C2o—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, April 28,1984 v NEW TRACTORS WHITE TAG SPECIALS 9518 Simplicity demo.- Special Price $5,800 234 4 Wheel Drive 244 4 Wheel Drive 584 540 Spreader 335 Wagon 510016x7 Grain Drill 510 Plow 720 Plow NEW EQUIPMENT SPECIALS 800 Air Planter 18’ Bale Wagon-Special Price Morridge Com Dryer 4 Row 800 com planter 1190 Mower 7 ft. cond. 15 Bale Thrower USED EQUIPMENT SPECIAL VW Diesel Pick-Up Truck, 1982 XL, Low Mileage Excellent Shape, $5300 Farmall Cub with Mower and Blade 424 Gas IH Ground Drive Spreader 1947 CJ3 Jeep Farmall Super C Tractor IH 268 Snow Thrower M LAMB’S FARM >B MACHINERY '■ Thorndale. PA Phone 215-269-2676 NH 1002 Auto ; Bale Wagon < Good Shape ! $3,000 i (I)NHTDIOO > Heavy Duty Disc ! Harrow 13’Cut (Demo) I $5,000 (1)1830 Skid | Loaders, Excel. > Cond. w/Grapple | Hook I New ; NH 358 Grinder- Mixer w/13’ ; Unloading Auger i SMOO ;1976 Case D 8990 Tractor Good Shape ~ ACWD4S Diesel llractor w/3 Bottom 1 Plows. Good Shape 51895 DB 1410 Tractor With Cab Good Shape ; NH 273 Baler With NH4B9Haybme_ " NH 679 Manure | Spreader With Top 1 Beate^-JReaJ^jOod_ ~1 Super 717 NH I Harvester With 2 | Row Head And Grass Pick-Up ”paulshover t sln”c." | 35 E Willow Street Carlisle. PA 717-243-2686 USED TRACTORS OLIVER 1600 Gas, 3 Pt., PS 1750 D WF. PS, 3 Pt, Overhauled 1800 WF 3 PT, PS 1850 WF 3PT, PS, New Tires MF 175 WF 3 PT, PS, New Paint JD 720 WF JD72ONF FORD 5000 w/Loader, 38” Rubber, Dual Wheels * IH 806 38” Rubber PS. Dual PTO & Dual Hyd. 3444 Industrial w/Loader 500 C Crawler Dozer w/6 Way Blade New Under Carriage & Motor Overhauled 125 E Crawler Loader Like New, Low Hours IH 80 Combine HESSTON 5600 Round Baler CARL W. KENSINGER FARM MACHINERY RD 2 Box 522 A Duncansville, Pa. 16635 814/696-0868 South of Altoona on Rt. 220 or 25 Miles North of Bedford TIP Exit NEW JOHN DEERE TRACTORS IN STOCK JD4250 w/MFWD JD4250 2 WD JD2ISO2WD JD29SO2WD JD 4050 w/MFWD NEW JOHN DEERE EQUIPMENT INSTOCK , JD2IS 11 ft. 5” Disk Harrow JD2IS 11 ft 5" Dura Cushion Disk Harrow JD 215 12 ft 10" Disk Harrow JD 1610 Chisel plow, 3 pt. JD 175 Loader JD 40 175 Bu PTO Spreader JD 450 225 Bu. Hydra Push Spreader JD 1550 Power Till Seeder - sp $6595 00 JD 1008 10 ft. Pull Type Rotary Cutter JD 1508 15 ft. Fold Up Rotary Cutter 2/JD 8250 14x7 Gram Drills Weatherbreak for JD utility tractors, $l3O 2 Row Narrow Head for JD Forage Harvesters (2) JD 347 Balers w/eiectors JD 337 Baler w/ejector JD 327 Baler w/ejector NEW BUSH HOG EQUIPMENT IN STOCK 126 R 10 ft Pull Type Rotary Cutter 256 6 ft. Rotary Cutter Squealer 5 ft 3 pt Rotary Cutter NEW ARTSWAY EQUIPMENT IN STOCK 2-16 ft. Forage Boxes w/Roofs - $4895 00 each 475 Grinder Mixer 155 Mix Wagon A 8008 Sila-Mix Wagon NEW BRILLION EQUIPMENT IN STOCK LGS 1441 12 It Cultipacker LGS 1601 13 ft Cultipacker Pequea Hay Tedders Hard) 300 gallon Pull Type Sprayer USED FARM EQUIPMENT JD T Kilter Disk IH 13' Roller Harrow, $1895 AC No-til 4 row, Planter Little Giant Corn drag, like new IH 1086 tractor w/cab JO 4020 Diesel w/cab Kubota L 185,15 hp, w/mower & snow blade JO TWA 24 blade, plowing disk harrow JD model 50 tractor JD L Tractor w/plow & cultivators JDF125.4x16.3pt. plow JD FI4SA 5x16 semi-mount plow JD F 350 4x16 hydraulic reset plow Sauder loader for JD 2010 JD 148 loader w/84" bucket JO 567 6 wheel rake, like new JO 494 A Planter JD 8300 gram drill, dd openers, 21x7 JDFBB 15x7 gram drill JDFBB 17x7 gram drill JD 444 corn head JD 3300 combine w/13' gram and 2 row wide corn head JD 7700 combine w/6 row corn head 1 pair 14 9x28 tractor tire chains PYTO? NEUHAUS’ES INC. John Deere Sales ■■■ & Service f ■■#»»*) V,SA ‘ RD2, York, PA 17403 Phone - 717-428-1953 ill SIMTEMMTIONJU.' •! M«a«l«n Cmtftauon BQUIrMCIV ■ OHfUN iuinOiS 61061 USED El Tractors Farmall M Cab for 966 or 1066 IH F 544 Gas IH F46OD IH F 460 