B3o—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, February 25,1984 EBENSBURG February is a good month for food shopping. The fact that there are only 29 days in the month helps your budget', even though you have to make up for it in March. February is a month of festive occasions that provide retailers with opportunities to promote feature foods. The second month features Groundhog Day, two presidents’ birthdays and Valentine’s Dsy. February marks the arrival of foods that signal the coming of spring. Soon to be appearing on fresh produce counters are strawberries, new round red potatoes, asparagus and hothouse rhubarb. Even though February can be a long, dreary month for those of us who live in the North, food shop ping in February can brighten the outlook for better days ahead. Maple sugar fete on March 10 WEM 1 CHESTER - Chestei County s Hibernia Hark will host Hie fourth annual Maple Sugai Festival on Saturday, March 10, from 9 AM to 4 PM fhe event is geaied toward the backyard maple sugai cookei, those who are interested in the sugai mg pi ocess and want to try u ai home i’he park staff will demonstrate how to identity and select maple trees Ulhei demonsli ai unis will show onlookers how to lap the tiees and Woodland workshops planned VVES'f CHESTER - Thiee woodland management seminars will be sponsored by the Penn sylvania Bureau ot Forestry in cooperation with the Chestei County Parks and Recreation Department and the Tyler Ai borelum These 2 will cover such topics as tree giowth, forest development, fuiest management concepts, com mercial harvesting techniques, umbel sale conti acts, wildlife and insect and disease problems BUILT FOR A LONG LIFE! These Two Fine Quality Lotus Digital Watches Are Built To Last For Years After Your Purchase! • WATCH NO. 1... Hours. Minutes. Seconds, Day, Date And Back Light • WATCH NO. 2... Hours. Minutes. Seconds, Day, Date. Stopwatch And Alarm (A Very Useful Feature.) BOTH WATCHES HAVE TOUGH METAL CASE AND LUCITE CRYSTAL No. 1 No. 2 $16.95 $19.95 Use Coupon Below to order Add 75' postage and handling PA residents add 6% sales tax Mail To HEISEY JEWELERS, sn Ma.nst Manheim, Pa 17545 Send Me The Items Checked Below i No. 1- $16.95 I No. 2 $19.95 Name Address City 4 State Zip Feb. Food Shopping Brightens Outlook Take Advantage of Meat Specials Though things still look fairly bright at the meat counter, darker days - probably late this summer - are ahead. By then retail prices will start to advance as supplies become tighter. Right now livestock producers are still reducing herds by sending more animals than usual to market. These increased marketings result from last summer’s drought, reduced feed supplies and higher prices. There should be some at tractive beef and pork specials through the end of March. Retail meat prices will likely remain fairly steady through spring and then start to move up by summer. Now through March would be the best time to stock the freezer whenever you see specials on your favorite cuts, according to Mary Schreyer, Extension home economist. loiieci me sap A homemade evapoiatoi will enable visilois to witness the bolting, pouung, and cooling piocesses Intel pi etiv e exhibits will show the types ot collection devices, toots, and implements needed, while lake home biochuies will outline the maple sugai mg pioceduies step by step Equip ment catalogs will be available liee ut chaige Collections of iccipes substituting maple syiup toi sugai will be distiibuted liee a)sn fhe semmais will be held in Chestei County on Ihuisday, March 15, at the Hatfield House, Hibernia County Park and on Ihuisday, Maicli 22, at the Not tingham County talk Office, Nottingham On Monday, Match 19 the semmai will be given at the fylei Aiboielum, Puna, Delawaie County All piogiams will begin at / 1 M healing is imuieil, Uieiet.iie, ieseivaiiuns aie lequneil llie> ind) lie indite In Idlllllg I lit I>UI frill ■1 H iiesii v dl i 'I,) i 4l>'t i>-i/ YURIKA RALLY! • New York Times calls this the fastest growing Multi Level Co. in the Country l • Because it's ground floor level, now is your time to get in on it! • Being Served On The Queen Elizabeth (QE2)' • Funded By NASA' “If it's good enough for the astronauts, it's good enough for me 1 ” Buy Large Roast For “Planned Overs” The expression “cold shoulder” originated as a result of a change in the menu. In days gone by, roasts of meat were served to welcome guests, but for those who overstayed their welcome cold shoulder and other leftovers began to appear on the table. Today, the smart shopper counts on “planned overs.” Large chuck roasts are often a smart choice. You can cook the whole roast for planned overs. One idea might be to use part of the cooked roast to make sandwich filling. With today’s new food processors it’s very easy to incorporate your favorite ingredients to make a ■ 539 Falling Spring Road ■ P.0.80x 219 J Chambersburg, PA 17201-0219 Phone 717-263-9111 1 .. c \ MULTI LEVEL PEOPLE Make Money, Lose Weight, > Eat Healthy SPECIAL SEMINAR March 16 & 17 Host Farm, Lancaster. Pa. rJWil A common story “/ heard the boss say we have somethin in Selective Feeder Company’s computer-controlled feeding sys tem could put both of these cows back on the payroll. It will feed each cow the amount it needs, based on production and stage of lactation. You can buy a more expensive system, but you can t buy a better one. Write or call for free literature RYDER Supply V it?* Lose Weight Yunka Way l tasty sandwich filling that’s less expensive than lunch meat. Or before cooking you could cut the roast into three different meals, particulaly a round bone or an arm chuck roast. One-third of the roast could be cut and sliced as steaks for swissing; the middle third could be used for a pot roast; the other third could be cubed for stews or cut into strips for stroganoff. With some planning, you won’t get the “cold shoulder” from the family. Large Eggs A Better Buy Whenever egg prices reach a relatively high level, many shoppers assume it is cheaper to buy the smaller sizes because they S Selective Feeder are a few cents lower in price. It’s often false economy. At present prices it would take more than a 17- cent spread for the next smaller size to be a better buy, assuming large eggs are costing between $1.33 and $1.39 p dozen. Just remember that a dozen large eggs weighs 24 ounces and that only three ounces separate the sizes. If you divide 24 ounces into the price of large eggs, let’s say $1.35 a dozen, then they cost a little more than 5 Vz cents an ounce. A dozen medium-size eggs weighs 21 ounces; to be an equal value or better buy they would have to cost less than $l.lB a dozen, or 17 cents less. In many stores price spreads are ranging from 2 to 6 cents. “IVe’re both losing money for him.” 'V My > , . J w
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