GihT model 120 grinder mixer, excellent condition. Also Nt model 323 corn Bicker, excellent condi on 201-879-5851 days. 201-584-5054 evenings. Oliver 1850 Diesel, dual IwdrauKcs. dual PTO, WF. new tires. 814-696-0868. JO 7000 conservation no ti(l planter, 4 row, liquid fertilizer, $5500- 717-532-6892. MM. 900 D, dual PTO, dual hydraulics, 2200 hrs. original. 814-6960868. 9' Case transport disk, $6OO. DENNIS M. MILLER Rt 22. Grantville, PA. 717-833-1888 anytime 717-469-0937 daily Oliver 1800 Diesel. WF, overhauled, new paint. 814-696-0868. Int 1456 with or without cab or roll guard and canopy duals, weights with new torque clutch rebuilt injection pump, newly painted. 717-258- 3967 1974 Chisholm Ryder Bean Harvester, hydro, diesel, with dump cart, good condition; Brillion 25 ft. lift harrow. Phone 717- 759-0679 after 5 pm. For Sale - 11 It. Glenco Field Cultivator, $500; New Holland No. 23 silage blower, $5OO. Belt pulley tor Ford 800. $125: False end gate, $2O; York Co. 717-637-5075. For Sale - International 234 mounted sweetcorn picker. Wyoming County. 717-388-2495 eves. FMC air blast sprayer row crop, with 500 gallon poly tans, JD 4 row corn planter model 1240 fertilizer and insecticide; John Blue spinner fert. distributor, trailer type. 301-721-7684. IHC #550 semi-mount 5 - 14" plow, $800; MF 62 mounted 3 - 14" plow, $300; MF 6 row 30" 3 pt cultivator, $4OO or will trade for IHC 6-16" or 7- 16" semi-mount plow. Delivery can be arranged. B & B Farm Co., Bozhian, MD. 301-745-2628. For Sale - Ferguson 20 tractor, very good con dition with Woods RMS 9 five foot cut grass mower, two bottom plow, power take-off driven belt pulley, $2900, 717-966-3389. CASS 770 gas, WFE, 60 HP, 1300 hours very good condition, must sell, 814- 326-4505. Ml 702 Uni with cab, 710 combine; 713 S grain head with sensors and 740 feeder. Will separate Warren County. 201- 537-4460 after 6:30 PM. For Sale - Foley 387 automatic saw filer, $725, 392 automatic setter, $375, both like new. Lehigh Co. 215-285-6362. Wanted • 2 wheel driving cart sturdy built. Berks Co. Call 215-683-5979. 1 used Farmhand grinder blower, 2 screens, 3 years old, excellent condition, $5200. Phone 717-789- 4147. NH 489 hay bine, new, never used. Double action cylinder and additional new knife included. Call after 6 PM. 301-898- 7097. For Sale - 1964 Ford 801 diesel w/Duitiam Lehr loader, good condition, *3,200. SchiwhHl County. 717-739-4814. JD 3300 combine, 2 row corn head, 13' grain head with cab. Gasoline, *18,900. Call 717-259- 9377. 30 tractors ol various sizes. Ford, JD and In ternational. 2,3, 4, 5 and 6 bottom plows. Planters, drills, balers, combines and other equipment. 1967 1 ton International dump truck. Call Gary Leader, 814-652-2809. For Sale - Int. 249, 2 row corn planter w/insectidde box, $2OO. Set of tire chains - 14.9x28. $5O. Lane Co. 717-548-2576. Ford C-750 double spinner lime spreader truck implement of husbandry licensed, $2OOO. Huntingdon Co. 814-542-9280. For Sale - Jack Hammer Breaker, $lOO, also at tachment for fork lift truck for picking up round balers, etc. with turning unit. $3OO. 717-652- 1957. IH cub tractor with at tachments, 1973 model, excellent condition, wheel weights, chains, snow blade, Mott mower, 1 pt. fast hitch, garden plow, sickle bar, 6 double disc, 5' single disc, 2 section spring tooth harrow. 215- 696-8840. Wanted - Complete 3 pt. hitch for Ford 309 corn planter. For Sale - Ford 917 6' flail mower, 3 pt.; Ford 515 6' sickle oar mower, 3 pt; Ford T 3 pt. disc; Vicon 3 pt. fertilizer spreader; Century disc; Jicon 3 pt. fertilizer spreader; Century 200 gal. PTO sprayer on wheels; AC 9 transport disc; JD 314" 3 pt. plow; JD 43 PTO corn sneller on wheels. All good condition. 215-679-9010. For Sale - Cab lor Oliver tractor made by White, air, heater, 2 row corn head for IH 720, 830, good condition. 703-879- 9402. For Sale - 100 h.p. con tinental power unit, runs Sood, no clutch. $550 laniel S. Yoder, Gap, Pa. Rt. 30 East. For Sale (1) 780 Int. plow disc; (1) JO 327 hay baler; (11 Nl 279 mow-ditioner, (1) Oeutz Farr hay rake model KS80; (1) Fleco Rock rake. 717-836-2788. International Harvester #BO pul behind combine, very good condition, $2600.609-397-8259. For Sale - 95 HP Deutz w/duals, 5 bt. Oliver semi mount plow 14' MF field cultivator. Wanted - 60-70 HP 4-wheel drive Deutz. At Cr NY. 716- .leg. Jo., . 593-5369 after 4 PM, For Sale - 933 cat trax- cavator, good condition lust overhauled, 500 hours, 315-365-3268. John Deere "M" with plow and mower A-l condition, $2200.215-582-2593. For Sale - MF 300 combine 13' hume reel very good, Cumberland Co., 717- 423-5987. 1500 gal. honey wagon with injectors. Like new condition. Asking $6,000. Phone 717-286-1026 days. 2860043 nites. 7000 JD 30" 4 row corn planter. 717-548-2271. For Sale - Knight Little Auggie TMR mixer wagon, good working condition, no scales, $B5O. Chester County. 215-932-2533. JD Hoover single row potato planter; #8 Hoe Superior grain drill; Potato plow; JO 12 ft. Lime Spreader; tnt. 7 ft. haybine; Front mounted Saw Buck for H or M Farmall; Farmall Cub mower; Spike Harrow; Minneapolis Moline 3 pt, 2 row corn planter; 3 pt., 6 ft. harrow; 3 pt, 2 row cultivator; 3 pt., 6 ft. disc; 3 pt, 6 ft. harrow; 3 pt, 2 row cultivator; 3 pt, 2 btm. plow; A-l condition, Lehigh County, PA. Phone 215-262-9781. For Sale - MF 510 O, good shape, new rubber, low hours, IS' grain. 4-30- com. 717-648-0027. 15 day special new New Idea power unit, model 802 with air. 24-1x26 tires, power assist guide wheels, new 818 combine and used 6 row corn head. Subject to availability of the power unit, this complete package can be yours for $61,000. Model 5400 6 row narrow White air corn planter with monitor. Nice condition, $4,895. 717-398-1391 or 717-753-3196. International 500 C crawler dozer, 6 way blade, new under car riage, motor overhauled, new paint. 814-696-0868. For Sale - Farmall Super A tractor, one 14” bottom plow, cultivators, 7' mower, 8’ disk. 717-354- 0640. For Sale - JD 680 manure spreader and JD 1250 plow 4-16. Only plowed 80 acres. 814-766-2733. Tractors, diesels - Far malls 706; 830 Case. 720 JD Gas - 1600 Oliver; MF Super 90. Make an offer. Somerset Co. 814-467- 8839 or 814-467-7085. Wanted - JD Top link for JD 4010 or 4020. 717- 665-7434. IH 800 no-till 4 row plate planter, monitor, dry fert, less than 100 acres. 301- 733-2195. JD 3020 diesel, wide front, power shift tran smission, good condition. 717-532-7054. IH 400 corn planter w/monitor, dry fertilizer boxes and insecticide boxes, good condition, $llOO. 717-437-2139. Oliver 1750 Diesel, overhauled, wide front 814-696-0868. 2010 John Deere backhoe diesel, as is, $5,000- Machine payloader, 3 cyl. GM diesel, $5,000. Case plow hydraulic reset, as is, $9OO Call 717-733-3980. International 125 crawler/ktader, 1200 hrs., like new. 814-696-0868. FOR SALE 8 ft. Casa disc rope lull duth to angle $125.00 IHC(I4P)Corn snapper.... $225.00 IHC Rear mounted mower for (C) $lOO.OO 2 wheel trailer dump for garden tractor ... 4 Bus seat benches. $25 00 each Cummingham crimper $200.00 53StudebakerPU- Asis $150.00 71 Olds Coupe - $125.00 As is $200.00 SCHUYLKILL COUNTY, PA. 717-345-8367 International 344 tractor and loader, good condi- tion. 814-6! FOR SALE Super (A) with touch con troi, 2 wheel trailer, right hand plow, disc hitlers, furrow openers, cultivator, rear chains, leveling blade, $3500.00 SCHUYLKILL COUNTY, PA.717-345-8367 International 806 D, dual PTO, dual hydraulics, 38" tires, fast hitch with new 3 pt. wide front, new paint. 814-6964868. For Sale - Moline grain drill on rubber, 13 hole 8" spacing. 717-665-2962. Martin V-2900. All op tions, excellent, 3 years old, $5,000. 717- 393-2472 early mornings or evenings. 665-5617 days. 709 Uni, 850 hours, power assist drive, good condition, $19,000. Have some sweet corn heads and Byron Harvester available. 717-637-2251. 461 haybine, good con dition, $l,OOO. Call 215- 536-4290 after 5:30 PM. 5440 4 wheel drive chopper; 4030 JD; 4020 JD; 46-A loader; 3 chuck wagons: 1 Badger tan dem; 1 single axle Myers tandem; & 1 Myers tan dem. 215-588-2782. For Sale - 4 - 30” row AC, no-till planter w/dry fertilizer, monitor, in secticides, $l6OO. Cecilton, MD. 301-235- 1307. For Sale - Complete 6 row, AC, no-till fertilizer at tachment w/separate drive wheel, has box ex tent ions w/new 18” disc and boots, $ll5O or willing to trade for 6 row liquid system. Cecilton, MD. 301-235-1307. JO 1460 6 row no till planter liquid fert, $875. 494 A 4 row disc openers, $375. JD RW 12' harrow (new discs), $575; 717- 624-8847. Adams Co. For Sale - 479 New Holland haybine, good condition. 717-258-6203, Cumberland Co. Int. combine model 403 with cab, 13' platform head and 2 row corn head. Rebuilt engine with only 100 hours. Phone 717-637-3751, ext 261. Monday-Friday, 8 AM - 5 PM. For Sale - JD 7000 no-till corn planter, dual monitor, dry fertilier, in secticide, individual markers and acre meter. Best offer over $B,OOO. Cumberland Co. 717-532- 9501. For Sale - Sanders loader for Massey Ferguson SO. 717-529-2396 JD 4010 gas tractor, nice condition. Price $3,900. 