Gas IH FB26D IH F1466D IH Hydro 86D 1H234D Ford 860 Ford 6000 JD 1010 JD 2440 w/Loader MF6SD w/Loader MFIIOSD AC WD4S Spreaders NH 679 Hawk Built 187 Spreader Plows Lely Power Harrow IH 55 Chisel Plow IH 211 Plow IH 311 2 Pt IH 312 Plow IH 560 Plow IH 550 Plow IH 531 Plow 1H540 4F, 14" Taylorway Chisel Plow Combines SP IH. Model 205 Corn & Gram SP IH *9l SP MF *35 MF 510 w/43 Corn head Nl 710 Uni Combine Cornpickers 1H234 Nl 325 2-Row, 30 Oliver 1-Row Planters IH4ooCyclo 6R IH4ooCyclo4R JD12506R TillW Ontario 13x7 )H Vibra Shank, 3 pt IH 449 4R IH 45 Vibra Shank. IS 1 /?’ IH 56 4R Dunham 10' IH 56 6 Row Cultimulcher Vicon 500 Seeder IH #24 Offset Disc Vicon 600 Seeder AC 18 Ft. S T Harrow ★ Waiver of Finance Available On Most Used Equip. To Credit Qualified Buyers Visa, Master Card, IHCC Financing, Bank Financing. We Ship UPS or Mail Daily! Swope & Bashore, Inc. iWOVS] - UIPMENT Skid Loaders Bobcat 543 Bobcat 600 Bobcat 642 Bobcat 700 Gehl 300 Schwartz Dunham Miscellaneous Mackissick 25 Gal Sprayer 300 Gal Sprayer Lawn & Garden Tractors IH 122 Cadet w/Mower IH 60 Riding Mower MF 7 w/Mower MF 10 w/Mower & Blade Dayton 10 HP w/mower Snapper Comet AC 810 w/Equipment JD 110 w/Mower & Snow Blower PK 2418w/Equip. Ford LT7S w/Mower Forate Equip. JD 34 Harvester JD *6 For Harvester IH 830 Harvester w/3-Row Cornhead & Hay Pickup IH *46 Baler NH 23 Blower IH 990 Mow. Cond. IH 440 Baler & Thrower IH 445 T Baler w/Thrower Dearborn 40 Rake Gehl7loFor Box i 951 -C - Cat Loader $24,950.00 I 5N86J2541 Good Operating Machine ! 1970 Mack UGBS t/a 235 HP Mack Eng. I 5 sp/trans. Works Good. Needs tires & | Paint $4500.00 or best offer | 1966 Ford F 950 t/a Dump Big Gas Eng. I Runs & Dumps Real Good 534V8 I 5/3 Comp. Trans. $4500.00 I Call WHITEFORD CONST. INC. i (301)838-1470 £ after 6:00 - 717-456-7497 USED COMBINES Waiver of Interest till January 1,1985 • ’73 JD 7700, hydrostatic drive, turbo, 16' platform • '75 JD 7700 - Rotary Screen, Mud Hog Drive, 16 Ft. Platform • '75 JD 7700 - Rotary Screen. 16’ Platform • 76 JD 7700 Rotary Screen, gear drive, 15 ft. platform • 'BO JD 7720 4 wheel drive, 220 flex cutterbar • 'Bl JD 7720 4 wheel drive, 220 flex cutterbar • 'Bl JD 6620 224 hrs. 24.5x32 tires Dail-a-matic height control, 216 Flex Cutter bar. Like new • 'Bl JD 8820 4 wheel drive, factory duals, 1100 hrs., with 220 flex cutter bar and 1243 corn head. Excellent Shape • 78 IH 1480 axle flow w/four wheel drive, w/20’ flex cutter bar, 8 row 30” corn head • 79 JD 7720 4 WD 1400 hrs. 220 flex cutter bar • 76 JD 6600 hydrostatic drive w/216 flex cutter bar CORN HEADS Good Selection of John Deere 443-444-643-843-1243 Cornheads USED TRACTORS Waiver of Interest until July 1,1984 • 77 JD 8430 w/dual 20.8x34 tires, 3 pt hitch, PTO, 3 outlets • 73 IH 766 wide front, 3 pt. hitch • '69 Oliver 1850 • JD 4840 - 750 hrs. (like new) • ’79 Steiger ST 210 Series 3,4WD with dual 18.4x34 tires, 3 pt. hitch, 1336 hrs. Reduced to $28,500. CORN PLANTERS Waiver of Interest until April 1,1984 • 'B2 AC Model 333,15-20” Row, No-Till Soybean Planter, Dry Pert, Insec ticides • JD 1250 plateless , USED PLOWS • JD F 145-5-16 Semi Plow w/Harrow attachment JD 125 Skid loader, diesel engine, utility bucket List *18,900 Special Price *13,850 MISCELLANEOUS EQUIP. • JD 21014' disc harrow • 1 Brillion 23’ folding packer, crow foot wheels • Graber 26’ flex pull-type chisel plow • JD RGB Cultivator, 8-30” Rows • JD 653 row crop bean head, like new • Bish head adapter to install JD corn head on NH TR7O combine • JD 38 Harvester w/2 RW Head • Tye drill 24 tine, double disc opener, 3 pt. hitch • (1) Brillion 15Vz ft. field cultivator w/Midwest Harrow • (1) JD 168 loader, like new, Rhino rear blade 8 ft. W.N. COOPER & SON, INC. Morgnec Rd. Rt. 291 Chestertown, MD 301-778-3464
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers