C44—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, January 21,1984 TOP QUALITY FEEDER PIGS FOR SALE REFERENCES FURNISHED Call Collect Fred Patterson MIDDLE TENNESSEE LIVESTOCK CO. 615-364-7050 Vf '^r__V BOARS Vi Yorkshire Vi Landrace V* Landrace Tested Pseudorabies Free Healthy Productive Breeding Stock IVAN M. SENSENIG 215-445-4649 For Sale - Crossbred Lan drace Yorkshire gilts, crossbred litters maintain a 9 plus weaning average, over 500 litters annually. Boars- purebred Ouroc and Landrace and Hampshire-Duoc. Founda tion stock is bred artifical ly from top bloodlines in the country. Dutch Valley Farm, RDS, Manheim, PA 17545. Call Mark Nestleroth, 717-665-6220. Landrace and Yorkshire bred sows $250 and up, Arnold Yorkshire boar - $4OO, sows are out of Harper Valley, also small Landrace boars and gilts, excellent breeding stock, must sell because of other business. 717-872-8756. For Sale - Purebred Yorkshire boars, bred gilts and open gilts, carcass championship bloodlines, Willow Glen Farm, R 1 Box 221 Strasburg, PA, 17579. 717-786-2562. Yorkshire Service Boars, Brucellosis and Pseudorabies free herd. Will deliver. Red Run Farm, RD#2, East Berlin, Pa. 17316, 717-292-4634. For Sale - 8 large Yorkshire and Hampshire bred gilts due to farrow very soon. Also 55 gilts bred to farrow after March Ist. Also service age boars. These hogs are bred like our recent Farm Show Winners. John Strawbridge. 301-996-2022. DUROC BOARS and gilts, production tested, cer tified meat type show winning stock. Bloodlines of the best in the U.S. Par- Kay Farm, Park F. Thomas, Bea vert own, Pa. Phone 717-658-6544. For Sale - Duroc boars & gilts. Sweigard Du rocs, R.D. 3, Box 639, Halifax. Pa 717-896-3365. If you have swine to sell or buy - check our swine col umn. It is read weekly by thousands. 717-394-3047 or 717-626-1164. YORKSHIRE AND LAND RACE boars and gilts of all ages. Pseudorabies negative tested boars lor sale at all times. Produc tion tested, certified meat tested. Show winners with mary carcass champions. Daily drive-in and drive out service. Reno H. Thomas, Be aver town, PA 17813.717-658-5821. For Sale - Yorkshire Service Boars. Elwood E. Houser, 2150 Quentin Rd., Lebanon, PA 1/042. 717-272-5798 or 273 2921 SHEEP is GOATS Registered Hampshire, Southdown, Suffolk Ewes GILTS Vi York V* Du roc 30 bred gilts due January. February and March and service age boars, Miller s Yorkshire Farm, RD 1. Box 1366, Spring Grove, PA 17362, 717-225-1926. For Sale - Chester White and Spotted service aged boars and open gilts, also a few bred gilts, James Parlett, Airville, PA 17302,717-862-3610. Registered Hampshire, Landrace, Yorkshire Boars. Bred and Open Gilts. Preston Banker! 717-244-1244. Duroc, Yorkshire, Spotted Boars, Open Gilts and Bred Gilts. Calvin Lazarus and Sons, 4290 Bndge Street, Whitehall, PA 18052, 215-799-3375 or 3831. HOG EQUIPMENT b SUPPLIES SPECIALIZING IN UP-TO-DATE . u uudduoddod□ 0000,00,01010^ DESIGN & QUALITY ATTENTION CONSTRUCTION OF HOG POULTRYMEN! CONFINEMENT SYSTEMS. We also manufacture Confinement I We clean Equipment and handle a full line of products for today’s swine industry, i V*HIWIV C iw including automated ventilation, feed handling and ntanure handling systems. nV/U3Cj (i f Don Heidig's phone /\ Lebanon High Pressure Wash pa. | j & Water Blasting /sJ.rA Leola, PA ;; SWME SYSTEMS **** FOR THE BEST AND THE MOST