTEM MODEL 1660 Discharge Opening Discharge Openin' Inlet Opening # Cutting/Chopping Blades # Stationary Cutting Edi Hydraulic Source Hydraulic Source Hydraulic Hose Size Wgt (excl handle & hose) Wgt—6' Handle & 25‘ Hose Handle Length Total Height w/Handle Optional Handle Extension Reg Access Open (ex disch elbow) 18" Diameter Opening Reg Access Open (in disch elbow) 21" Pi Agitation Area Cenlnfical Pump Priming Tank Wagon Loading ‘Compatible to Farmsiar® Slurry King Pump M 539 Falling Spring Road Dvhfd Supply p ° b o x2i 9 JUifU I Chambersburg, PA 17201-0219 CO. Phone 717-263-9111 LIQUID SPECIFICATIONS PIT PAL Agitation Pos Loading Pos 4 in dia 24 5 sg in Mm 10gpm Recommended 13 gpm 3/4" x 25' Standard 137 lbs 54 lbs TV 9'6" Up to Up to Up to 750 gal /mm 16' above pump unit PIT PAL agitates, chops, pumps, loads in one complete system. Solve those ‘under-barn’ manure pit problems remove manure pit sludge better with PIT PAL. 4 in dia nameter Opening 60’ Diameter 800 gpm* DYC hosts judging Y| V . JUIf itsfir Top livestock judging team from Lancaster includes, from the left, Margaret Herr, Brian Chapman, Jan Waltz and Fritz Frey. Lancaster Farming, Saturday, April 28.1984-821 V x V. County 4-H Hess, Chris contests By Martha J. Gehringer DOYLESTOWN - The skies threatened rain but this didn’t discourage the 4-H and FFA’ers who traveled to Delaware Valley College in Doylestown to test then judging skills. Saturday, April 14, marked the third annual dairy judging and se cond annual livestock judging con test. The dairy judging consisted of six classes from the college’s dairy herd. The breeds judged were Ayr shires, Brown Swiss and Holstein. The results from the day’s events are: FFA High teams - 1. Solanco Team 1, 2. Cloister Team 1, 3. Cloister Team 2, 4. Belvidere High, 5. Solanco Team 2. 4-H High Teams - 1. Berks County, 2. Lebanon County Team 1, 3. Lebanon County Team 2, 4. Somerset County Team 2, 5. Somerset County Team 1. The Berks County Team was also the overall high team for the day. The individual results are as follows - FFA High Individuals; 1. Mark Welk - Solanco Team 1, 2. Kris Esbenshade - Solanco Team 1, 3. Larry Gerhart - Cloister Team 1, 4. Phil Eby - Cloister Team 1. FFA High Reasons: 1. Mark Welk - Solanco Team 1, 2. Jim Zimmer man - Cloister Team 1, 3. Kris Esbenshade Solanco Team 1, 4. Phil Eby - Cloister Team 1. 4-H High Individuals: 1. William Lesher - Berks County, 2. Todd Miller - Berks County, 3. Jay Bicksler - Berks County, 4. Gary Fink. 4-H High Reasons: 1. Gary Fink, 2. William Lesher - Berks Co., 3. Sandy Sutton - Somerset Co., 4. Todd Miller - Berks Co. The official judges for the dairy competition were Carl Brown from F.M. Brown and Sons Feed Com pany, Peter Witmer, a farmer from Lancaster, Tom Smith and (Turn to Page 822) SERVING THE FARMERS FOR 111 YEARS fxl iipNitar msirid li HOOK) HAMBURG SAVINGS pni C and ITMPV TRUST COMPANY Hamburg, PA Phone: 215-562-3811 A FULL SERVICE BANK
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