717-532-7054. AC 6080 with year round cab, 750 hours, like new; 13' AC disc with dual wheels; 18' Brady wing fold field cultivator, PuH type with chisel spike teeth; 5 ton 15' Miller tilt top trailer with new tires. $1,200. Bucks Co. 215- 766-7644. For Sale - 2 round Bale Feeders, $5O a piece; 16” 11 gauge disks, $2.50 each. Call 717-866-4185 or 215-589-2966. For Sale - 1960 AC Dl4 wide front axle tractor, belt pulley, PS, equipped w/snap coupler hitch, food condition. 717-464- 796. For Sale AC (2) btm. 16” glow, w/slatted mold oards, cover boards and coulters, excellent con dition. 717-464-5796. For Sale - JD 14 ft transport disc, $950; Holland 2 row tran splanter, $450; 12 ft. cultimulcher, $750. 717- 865-3488. IH 806 diesel, NF, FH, new rubber and paint. Ex cellent, $4,200. 301-833-9091. JO 2020 diesel. All op tions, low hours. $5,100. 301-833-9091. IH 1466, C4A, 2200 hours, $12,000/offer. 301-833-9091. John Deere 4430 4 post roll guard, quad rarwe, good condition, $11,500 or best reasonable offer. 717-786-2839. Morell 5 wheel rake; Oliver 4 trip bottom trail ing plow; 10 ft. AC transport disk; 200 gal., 8 row sprayer; 1947 Willys 4 wheel; 3 pt. fertilizer spinner, like new 215-536-5011. IH 1150 grinder mixer with molasses applicator. Very good condition, $3,000.215-493-3040. AC 160 diesel tractor, 3 pt. hitch; 3 bottom AC plow, 3 pt. hitch disc; Woods Bros, rotary mower. Bucks Co. 215- 536-2796. Case 401 diesel power unit, dutch and shaft, excellent condition; NH 66 baler, PTO, good con dition; AC hay crusher, PTO; Oliver 5 bottom semi mount plow spring trip; '72 Ford dump truck, 750 series, 26.000 lb. GVW, power steering. Mifflin Co. 717-543-5560. Used NH 717 W pickup attachment; Used NH 880 N 2 row crop; Used NH 273 Baler w/tnrower. 717- 786-2895. Bale throwing wagon beds and running gears. All oak (umber. Size 18x8x8. 215- 273-2594. For Sale - Weaverline Electric Seed Cart, large size, good condition. 301- 733-7281. For Sale - Complete line oi turnip growing equipment: Ceeders, Sprayers, Harvester, Washers, Graders, Slow Tables, Baggers, Pallet Bins. Call 717-587-1428. For Sale - Transplanter 2 row Nl; Vibra Shank harrow 16 ft.: John Bean air blast sprayer, 500 gallon row crop; Oliver sprayer, 400 gallon. Call 717-587-1428. For Sale - JD 4440 SG body, air. AM-FM, 500 hours, excellent condition, Dauphin Co., 717-896- 8766. F(<i bd-e IHC f/h 1976 IHC 464 D, With equipment 7’ sickle bar Loader, 3 Bottom mower, PTO hay rake mounted 1100 new paint, 717-687-0102. $7500.00. Farmall 20 For Sale - 1486 Int Good Tires, $BOO-00 Tractor w/cab, air con- Trade. 814-793-2829. ditionine. 1,600 he. Al*" Curry Supply. Oliver 546 plow, 6 btm. 1963 Fruehauf tanker 16". Int 4 btm. trailer steel 5000 gallons one plow, Int. 3 btm. trailer, compartment with baffles plow. 717-692-3292 or tandem axle. 215-838- 717-692-3941 evenings. 7271. $9OO. Int. 125 Crawler/Loader; Case 5808 Loader/Backhoe; 1976 Ford 550 w/ROPS Loader/Backhoe. Davis RT36 Trencher 717-933- 5734. Wanted - White 4 row or 6 row no-till corn planter. Phone 814-643-5163. Wanted - liquid manure S. Must be in good tion. Call 717-/86- 2839. Oliver 1750 with cab, wide front end. dual hydraulics, good con dition. Call 717-786-2839. 