DIVERSIFIED HOO EQUIPMENT COMPANY LOOK TO SWINE t POULTRY SYSTEMS SPECIALISTS FARMER BOY AG. _4IOEJJNCOLNAVE MYERSTOWN PA 17067 BEST IN DESIGN. PRICE AND EXPERIENCE WE SPECIALIZE IN THE LATEST AND MOST MODERN DESIGN IN BUILDINGS AND EQUIPMENT FOR HOG CONFINEMENT ★ GESTATION ★ FARROWING ★ NURSERY * GROWER * FINISHER ★ COMPLETE AUTOMATION FOR WATERING. FEEDING, VENTILATION POULTRY H SUPPLIES BABY CHICKS - Hubbard Leghorns, Golden Comets, Cornish Giants, Barred Rock, Reds and other breeds. Also turkeys, ducks, geese, guineas, and game birds. CASE HATCHERY. 79L Brodbecks, Pa. 17329, 717-235-2050 Farmer Automatic 4 deck cage systems, for pullets & layers. No pits needed in building. Reynolds & Yeltott, 12800 Gores Mill Rd., Reisterstown, MD 21136.301-833-1840 4 Big Dutchman two line automatic poultry feeders with 300 ft. trough, each in excellent condition Call 717-392-1949 DU ROC & SPOTTED BOARS Duroc, Spot. Crossbred Gilts BOURBON SPRINGS FARM R 2 Newville Pa 17241 Kenneth Ketterer Phone 717 423 6250 ARTIFICIAL BREEDING Semen for Sale - 30 units Bell at $2O, 20 units Tony at $35, and 10 units of Marc at $22. Will deliver. CaN 215-869-3502 HOG EQUIPMENT ft SUPPLIES 20 Snidely farrowing crates in good shape with waters, $BO.OO each; 1 just like new Paul Hog scales weighs up to 500 lbs. on rubber tires, $450.00. Contact Eli S. Byler, 13646 South Rd„ Newburg, PA 17240 INC PH 717 866 7565 POULTRY b SUPPLIES For Sale - Big Dutchman auto feeders, chicken cases, egg packer, grader & candler, turn table egg loader. 717-285-5050. ATTENTION POULTRY MEN! Bio-Lab Kontrol X -185 as received official approval for use in USDA disinfection and Avian Influenza quarantine programs. For information and prices for X-185 call MELHORN'S SERVICE CO. 717-653-1102. All stainless gas heated Kuhl Super-50 washer, oiler, candler, with 35 case L-H stall kat grader, hand pack table, belt con veyor, closer, round table, vacuum lifter Smooth combination, excellent condition. Can be seen working. 2x5 Oak skids, skid jack, other equip ment. Reasonable. Owner retiring. Kaufman's Poultry Farm, New Egypt, NJ 609-758-7300. Wanted - 36" or larger exhaust fans with louvers. Call 609-769-2827. Shenandoah gas in cinerator, double burner, like new, $450 717-582-2352. For Sale- 320 individual chicken cages $2.25 each, like new. 717-924-3606. Incubators - Buckeye Clip pers model 5-42 & 2-42 Best offer. 215-469-6331 Wanted to buy - 200 cases of eggs per week. Will pick up. 717-865-3488. Trucking of small poultry flocks with roller cages oi coops. Complete or partial handling. Call for estimates. 717-626-0058. Standard and fancy bred chicks plus ducks, geese, turkeys, and game birds for sale Write for free brochure HELMLINGERS CHICKS R D 1 Box 741 Hill Rd Allentown, NJ 08501 609-758-3892 LEGHORN PULLETS WANTED 20,000 December or January Hatch Heidel Hollow Farm 215-767-2409 Wanted - Ear corn, good quality only. Will pickup at your farm. Ken Miko, RD 3, Schuylkill Haven, Pa. 717-739-4586 For Sale - Oyster shells, Contact Nelson Weaver & Son, Inc., Lititz, PA 717- 626-8538 POULTRY f» SUPPLIES dryer, Ego-12 -15 G plus Ego-Matic Sr-2 egg handler and grader, 8 ton Brock bulk with flex auger, 215-799-3378. $ WANTED HEAVY HENS We buy. sell and haul all kinds of poultry. Yank’s 215-494-4578 Sell direct to us for cash. * Fowl * Pigeons * Bantams * Pullets * Capons * Rabbits * Guineas * Chuckers * Turkeys * Lambs * Goats JACK MINTZ POULTRY 215-267-4784 For Sale - 20 ton of com silage. 