A24—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, February 25,1984 ELVERSON Contractors from Montgomery, Lancaster and Chester Counties met recently in Elverson to swap experiences, hear plans for contractor cer tification, and to visit with exhibitors of related conservation materials. The pilot program, sponsored by the Land Im provement Contractors Association (L.1.C.A.), attracted more than 60 participants. Willis Stauffer, Denver, former President of Penna. L.I.C.A. and a Director of the National L.I.C.A. was a prime planner of this first program. Stauffer anticipates that other L.I.C.A. chapters will use this workshop as a model. Bernie Morrissey, Ephrata, L.I.C.A. Insurance representative, was moderator for the day’s events. He also arranged many of the details of the program. Lunch was furnished by State Equipment, Lancaster, Giles and Ransome, Philadelphia, Cleveland Brothers, Harrisburg and Case Equipment, Mechanicsburg. Programs of Land Improvement Contractors Association are explained by Bernie Morrisey, Ephrata, left, to Harry Schlimme, Elverson; while Willis Stauffer, Denver, looks on. coaxial cable to, from the left, Thane Messick, Middletown; Craig Myers, Honeybrook; and Tom Baker, Coatesville. Land contractors hold session Chuck Storm of AT&T and Charles Fabo, Division Engineer with Texas Eastern Pipe Line, credited contractors with good safety records because of their use of the “One Call Service”. This is a service for any contractor who plans an earth moving job. The “One Call” by the contractor will alert utilities to digging activities that would damage service. If a pipe line or a telephone line is near the digging area, a representative will be sent to stake out the line. Storm indicated that a break in the main AT&T cross-country cable would represent lost revenues of more than $lO,OOO per minute. Repair costs would add to the total bill. Charles Fabo told the group that a break in the Big Inch or little Inch Line would mean destruction and instant death to anyone within 300 feet of the break. Other exhibitors included Dormac Co., York, geotextile fabrics and Certain-Teed Company with plastic drainage tubing. “Contractors would save tune and thereby lower costs to their customers by becoming “cer tified”, explained Elbert Wells, District Conservationist, Chester County SCS. Those contractors willing to meet the standards and specifications established by the Conservation Service, FLEMINGTON, N.J. - “Business Management for Horse Farms” will be the topic of the Cooperative Extension meeting scheduled for Thursday at 8 p.m. at Hunterdon’s Extension Center. This is the sixth and final meeting in Extension’s winter series. Speakers will be Robert Latimer, Rutgers’ Farm EAR CORN Paying Top Prices For Good Quality Ear Corn • Wet or Dry • No Quantity too large or too small • Fast Unloading - Dump on Pile & Go • Easy access - 2.2 miles off 283 bypass- Manheim, Mt. Joy exit • Daily Receiving 7:30 A.M. to 5 P.M. - un loading evenings & Saturdays by appt. • Trucks available for pick up at your farm. Call Anytime For Price 717-665-4785 JAMES E. NOLL GRAIN Farm Drainage doesn't cost... It pays! It pays with • Improved Land Use and Efficiency • Better Soil Conservation • Deeper Root Development • Increased Crop Yield • Longer Growing Seasons • Improved Plant Quality • Better Livestock Fanning Our Machines Are Equipped With Laser Beam Control CORRUGATED TUBING- 2”, 3”, 4”, 6”, 8”, 10”, 12”, 16” SCHEDULE 40 PIPE - \W\ 2”. 3”, 4", 6” Sizes SDR 35 PIPE - 4”, 6”, 8”, 10”, 12”, 15”. 18” Sizes CORRUGATED METAL PIPE - 8”, 10”, 12”, 15”, 18”, 24”, 36” Sizes SEWER & DRAIN PIPE - 4” & 6” Sizes € cocalico equip, co .Tssmm FARM DRAINAGE & EXCAVATING \ 1 cA / RD #3. DENVER, PA 17517 PH: 215-267-3808 \ / 717-738-3794 U.S.D.A., would be permitted to check out their completed work. The contractor’s work would be spot-checked by SCS technicians to insure that high standards were continually carried out. “This would permit the SCS technicians Horse meeting on Thursday Management Specialist, and H.N. Repair, Somerset County Agricultural Agent. They will be reporting on a research study STOCKING DISTRIBUTORS FOR to work with more District Cooperators in a given period of time”, Wells explained. Tim Smail, Soil Conservationist, SCS, West Chester, did an evaluation form to provide guidance for SCS cooperation with the contractors. conducted by the Agricultural Economics Department at Cook College. IT'S A HONDA REAR TINE TILLER ON HARD PACKED NON-FROZEN GROUND EVERY SATURDAY 12-4 P.M. • SPECIFICATIONS - 7 H.P. 4 cycle - Honda Engine - 2 Speeds forward - 1 Reverse - 20” Tine width extendable to 25” - Belt & chain drive. • FEATURES - Automatic decompression - Clutch for tines - Fully adjustable handle Price * 1048.00 FREE 10” Funwer Kit with first ' 5 sold ($75.00 Value) 6 MODELS AVAILABLE IN FRONT OR REAR TINE. From $3lB STOLTZFUS WOODWORK OUTDOOR POWER EQUIPMENT Rt 897 North, Vz Miles From Rt 30 Gap, PA (717) 442-8972 Open: 7:00-6:00Monday-Saturday . 18”, 24" Sizes Fittings For The Outlet Terraces Are Available Pipe and
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