SOW& GROW LOANS If you’re a farmer thinking about a loan for seed, fertilizer or herbicide, come see us We’ve got special FIXED RATE LOANS that best match your cash flow AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY LENDER OFFICES IN NEW HOLLAND, SMOKETOWN, INTERCOURSE, AND EDEN RD, LANCASTER THE PILLSBURY COMPANY COMMODITIES • Wet Brewers Grain • Dry Brewers Grain • Other As Available WEIGH/MIXER • Mobile & Truck Mt. • Stationary THE PILLSLBURY CO. 1358 N. Main St. Harrisonburg, Va. (703-434-5621) Sale Reports A Public Auction of a farmette was held January 14 by Aaron M. and Nancy S. Nolt in Reamstown, I Lancaster County, Pa The 3/4'acres located at the corner of N. Mam St. included a 2% story y KEEPING^ AMERICA ON THE GROW UO '/ ANNUAL A* PERCENTAGE /O RATE 'm m mm m MEMBER FDIC FOR MORE INFORMATION CALL: frame house with aluminum siding. It was sold for $55,000 to Public Auction Register { JANUARY SAT JAN 21 10 AM Public Auction of Livestock and Farm Equipment Located 4 mi south of Quarryville, 1 mi east of Rt 222 along St Catherine Rd , East Drumore, Twp , Lane Co , PA Christ S Stoltzfus Owner Diffenbach's Auc tioneers SAT JAN 21 10 30 AM PA Sale by Christ F & Public Auction of School Mary Stoltzfus, Owners ' ~~ "’ r,H Diffenbach's Auctioneers n EOSia M SDOS New Holland Farmers National Bank \ snhsidi n \ i>l ( ()10\I\I lUV OKI’ 1\( Reuben Eingler, R.D.I, Stevens, Pa. Sanford G. Leaman was the auctioneer. XXX A Liquidation Auction Located at Beaver & Lee St , Hellam Boro, York County Blame N Rentzel Auctioneer SAT JAN 21 930 AM Public Auction ot Livestock and Farm Equipment Located 3 mi south of Quarryville, 1 mi east ot Rt 222 along St Catherine Rd , East Drumore, Twp , Lane Co , MINERALS • Basic Ingredients • Complete Mixes • Custom Mixes • Trace Pre-Mix • MILK REPLACERS • 20/20 • 21/10 (All Milk) • 22/15 (Soyprotein) THE PILLSBURY CO. 127 Edward St. Philadelphia, Pa. (215-351-9211) of industrial equipment was held January 10 by the Philadelphia Air Transport at 1207 Ridge Pike, 1 mile east of Norristown, Pa. Lycoming Co. DHIA Lost Brook Farm 64 Mary Katzmaier 37 Benjamin t McCarty 30 22 29 Edward C Ulrich 30Flo Linden Hills Farm 50 Dolly 24 Franklin J Fmck Connie Nadm77 Two Great Alfalfas Yields, winter-hardiness ’frjr.Wk and Bacterial Wilt tolerance are excellent. High tolerance to anthracnose. Very fast recovery after harvest Ask your P 7 Pioneer salesman V < about the alfalfa [dlo\ variety that’s right for p|Q|\|EER your farm. /ggVPIONEER r f ) BRAND ALFALFA SEED PIONEER HI-BREO INTERNATIONAL, INC., EASTERN DIVISION, TIPTON, INDIANA 46072 The Limitation of Warranty and remedy appearing on the label is part of the terms of sale. Pioneer is a brand name; numbers identify varieties. 'Registered trademark of Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., Des Moines, lowa, U.S.A Lancaster Farming, Saturday, January 21,1984—1 Items sold included: vertical milling machine $1550, spindle drill press $3OO, vertical bench milling machine $425, Qelta drill press $425, Weidemann (Continued from Page D 22) 2 2 19 175 720 12 11 19 989 734 7 1 19 109 792 4 1 18,777 746 4 1 17 060 745 4 1 19* 127 721 4 2 21 090 791 5 2 22 757 702 4 4 21 302 783 6 6 16 138 746 3 3 17 866 731 EAR CORN Paying Top Prices For Good Quality Ear Com Wet or Dry No Quantity too larg or too small Fast Unloading - Dump on Pile & Go Easy access - 2.2 miles off 283 bypass- Manheim, Mt. Joy exit Daily Receiving 7:3C A.M. to 5 P.M. - un loading evenings & Saturdays by appt. Trucks available for pick up at your farm. Call Anytime For Price 717-665-4785 JAMES E. NOLL GRAIN d; turrets $9OO & Johnson punch pi $llOO, Pexto apron h brake $3OO and P( boot shear $525. Hess & Moyer w the auctioneers. 1650, 305 305 305 305 301 305 305 305 305 305 305 I
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