Seminar on meetings slated DOVER, Del. Building and maintaining effective organizations is not easy. It’s a never-ending job. The recognition is growing that many Delaware farm, homemaker, 4-H, com munity and other groups would welcome some training in organizational and leadership development. Reserve status reported WASHINGTON, D.C. Corn may not be removed without penalty from the far mer-owned gram reserve while oats will remain in release status through February, according to a USDA official. Everett Rank, ad ministrator of USDA’s Agricultural Stabilizat ion and (Conservation Service, said the decision on the reserve commodities was made following a review by USDA’s Commodity Credit Corporation of its average market prices Feb. 1, as reported by USDA’s Agricultural Marketing Service, adjusted to reflect the market price received by farmers. The national average adjusted price of $3.12 per bushel for corn on Feb 1 was 3 cents below its reserve IV release level and 13 cents under the release level for reserve V. Rank said storage payments for corn will be earned in all states beginning Feb 1 For corn which has been in the reserve at least one year interest accrual will stop, he said On Feb. 1, the national average adjusted price for oats was $1.74 per bushel, 9 cents above the commodity’s reserve release level. Storage payments for oats stopped on that date. There are ap proximately 428 million bushels of corn in reserve IV, about 779 million bushels of corn in reserve V and an estimated 4.7 million bushels of oats in the reserve. Daily markets reviewed by CCC for corn are Kansas City, Minneapolis, Omaha and St. Louis The daily market reviewed by CCC for oats is Min neapolis. GIGANTIC SELECTION In Lancaster Farming's CLASSIFIEDS To help meet this need, the Delaware Cooperative Extension Service will conduct a workshop, "Managing Better Meetings,” on Tuesday, March 20, from 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. in the auditorium, Business Administration Building, Delaware State College in Dover. Daryl Heasley, well-known specialist in leadership and 18.4x34 20.8x38 18.4x38 USED DUALS IN STOCK! We Buy & Sell Used Duals! ★ Other New Sizes Available At Similar Discounts * We Are Truckload Dual Wheel Buyers ■ We Sell At Dealer Prices MUMMAU'S TIRE Mt. Joy, Pa. 717-653-2075 PA. TOLL FREE 1-800-222-1729 community organization from Penn State, will conduct this training session. Each participant will receive a packet of helpful materials, and certificates will be List $594.00 . Now *475.00 List $792.00 . Now *630.00 List $630.00 . Now *505.00 those wl awan The $lO registration fee will cover lunch and other costs. To register, send name, address, phone number, and check payable *OO 14 9x24. 8 ply 16 9x24. 8 ply *230.00 17 51x24,8 ply *240.00 16 9x28. 8 ply *260.00 18 4x28. 10 ply *350.00 WAGON TIRES 9 51x15 8 Plv '44.00 12 SL« 16 14 Ply Ux 15 8 Ply ‘85.00 *47.00 16 5x16 1 IOPIy sLxls 10 Ply ‘160.00 *74.00 Sgec^- '5.00 DISCOUNT This Month! 400 400 15 15 16, 500 550- 4 ply 550-16 6 ply 600-16, 4 ply 600-16, 6 ply 650-16,6 ply 75L-15,6 ply 750-16,6 ply 750-16,8 ply 750-18, 6 ply 9 SL-15, 6 ply 9 SL-15, 8 ply 1000-16, 6 ply 111x15,8 ply 1100-16. 8 ply 14L-16 1 8 ply * We Install Within 100 Miles Of Lancaster & Harrisburg Delivery & Installation Each Ween m • Sunbury • Williamsport • Lewistown • Center Hall • State College • Reading • Allentown • Pottstown Mt Joy, Pa PA. TOLL FREE to atteni to University of Delaware to: Dr, R.E. Fowler, Cooperative Ex tension Service, Townsend Hall, University of Delaware, Newark DE19717-1303. sloo.°° Armstrong *lOO CASH REBATE • With every purchase of a set (2) of Super Hi-Power Lug Radials, Armstrong will send you a $lOO 00 cash rebate • In addition, get all the bene fits available from Arm strong's , Super Radial tractive capability, dur ability, roadability, ride & handling and total perfor mance ARMSTRONG SUPER HI-POWER LUG RADIAL 18.4x34, 6 Ply . 18.4x38, 6 Ply . 18.4x38,8 Ply . 20.8x38,8 Ply . 20.8x38,10 Ply BACKHOE TIRES *215.00 > r xfh Armstrong WE GO THE EXTRA MILE 9 5x24, 4 ply 11 2x24,4 ply 11 2x28,4 ply 11 2x38 11 2x36 12 4x24 12 4x28, 4 ply 12 4x38 13 6x28.6 ply 13 6x38,6 ply 13 9x36,6 ply 14 9x26, 6 ply 14 9x28, 4 ply 14 9x38,6 ply 15 5x38.6 ply 16 9x34,6 ply 16 9x38,6 ply 18 4x38,8 ply 20 8x38,8 ply 20 8x34.6 ply 18 4x34.6 ply 18 4x34 8 ply 16 9x30, 6 ply 18 4x30,6 ply 14 9x28, 6 ply 13 6x28. 4 ply >22.00 >24.00 ‘31.00 *33.00 *36.00 >37.00 *41.00 *42.00 *50.00 *50.00 *54.00 *64.00 *55.00 ‘60.00 *BO.OO *75.00 *llO.OO *160.00 16 9x28 6 ply 24 5x32. 10 ply Monthly Deliveries Available in NJ 1 23 1x34.8 ply * Above tires are original equipment type Federal Tax is included in above price IF YOUR SIZE IS NOT LISTED CALL US FOR SPECIAL PRICE 1 717 653 1260 1-800-222-1729 Cash Rebate LOADER TIRES • We Ship UPS 700-15,6 ply *65.00 .yv k 750-15, 6 ply *68.00 'r* A 10-16 5, 6 ply *BO.OO I 12-16 5 6 ply * 115.00 TRACTOR TIRES MUST SELL FOR CASH *82.00 *95.00 *113.00 *140.00 ‘135.00 ‘120.00 *125.00 *165.00 *155.00 ‘191.15 *185.00 *170.00 ‘158.00 *224.00 *220.72 ‘250.00 *275.00 *364.12 *495.00 *450.00 *289.00 *325.00 *224.00 *262.00 *173.00 *140.00 *220.00 *700.00 *660.00 *399 *459 *525 *650 *725
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