Cumberland County Holstein Club presents awards BY BETH HEMMINGER Staff Correspondent HUNTSDALE - The Cum berland County Holstein Club held its annual luncheon banquet and meeting last Saturday at the Penn Township Fire Hall. The meeting was highlighted by the presentation of awards to the members and junior members of the club. Receiving the first awards were the top-place winners at the South Central Holstein Show held an nually at the Shippensburg Fair Grounds. Each of the award winners received a lamp with an engraved plaque on the base of the lamp. Receiving the award for the first place owner-bred junior calf was Winners of the Junior Member awards of the Cumberland County Holstein Club are, left to right, John Stamy IV, Senior Distinguished Boy; Brad Hock, Junior Distinguished Boy; Michele Cornman, Junior Distinguished Girl and Lori Davidson, Senior Distinguished Girl. NEW & USED EQUIPMENT ® SAVINGS! JOHN DEERE PRE-SEASON JOHN DEERE SALE Waiver Of Finance Until 1/1/85 on Tractors JD 2550 Tractor MFWD JD 4050 Tractor Sound-gard body, MFWD, Power Shift JD 4250 Tractor Sound-gard body, MFWD, Power Shift JD 148 Loader Mountings-(2840-2940) JD 260 Loader Mountings-(2840-2940) JD 37 Loader 60” Bucket only JD 75 Loader Bucket only -53” JD 3960 Harvester Elect. Controls, 1000 RPM JD7Ft. Hay Pick-up JD3R 30” Corn Head JD 550 Sprayer 40 Ft. Boom 2-JD 7000 Planters (6RW) Conservation, Coulters, Dry Fert., Insect, Att. 2-JD 7000 Planters (4RW) Conservation, Coulters, Dry Fert., Insect. Att. JD1440 Planters (4RW) No-Till Planter, Coulters, Plateless Units, Dry Fert. JD 450 Hydr-Push Spreader Hyd. Endgate JD 660 Spreader Upper Beater WENGER IMPLEMENT, INC. RD 1/Quarryville Buck, PA. 17566 717-284-4141 Lon Davidson; intermediate heifer award went to Jennifer Reasner; senior calf, Mark Naugle. Corlan Farms of Mechanicsburg claimed two top placings with their junior yearling and aged dry cow. Justa Beauty Holsteins captured their share of top winners with the first place senior yearling heifer, 4 year old cow and the 1000 pound class. The first place junior two year old was claimed by Manor Grove Farms. Winning the senior 2-year-old class and age cow class was Smithdale Farms. Le-Ida Farms won the 3-year-old and 5- year-old award, while Rebecca Dyarman captured the dry 3 and 4- year-old cow class. The Club presented several 2 - Upper Beater Att. (54 Spreader) JD 8200 Grain Drill 18x7 Plain Drill, Gauge o-Matic Opener, Grass Seed Att. JD 8250 Grain Drill 14x7, Fert. & Grain, Dou- ble Disk Opener, Grass SeedAtt. JD 1600 Plow 4 Bottom, Spring Reset, 18” Coulters JD 1610 Chisel Plow 12 Ft., (3 Pt.), Gauge Wheels, Spring Trip Standard JD 506 Rotary Cutter 5 Ft., (3 Pt.) JD 606 Rotary Cutter 6 Ft., Slip Clutch Drive, 3 Pt. Hitch JD 1008 Rotary Cutter Pull Type (10 Ft.) JD 225 Disk Harrow 10’6”-Offset, 24” Blades JD 115 Disk Harrow 11’5”-Double Offset, 20” Blades JD 315 Disk Harrow 12’10” - Double Offset, 24” Blades JD 6620 Side Hill Combine JD2IS 15 Ft. Flexible Grain Head JD643 6 Row Corn Head Cumberland County Holstein Club presented engraved lamps to . jse met whose animals placed first in their class at the South Central Holstein Show held at the Shippensburg Fairgrounds. The award winners are, first row, left to right, Jennifer Reasner, intermediate heifer calf; Neil Stamy, Manor Grove Farms, Junior 2-year-old; Rebecca Dyarman, Dry 3-4 year old cow; Michele Cornman, Corlan Farms, Junior Yearling and Aged Dry Cow. Second row, left to right, Galen Smith, Smithdale Farms, Senior 2-year-old and Aged Cow Class; Cindy Showaker, Le-lda Farms, 3-year-old and 5- year-old; Lori Davidson, junior calf; Steve Cornman, Justa Beauty Holsteins; Senior Yearling Heifer, 4-year-old cow, 1000 lb. class; Mark Naugle, senior calf. outstanding junior members with awards for accomplishments in the club and dairy industry. Winning the Junior Distinguished Girl award was Michele Cornman and winning the Junior Distinguished Boy award was Brad Hock. Lon Davidson and John Stamy IV were selected as the Senior Distinguished Girl and Boy in the junior member competition. Jeff Reasner, President of the Cumberland County Club an nounced that next year there will be an added contest for the junior members, the milk and fat contest. Carolyn Myers, Cumberland INVENTORY REDUCTION SALE 1 JD 4230 D Tractor w/4 Post Roll Guard 1 JD224OD Tractor w/Enclosure 1 JD 2630 D Tractor 1 JD"A” Tractor IIHC *H M Tractor 1 IHC W 6 Tractor 1 Ford 8N Tractor 1 Ford 1100 0 Tractor w/4 Wheel Drive 1 JO 4400 0 Combine w/Gram Platform 1 JD 443 4 Row Corn Head 1 Used Ml Cut/drtioner 1-Used JD 800 Self Propelled Windrower 1 Used JD 24T Baler 1 Used JO 30 Kicker 1-Used JDI4T Baler 1 Used NH 271 Baler w/Kicker 1 Used JD 6500 Blower Forage 1 Used JD 64 Blower 1 Used JD 65 Blower 1 Used JD «9 Sickle Bar 1 Used JD 300 Elevator 1-Used JD 514 ft Hay Pick Up 1-Used JO 3960 Harvester 1 Used JD 38 Harvester 1 Used JD 35 Harvester 1-Used JD 3 Row Corn Head 1 Used