Milk diversion program (Continued from Page Al) 50 but less than 100 farmers have established bases. Only a handful of farmers have signed contracts to participate.” Brubaker called the meeting that drew an estimated crowd of 100, to clear up questions on the Lancaster ASCS Director, Ray Brubaker, right, answers a farmer's question on the regulations of the new dairy legislation at a meeting Tuesday night at the Farm and Home Center. LONG IOHN BALMER INSULATION RO $ Box 61 D I Manhetm PA ' (717)665-4132 GVM FOAM MARKER Mark your swath as you spray and eliminate expensive overlapping with the dependable GVM FOAM marker, ideal for use on sprayers, spreaders or notill planters. FEATURES: • cab or tractor mounted control box, hose, fittings and blobbers Included. • 12 volt motor and piston compressor • 22 gallon horizontal or 30 gallon vertical tank (40 gallon extra). Ml Pull Sprayers Features: 625 gallon Nowesco tank with sparger tube 9000 Hypro Gear Pump 35 foot stainless Steel booms with shocks Adjustable Wheel Width Three section electric shutoffs Electric pressure gauge Adjustable boom height 111x5 tires DISTRIBUTORS OF: • Blender Plants and Conveyors • Sprayer Parts and Accessories • Polyethylene Tanks • Liquid Metering Systems • Dry Spreaders and Tenders • Hi Boy Sprayers final regulations thdfrcame out 1 ist week. The final regulations are available from county ASCS of fices in an appendix to form CCC -150, the Milk Diversion Program contract form. “A lot of the questions farmers have can be answered by asking FuM Warranty On Insulation For Lite Of Structure • Fully Insured • Free Estimates We Can Do The Job Now List Price Si $1395.00 $1060.00 Located 8 mile* north of Gettysburg P 0 Box 358 BlgiervNle PA 17307 (717) 677 6197 We Specialize In Aerial Work Using Our Twin Bucket Boom s Truck ELECTRICAL \ Extends / CONTRACTING \ 55Ft I Specializing In \ \ / AGRICULTURAL T|l| > J WIRING I Also Residential Industrial j And Commercial Work / t Free Estimates / '' C. M. HIGH CO. 320 King St We Have Poles In Myerstown PA 17067 Stock 25 30 35 1 45 Phone 717 *66 7544 lecial Price GVM PULL SPRAYERS RELIABILITY AND DURABILITY BUILT RIGHT IN List Price S $4420.00 OFFER ENDS 2/1/84 om incorpomtio themselves thus simple question,” said Brubaker ‘Will the action reduce the overall supply of milk ” Brubaker summarized the major provisions of the bill and made a special note of final regulations that changed from what was originally anticapated Dairymen who have registered' cattle and a history of mer- , chandising registered cattle, under ‘ contract of the program will be prohibited from selling registered cattle for dairy purposes unless sold to another program par ticipant. This is contrary to what dairymen were first told. Any cow or heifer born before April 1,1983 may not be sold after Nov. 8, 1983 except for slaughter, export to a foreign country or to another producer in the program, stressed Brubaker, All sale of cattle must be reported by producers under contract Brubaker said he could not assure dairymen who sold cattle to a dealer with the intent of the cow being sent to slaughter, that they would not be held liable if the dealer sold the cow for dairy purposes. “Producers who are within three percent of their contracted i*. Jt ecial Price $3359.00 MANUFACTURERS OF, Pull type Sprayers Foam Markers Nozzle Alerts Nozzle Chock Valves GPA Meiers Total Gal Melei^ Electric Boom Pressure Gauge Lancaster Farming, Saturday, January 21,1984—A37 quarterly production are eligible for quarterly payments,” he said. “To receive quarterly payments, the producer must bring in milk check stubs for that quarter. The milk check stub is your ticket for payment.” ' Glenn Shirk, Lancaster County dairy Extension agent, addressed the question of who may benefit by participating in the program. Shirk listed producers who stand to gam from the program as: - producers thinking about selling out; - persons who want to slow down and reduce their herd; - those producers hit hard by the drought and short of feed; - producers who have already experienced a reduction since 1981 and 1982; - someone who wants to cull their herd hard and upgrade it; and. (Continued from Page Al) It has now been just about four in eight months. But this time years since the first outbreak The schedule is now being put back a disease has largely been con bit due to the two new outbreaks centrated in Lancaster County, and it is hoped that the eradication particularly the northeastern can be completed by next summer section Three new John Deere Generation II Powr-Mlxer forage harvesters get crops ethers leave behind n FARMING frontiers See automatic row-finding spout-tracking in action at our Farming Frontiers ‘B4 The 3950, 3970, and giant 4-row 4720 have new optional and standard features to make you and your harvester more productive These include the exclusive Spout-Trak™ aiming control, Row-Trak™ guidance system, and Iron-Gard™metal detector The 3950 is for tractors up to 150 hp, the 3970 for 190 hp, and the 4720 for up to 300 hp Be sure to come to our Farming Frontiers to see these new forage harvesters and other machines perform for you on film Mark this date on your calendar DATE MON., JAN. 23 10:30 AM & 7 PM PLACE OUR STORE - ADAMSTOWN, PA ★ Refreshments & Door Prizes! ★ Lunch Served At Noon! 10% CASH DISCOUNT ON STOCKED PARTS • Good Jan. 23 Thru Feb. 29 ADAMSTOWN EQUIP., INC. Box 456 Adamstown, Pa. 19501 Phone: 215-484-4391 - those producers with low fixed cost but high variable costs, such as someone who rents his farm and equipment. Shirk listed those who may not benefit from the program as: - the purebred breeder who wants to merchandize cows during the next 15 month - producers tr> n to expand, especially young ners with high overhead that i .ust maintain a certain cashflow to meet many payments. Producers were reminded that the Secretary of Agriculture has the discretion to reduce the con tracted percentage up to five percent if there would be an ex cessive reduction in the level of milk production or there has been a substantial hardship to producers of beef cattle, dairy cattle, hogs, or poultry sold for slaughter. Pseudorabies TIME o
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