B*2—Lancaster Farming, Saturday. January 21,1984 Clothing Winners Named FARM SHOW - Time and patience. That, with a lot of skill, is what it takes to win in the clothing division of the Farm Show. Here are this year’s winners: Clothing Open Class Hand Crocheting Made by an Adult (age 16 or over) Accessories 1 Kns Peters Trout Run 2 Brenda Rostoldky Harrisburg Garments 2 Debbie Daum State College 3 Shenlyn Kanyuck York Haven Made by Youth (under age 18) Accessories 1 Christine Hoffman Northumberland 2 Cathy Evansic Graceton 3 Christine Evansic Graceton Garments I Don Gerber Lebanon 2 Manna Keefer Orrstown 3 Vicki Rhodabarger Annville Ensemble 1 Holly Bachert Annville 2 Melissa Keeley Northumberland 3 Leonard Evansic Graceton Garments Hand Knitting 1 Becky Pheasant Williamsburg d T J Fryberger E Petersburg 3 Robby Vizard Harrisburg Ensemble 1 Mrs G Bnnser Annville 2 Sarah Stein Harrisburg 3 Oeane Mae Gill Forksvitle Made by Youth (under age 18) Accessories 2 Nancy Patton Northumberland Garments 1 Stepha Dewesma McConnellsburg 2 Molly Bachert Annville 3 Amanda Spahr Dover Children s Clothing Boys A Girls birth to size 3 1 Susan Cams Millersburg 2 Oeane Macgm Forksvitle 3 Marsha Ream Somerset Boys A G*rls, size 3 to 6x 1 Sara Jane Krall Lebanon 2 Joy Miller Millersburg 3 Brenda Summers Boys A Girls, size 7 12 1 Mrs H Heim Transfer 2 Mrs P Walters Selmsgrove 3 Marsha Ream Somerset Sweepstakes 1 Sara Jane Krall 2 Susan Cams 3 Joy Miller Millersburg Woman's Pant Outfit (2 or 3 pieces) District I West 1 Amy Mostoller Fnedens 2 Mrs H Heim Transfer 3 Brenda Eaton Butler District II East 1 Mrs Paul Walters Selmsgrove 2 Lisa Sterling Harrisburg Sweepstakes 1 Amy Mostoller 2 Lisa Sterling 3 Mrs H Heim Women's Dress (1 or 2 pieces) District I West 1 Brenda Eaton 2 Ruth Goddard Holisopple 3 Marsha Ream District II East 1 Darlene Bowerman Chambersburg 2 Sara Jane Krall 3 Marilyn Bast Kutztown Sweepstakes 1 Brenda Eaton 2 Darlene Bowerman 3 Sara Jane Krall Ensemble <2 or 3 pieces) District I West 1 Deane Macgill Forlesville 2 Sara Jane Krall 3 Mary Ann Gantz Wash Boro District H East 1 Deane Macgill 2 Sara Jane Krall 3 Mary Ann Gantz Sweepstakes 1 Deane Macgill 2 Amy Mustoller 3 Mary Ann Gantz Women s Tailored Coat or Blazer 1 Brenda Eaton 2 Mrs P Walters Selmsgrove 3 Melanie Rusm Carbondale Men's Tailored or Leisure Suits 1 Mrs P Walters 2 Marian Seo Hazelton 3 Brenda Eaton Skirt with Coordinating Top 1 Marsha Ream Somerset 2 Mrs P Walters 3 Roylcne Kline Kutzlown Active Sportswear 1 Deane Macgill 2 Mrs P Walters 3 Marsha Ream Shirts & Blouses (Men s or women s) 1 Mrs P Walters 2 Brenda Eaton 3 Tina Kimble Bedford Clothing 1 Textiles Ist year Pillow District I 1 Tina Wilhelm Centerville 2 Anita Irwin Manon Ctr 3 Shannon Home Atlantic District II 1 Daryl Hackman Newmanstown 2 Angela LeVan Catawissa 3 Kormne Livelsberger Gettysburg Beach Wrap-Up District I 1 Maria Keber Saegertown 2 Jennifer Dickinson Newcastle District II 1 Andrea Sterner Harrisburg 2 Shannon Weller Harrisburg 3 JeanStyer Milton Draft Dodger District I 1 Carol Porter McDonald District II 1 Cheryl Viaud Muncy 2 Debbie Shipper Hazelton I og Carrier District I 2 Meghan Semencar District II I Phyllis Stone Pardesville Travel Kit District I 1 Cindy Stites Blairsville 2 April McCartney Enon Valley 3 Becky Zdunczyk Summerhill District II I Abbey Remaley Middleburg 2 Michelle Troutman Sclmsgrove 3 Patrick Hemtzelman Selmsgrove Placements C Napkins District II 1 Heather Dreibelbis Mitflintown 2 Patricia Wersmger Hazelton 3 Patti Mumie Hazelton Sweepstakes I Oarrly Hackman Newmanstown 2 Tina Wilhelm Centerville 3 Anita Irwin Marion Center Clothing and Textiles 2nd Year Tote Bag