Thinking about his future was a big part of my decision to invest in a Harvestore* system. It’s going to be good for me today and good for him tomorrow. The reliable dealer service and management help I get makes the system just that much better. Getting my feed costs down, increasing production and cutting my labor was something that couldn’t wait any longer. Plus, I reduced my Penn-Jersey HARVESTORE Systems, Inc. P.O. BOX 7 NEW HOLLAND, PA 17557 o o It’s what you do today that counts. r.*\ f y*■ k \ \A\ >\\ r\\^ \\\ ■ £a\ \ • \r* t > * r decision is 1 frift future. PH: 717-354-4051 supplement bills too. Any way you look at it, the benefits justify thd cost. I’ll have more time to be a better manager. And, more time to be a father. It’s just a smarter w; to farm. Anybody who wants a future in farming h to start working toward it today. With equipment that works for you 365 days a year. Putting off decisions is just postponing success. * i- 1 * ♦ WE BUY, SELL & SEI USED HARVESTORE SIR ✓ V *"5 * *
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