3 ton of corn fod der. 717-786-3566. Soybeans 2000 bu. phis, Best offer. Ist cutting Timothy & Alfalfa and Ear Corn, $125.00 per ton at the scale, large quantities, price negotiable. Also 1972 G.M.C. V 6 school bus. 56,000 miles. Phone after 6 PM 201-735-4408 or 735-8389. For Sale- large round bales of soybean stalks, will load. Fair Hill Farms, 301 778-2372. For Sale corn silage can be delivered daily wheat & Barley straw 215- 255-5211 Wanted to buy - Large round bales, Tanothy or Mixed hay. Stored inside. Wilmington or Chester area. 609-769-4086. Clover seed for sale PA grown, State tested, 99.68% purity, $1.14/lb.. 50 lb.. $57.00. 60 lb.. $67.00. R.D. 1, Box 184, Mertztown, PA 19539, 215-682-6429. For Sale - Real nice NYS baled mixed hay, good weight. Call 607-962-1403 early morn For Sale - 2,000 bu. oi shelled corn, stored at Cargill's in Lancaster, best offer, 412-865-2547 or 412-865-2525. For Sale - hay-good for cattle and horses, bales 60 lb. a piece, 215-355- 7399. Top quality hay, early cut. no rain, Tim Bro. Alfalfa Tim Bro and Strait Alfalfa. Ist. 2nd and 3rd cuttings and ear corn 201-995-4275. For Sale - Nice clean heavy oats $3.00 per bu. Also good corn silage. Can deliver call 215-488-6315, Berks Co. For Sale - 200 ton good Timothy hay. located Potter Co.. 814-435- Will buy moldy grain. 301-833-1847. Corn silage for sale, 717 872-4058. Eldred Farm Supply dealer in Hay and Straw. NY State Hay and Straw. Honesdale, PA 717 253- 1889. FOR SALE Peanut Hulls, Sawdust & Shavings Hay & Straw Bulk - Bagged - Bales 717-529-2855 If no answer 717-529-6305 WAITED MULCH HAY We need your hay. Prompt Payment For Sale - Good Feeding Hay BODMAN FARMS Gerald Bodman & Son 717-799-5306 Mulch Hay Wanted Ontelaunee Farms Inc. Call 215-929-5753 between 7 and 4:30 for current prices FEED h SEED For Sale - Round bales very good to excellent quality Timothy Orchard Grass Clover, $4O per bale picked up, delivery available. Also haylage for sale. 717-624-7585 or 717-624-2429. For Sale - nice straw - we will deliver. Wanted - poor quality Timothy or grass hay paying $65. Harrisburg area, $55 Williamsport area for ful loads, approx. 800 bales, Berks Co . 717-933-8943. Corn fodder, 60' round bales. 717-5462561. For Sale - 70 to 90 ton of good quality Alfalfa Hay I age. Berks 215-756-6479. Wanted - High Moisture corn and corn silage. Write 115 Old Leacock Road, Gordonville, Pa. 17529. For Sale corn silage good quality. $30.00 a ton. Phone 717-656-8052. For Sale - 2,000 bu. ol shelled pick com, stored at Cargill's in Lane, best offer. 412-865-2547 or 412-865-2525. Corn silage for sale. 717-626-7872. For Sale - large round bales of mixed hay, $4O per bale, also ear corn, Clair Showers, RD 1 Box 1, Aspers, PA 17304,717- 677-8881. For Sale - hay ■ Timothy and mixed Timothy and clover, 717-432-9704. For Sale - Timothy brome grass and mixed hay. Also wheat, rye and barley straw. Delivered in 6 ton loads. Call for prices between 7 & 10 PM, Ron Reinford, 717-776-7888 ProLasse 8% All Natural Molasses Base Liquid Protein. Make sweet feed with any PTO mixer. Wholesale, retail from manufacturer, dealer inquiries invited. Call collect. 301-343-0343 Choice Timothy & Alfalfa. Timothy & Clover and Timothy Hay 717-324-2841
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