District II 1 Tracy Mauefair Lebanon 2 Meg Stoltztus Wellsboro 3 Deb Stoltztus Wellsboro Gym Bag District I 1 Shannon Horne Atlantic 2 Jennifer Rafferty Gibsoma 3 Susyn Cheers Emlerton District II 1 John Rohrbach Selmsgrove 2 Lauren Bordner Selmsgrove 3 Cathy Waler Avondale Backpack District I 1 Debbie Beatty Home 2 Mary Funk Homer City 3 KaraSheetz Meadville District II 1 Julie Aurand Lewistown 2 Celene Funk Halifax 3 Danielle Smsabaugh Halifax Purse District I 1 Glenda Smith Marion Center 2 Tara Say Ford City District II 1 Melanie Kuntz Gardners 2 Kimberly Me Cleskey Mifflin 3 TiffamZayry Northumberland Scarf District It 1 Gwendolyn Perry Hamburg 2 Julie Hughes Hanover 730 South Broad St. Lititz, Pa. 17543 on Route 501 6 miles North of Lancaster Lancaster County 717-626-2121 1 Julie Aurand Lewistown 2 Glenda Smith Marion Center 3 Debbie Beatty Home Clothing and Textiles 3rd Year All hanging or Pillow District I I Mendy Umbrella McConnollsburg 2 Chr-sty Bogart Coudersport 3 Pollyanna Cole Saeger stown District II 1 Christine Hoskm York I Tracie Marker Enon Valley Stutl Sack District I 1 Michelle Brown Coudersport 2 Mary Jo Fowler Coudersport District N 1 Betsy Fravel Jersey Shore Multi-purpose Apron District I i Amy Ross Marion Center 2 Rebecca Suders McConnellsburg 3 Dana Briggs Washington District II 1 Nancy Patton Northumberland 2 Pamela Fry Springfield 3 Jilt Malthaner Chester Co 0T The storm will pass. And thankfully, so will you with a Kubota snowblower. We have snowblowers that attach to most Kubota diesel tractors, and they are a cinch to operate. They clear snow from driveways, roads or parking lots. Break up and clear heavy drifts. And the large diameter chutes give you SEVERAL USED KUBOTAS StoclL# SPECIAL PRICES lion B-6100E : wo — 12731 B-6100E w/848 Mower *4250 12939 L-185w/L59 Woods Mower *4995 13009 B-6100DT >3995 13016 L-235 4WD (176 hrs.) ‘5995 13139 L-245 DT w/Loader & Cab.... gyim -6825 PRICES GOOD THRU JANUARY ■ |B B B lenj * ■ SBg ■ ? mf BSI i ■ssl ss B I ssss Bs» w l B"^^* since i CO. H Sweepstakes case District I DASHING IHROUGH TWO CONVENIENT LOCATIONS: NEW TOU FREE NO. PARTS ★ SALES ★ SERVICE Tabard District M 1 Gwendolyn Perry Hamburg Nightie District I 1 Katrina Irwin Marion Center 2 Karla Sheets Meadville 3 Emily Ross Marion Center District II 1 Amy Troutman Selmsgrove 2 T ara Brendle Mercersburg 3 Anita Zendt Miftlmtown Other District I i [)af<, 'fa Mi/abeth 2 Melissa Flynn Summer I HI District II 1 Heather Haldeman Manheim 2 Knstelle Myer Lititz 3 Linda Marshall Honesdale Sweepstakes 1 Amy Ross Marion Center 2 Katrina Irwin Marion Center 3 Christine Hoskm York Clothing and Textiles 4th Year Vest District II 1 Jennifer Eakm Montgomery 2 Christine Womer Mt Pleasant Mills 3 Rhonda Simms Lawrenceville excellent control of casting distance So next time the forecast calls for snow, relax. It’ll blow over. With a little help from Kubota. UKUBOTH' Nothing like it on earth? Pullover Top District II 1 Pam Rebuck Hegms Gathered Skirt District I 1 TnciaCox West Alexander 2 Amyßeechner Venus 3 Linda Weakland Hastings District (I 1 Delphine Rusin Carbondaie 2 Trudy Dressier Selmsgrove 3 Sheila Landis Telford Patchwork Skirt District I I Beth Garntz Saegertown 2 Judy Rhoads Berlin 3 Carol Rhoads Berlin District II 1 Karen Smith Schnecksville 2 Marcia Heagy Souderton 3 Gretchen Hoffman Halifax T Shirt (knit) District I 1 Amy Ross Marion Center 2 Erin Sheets Meadville 3 Martin Bruner Btairsville District II 2 Charmaine Burrelf Chester (Turn to Page B 14) R. 7 Lebanon, Pa 1704? Rt. 4191 mile West of Schaefferstown, Buffalo Springs Lebanon County 717-949-6501
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