ANNAPOLIS, Md. - "The United States doesn’t have to suffer a famine before its citizens 40 yeors of proof Since 1940, Gehl has been building field choppers and forage harvesters with one thought in mind ...performance. And, year after year, thousands of satisfied owners prove that we know how to use that special' Ized experience to build better machines Today, Gehl concentrates those 40 years of chopping know-how into three fuel-efficient, high-capacity forage harvesters: Capacity King 1250. The largest capacity pull-type harvester on the market Gehl’s exclusive 24” spinner delivery system keeps forage moving with no cross augers to plug The giant, 9-knife, 25 1 /2" cylinder gives a quality cut And the new cutterbar adjustment is the easiest anywhere. In-head hydraulic knife sharpener and electric controls are standard too New mid-range 1000 gives you the high capacity you’d expect from the big 21" cylinder and fast spinner delivery system Like the 1250, standard features include the m-head hydraulic knife sharpener, adjustable - X All Skid Steer Loaders and Grinder Mixers have interest free waiver until April 1, 1984. All Forage Equipment has interest free waiver until Sept. 1, 1984 All Hay Equipment has interest free waiver until July 1. 1984 PEOPLE’S SALES & SERVICE Oakland Mills. PA 717-463-2735 A. L. HERR&BRO. Quarryville, PA 717-786 3521 ALLIS HOLLOW EQUIPMENT Hwy 467, Rt 1 Rome. PA 18837 717-247-2601 ELDER SALES & SERVICE, INC. RD VI Stoneboro, PA 412-376-3390 or 412-376-3740 l S™ LEBANON VALLEY Monroeville, NJ IMPLEMENT CO., INC. 609-358-2565 or Richland, PA 609-769-2565 717 866-7518 Cawley can appreciate the need for chemicals in agriculture,” Maryland Secretary of Agriculture I GEHL MARLIN W. SCHREFFLER ADlirTT ,o cmCF Mam Rd , Pitman, °A „ „ „ E 717-648-1120 Rt 9 Box 129 HE. SUMER TSS* EQUIPMENT CO. RD2, Box 2 Centre Hall, PA 16828 814-364-1419 BENNETT MACHINE CO. 1601 S Dupont Blvd Milford, DE 302-422-4837 STOUfFER BROS. INC, Chambersburg, PA 717-263-8424 GEO. W. KINSMAN, INC. 516 Mam Street Honesdale, PA 717-253-3440 says ag can handle pollution axles, one-way shear bolt protection and attachment down-stop Fuel saver 750 tackles just about any chopping Job Uses less horsepower per ton chopped than many bigger harvesters Uses less fuel. The 8-kmfe cutterhead Is set Into the blower compartment for smooth, contin uous material flow. Add Qehl’s patented m-head hydraulic knife sharpener for even more cutting efficiency Prove to yourself that there’s no substitute for Gehl’s 40 years of forage harvester experience See your Gehl dealer soon Gehl Company, West Band, Wisconsin 53095 Gehl 750 To 120 hp W * m'* fit# : f ■" rnM'i / .i W %*' m mS «# *** T*' ** r"jy** ks SS MILIEU EOUIPMENT Cl Bechtelsville. PA 717-259-0453 215-845-2911 UMBERGER'S MILL Rt 4 Lebanon, PA (Fontana) 717-867-5161 INCH EQUIPMENT CO. Dalmatia, PA 717-758-3021 PAUL W. HISTAND CO., INC. 697 N Mam St Doylestown, PA 215-248-9041 Wayne A. Cawley, Jr., told members of the Northeastern Weed Science Society at a recent ik?-... mfi ■*, *** *"S» ■** ■**. EGKROTH BROS. FARM EQUIPMENT RT 2 Box 24A New Ringgold, PA 17960 717-943-2367 BINKLEY & HURST BROS. 133 Rothsville Station Road Lititz, PA 717-626-4705 PETERMAN FARM EQUIPMENT, INC. 225 York Rd Carlisle. PA 717-249-5338 WEB SNYDER, INC. RD #1 Watsontown, PA 717-538-5555 Uncaster Farming, Saturday, January 21,1984—D5 meeting in Baltimore, "Common sense tells them we cannot return to a subsistence type of farming, and that’s about what would happen if we abandon the use of chemicals,” Cawley con tinued. The Secretary further indicated that the American public isn’t demanding that agriculture eliminate the use of chemicals but that it use them in such a way that they pose no threat to the en vironment. He cited as proof of this a recent Maryland survey in which 80 percent of the respondents said they would be willing to have their tax dollars spent in order to provide incentives to encourage farmers to undertake conservation projects aimed at reducing soil runoff into the Chesapeake Bay. The major question on the mind of most Marylanders today is not who polluted the Bay but who anjl how are they going to clean it up. "As for agriculture”, Cawley said, "we will do it ourselves. We un derstand our situation better than anyone else and we already have experience in dealing with certain types of pollution problems. The last think we need is for someone who doesn’t understand the problems of agriculture to begin Marketing on agenda DOVER, Del. When Delaware vegetable and potato growers gather for their sixth annual meeting Tuesday and Wednesday at the Sheraton Inn in Dover, marketing and business management will be consistent themes throughout the program. “The board of directors of the Delaware Vegetable Growers’ Association felt special emphasis should be placed on these subjects, in addition to the standard production topics,” says University of Delaware extension vegetable specialist Ed Kee, who sat in on the planning sessions for this year’s Delaware Vegetable Growers’ meeting. Aspects of marketing and finance to be covered during the two-day event include: Successful marketing of local SAVE 40% on New Replacement Belts For Farm Machines • Bale Thrower Belts *52.00 • Grove-Gehl-Int.-S.U Wagon Box Belts *9B to *l2O Also Available- Bear. Picker Belts & Big Round Baler Belts Any flat belt can be custom made for your farm machinery (cleats installed). Belts shipped same day by UPS. For more information, write: ObbOabd Rt. 16, Chaffee, New York Phone Collect: 716-496-6025 dictating to us with respect to what we must do in solving them”. “But, none of us can go it alone”, said Cawley, “and we must slow those outside of agriculture that we are working in good faith. Whatever system we develop for dealing with the problem (pollution) must be one which will stand the scrutiny of a skeptical public. We must have confidence in the system and be proud to put it on open display for critical examination.” TJie Secretary indicated that Maryland agriculture is well on the road to the development of such a system and that control actions taken to date have received good public acceptance. “We fully expect that before very long Maryland’s agricultural pollution control program is going to be pointed out as a model which other segments of the industry will be urged to copy”, he concluded. The Northeastern Weed Science Society is composed of representatives of manufacturers and distributors of weed control chemicals, and weed control scientists from various univer sities and state departments of agriculture in the Northeast. produce through chain stores; Vegetable situation and outlook; Potato situation and outlook; Tailgate marketing; Pick your own experiences; Cooperative packing ex periences in 1983; Managing your risk ; Promoting your products. The meeting will also cover the ususal complement of timely production topics, Kee says. The event is being sponsored jointly by the Delaware Potato Growers’ and Vegetable Growers’ associations and the University of Delaware Cooperative Extension Service. It is free and open to all. For further program details contact county extension offices m Newark, Dover or Georgetown, or call Ed Kee at (302) 856-5250. COW MATS Use our unique methdd of install ing a one piece mat under a row of cows. Prevents movement of mat and bedding from creeping underneath. All "row” and single mats are cut from heavy one inch rubber belting.
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