1983 J.D. Model 8300 Gram Drill. JD 1981 -12' For Sale - 706 Farmall, Chisel Plow pull type, gas; Case 630 with loader; 1980 12' Dunnill Farmall MD. 215-683 Cultipacker. 1978 Farm 8547. h^ h OS MF 1080 Diesel wide v? 79 m 5 aano ,ront ' dual hydraulics, SSi 1968 mounted 4 bolt 0 " 1 16" N.H. 282 Ha? Baler. All in g s jj&° 30*756? good condition, must sell. . SUI Lebanon County, 717- 1 273-5231 For Sale - 403 Int. Combine 13' head; 620 JD, PS, 3 pt, excellent rubber; 112 Chuck Wagon JD. All in good shape. 717- 862-3833. LANCASTER SILO CO., INC. 2008 Horseshoe Rd., Lancaster, Pa. 17601 “LANCASTER” CONCRETE STAVE FARM SILOS FEEDING SYSTEMS - BARN EQUIP. - SILO UNLOADERS "LANCASTER" CONVEYORS "SUPREME" RING DRIVES OR “LANCASTER" BELT FEEDERS "VAN DALE” MAGNUM SILO " TAPER BOARD UNLOADERS & ACCESSORIES ... ANr«TFR" HAY FFFDFRS "AUTOMATIC" ROLLER MILLS "Lancaster” waterers "Ritchie" cattle waterers “LANCASTER" STEEL GATES "STEINER" ROLL MIXERS IiNrASTFR" FIRFRCI AS S "SHOW-EASE” COW STALLS LANCASTER FIBERGLAS "ZIMMERMAN” & “LEISS” FANS ... ac™-cTwc 5 "WEAVERLINE" FEED CARTS LANCASTER 36 FANS “LANCASTER” SILOS -SAVE MORE IN 1984 - Early Order, Early Delivery & Early Payment can Add Up To Large Discounts. Call Us Before You Buy. A BEAUTIFUL WHITE WET CAST STAVE FARM SILO. AGRI-LEASE AVAILABLE - 3 to 7 YEARS automatic W 930 Case Diesel tractor, $4OOO. 5 Btm. JD Plow Onland hitch, $2500. 12 'A' JD Disc, $l4OO. 4 row Case corn planter with Insecticide, $4OO. 13x7 Int. Grain Drill, $l5O. 2 row Cultivator, $2OO. Gravity Wagon, $5OO. New Idea 6”x41” tran sport auger, $lOOO. JD 55 Combine 12' Flexible cutter bar. $2OOO. '47 Dodge dump grain box. $2OO. Sickle bar mower. $lOO. 16’ grain auger, $l5O. 60 bu. soybean seed make offer. Seed corn Funk's 4689 A, $66, 15 units. 717-933-5358. For Sale - End gate w/cylinder and all mounting parts for NH 519 manure spreader, good condition. 215-689- 5543,8-8:30 AM. For Sale - JO MT tractor w/ptow, sickle mower, cultivator, manure spreader and barn kept, excellent condition. 215- 967-6207. For Sale - Good used Amish buggy, $7OO. Located 1 mile East of Intercourse. Amos S. Esh, 3818 E. Newport Road, Gordonville, Pa. 17529. Liquid nitrogen sprayers; 27' John Blue around driven pump, 400 gal. aluminum tank, agitator, $2,200; 32' high clearance, hydraulic drive R, agitator, $1,000; m 10 tooth high cfearance chisel, gauge wheels, $1,600. 717- 653-1568. Buggy with brakes, in good condition. Battery included, $825.00. Levi L. StoKzfus, 103 S. Vintage Road, Paradise, PA. S. of Vintage Sale Stables. JD 60Tractor .. JD 11' Transport $l5OO Disc $llOO JD 7000 6 Row Narrow Corn Planter, ex. condition $7200 NH 353 Grinder Mixer $3600 WENTZ FARM SUPPLY Palm, PA. 215-679-7164 For Sale - 1980 AC 7020 tractor, 560 hours; JD 1710 mulch tiller; 1972 MF 1080 tractor, 2,842 hours; NH 451 7’ mower Phone 717-444-3898. 10 ft. JD disk and 12 ft. Oliver transport disk Both good condition, $4OO and $BOO. 717-539-8328.
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