Hensen Cab Off 2630 D Tractor 1 Used JD 2 Row 40" Corn Head 1-Used JD 2 Row 30" Corn Head 1 Used JD 1 Row Corn Head 1 Used 15A Flail Chopper 1 Used JD 344 Corn Head for Picker 1 Used Grove 3 pt Blade 1 Used JO 37 Loader 1-Used Farm Hand F2O Loader for 2010 Tractor 1 Used JD 845 2 Way Plow I-Usad JD FR-5 3-4’ Bottom Plow 1 Used JD F 145 S' Bottom Plow 1-Used JD 115 Chuck Wagon w/1065 Running Gear 1 Used Lamco Forage Wagon w/Runnmg Gear I Used JD 216 Forage Wagon 1 Used Bnlllon Packer 1 Used JD 3 Section Spring Harrow 1 Used Pittsburg Disk Harrow 1-Used Athens Disk Harrow 1-Used Frich Disk Harrow 1 Used JO 790 Flail Spreader 1 Used FBB Drill w/Press Wheel 1-Used AC 4 Row Corn Planter 1 Used JO 7000 4 Row Planter 1 Used IH 400 Planter 1 Used 1240 Plate Planter 1 Used 1240 Piateless Planter 1 Used JO 1440 4 Row Planter Lancaster Farming, Saturday, Fabruary 25,1954—A31 County Dairy Princess, told the dairymen about the various func tions she has participated in throughout the year. She stated that she has spoken to over 1,000 students in the County with the school promotion and encouraged all the members of the club to take part in the promotion program. Carolyn also noted that she has attended numerous store promotions, handing out dairy products and answering many questions about the dairy industry. She noted that, “this is a great way to let the public know more about our product.” Then, Carolyn encouraged each and everyone of the dairymen and their families to Diversion names available LANCASTER - Names of privacy of the program participants in the Milk Diversion Program are being made available to the public by county offices of the Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Service on a county basis. Only the names of participants will be released, no addresses will be made available. By releasing only the names ASCS is fulfilling its responsibility to the public’s right to know, while protecting the NIR hay testing eyed UNIVERSITY PARK - Adoption of national standards for uniform testing of alfalfa hay, using a procedure known as Near Infrared Reflectance, will be the focus of attention during the National Alfalfa Hay Quality Testing Workshop to be held March 22 and 23 in Chicago, 111. The Near Infrared Reflectance technique was developed at Penn State by John S. Shenk and associates, in cooperation with personnel of the Regional Pasture Research Laboratory, U.S. Department of Agriculture. "Die National Alfalfa Hay Quality Committee has already adopted the Near Infrared Reflectance procedure for uniform testing of alfalfa quality. The committee is sponsoring the workshop to inform the public and all interested Fruit growers to meet Pennsylvania Apple Marketing Board and Phil Gallo, Shemm Nurseries. All fruit growers are invited to attend this meeting sponsored by the Schuylkill County Cooperative Extension Service. For additional information contact George P. Perry, Jr., County Agent - Hor ticulture, Schuylkill County Ex tension Service, P.O. Box 250, Schuylkill Haven, PA 17972 PITMAN The Schuylkill County fruit growers meeting will be held on Wednesday, March 14, from 9:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Mahantongo Fire Hall, Pitman. Speakers for the meeting will be Robert Tetrault, Penn State Ex tension Entomologist; Robert Crassweller, Extension Pomologist; James Travis, Ex tension Pathologist; Kay Swartz, really get involved in these programs and thanked them for their total support during the past year. Before the luncheon the club members were entertained by the gospel trio, “Love and Kindness” and after the meal and several committee reports, the audience enjoyed the delightful show of Rick Smiley and Company, a magic show. The meeting was concluded with the announcement of the newly elected directors. The new directors are John Stamy, 111, Mark Naugle and Steve Nealey. These new directors will be ser ving a three-year term. ticipants. Program participants are restricted to selling cattle for dairy purposes only to other Milk Diversion Program participants. Making the names available to the public will allow dairymen to find out to whom they may sell cattle. Some of the county ASCS offices will charge a small fee for the list of names. Others will provide them free of charge. parties of the group’s recom mendations for uniform hay testing. Another key objective is a initiate trials of the procedure on a national basis. Using a computer, the infrared scanner predicts within minutes the dry matter, protein, fiber, and total digestible nutrients of hay, grass silage, corn silage, cereal grains, and soybeans. The March 22-23 workshop will be held at the O’Hare/Kennedy Holiday Inn. Included on the workshop committee from the College of Agriculture at Penn State are Stephen M. Abrams, John G. Baylor, John S. Shenk, and William C. Templeton, Jr., Abrams and Templeton are among the workshop speakers. par-
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