Sll S b UNLOADLRS B MARTIN'S SILO REPAIR Moving Concrete Stave Silos Also - New & Used Extensions - Replastering - Fill Pipes * Distributors - Roofs - General Repair Rt. 1 Box 315 Denver, PA 17517 215-484-2517 BUILDINGS h SUPPLIES SILOS h UIMLOAOERS We Have New & Used Silo Un loader si. Can us for all your silo need. OetweHer Silos, RD 2, Box 267 D, Newville, PA 17241. 717-776-6321 or 717- 532 3039. Wanted - Harvestore con veyor scales. 717-786- 2839 LONG’S GLASS-UNH) STORAGE SYSTEMS (I)COmjGLAM'HNS eating of glass fused to steel to ft.sed to st«l pmtume soaitog pri Kluce the lowest oust glass lined dcsigmd o, high nxvgen limiting stoiagr svstem foi gram and medium m,istuu fo, high moisture grain Itreather bags ages Itnathei Hgs me m mil u i ami thone of bottom unloader «ith luadei uith pmu. dmt.i sruep tape, ed pouerdmen smep iu auger foi gram o, rh mi unloader K e. o, standard h anger unloader for fonge and gi ml um.plelt this mtlulean out suiep ami romplete system this svstem (3)STM-UX LIQUID MANURE STORAGE sti« li\ k'l iss lintd tanks htlp pit s.m tht mitmnt v due »«! manuit* hilp ptottit tht tnuiDiumnl md Utoicl In Mu in m itft nu n! ol turn 1 ih< »i md t ijiupintnl Long Mlg 717-538-2591 BUILDINGS b SUPPLIES SILOS b UNI OADERS • Fickes Silo ~ ~ Top & Bottom Unloading • Van Dale & Silo- Matic Equipment PH: 717-284-3111 TERRE HILL SILO CO. INC. Terre Hill, PA 17581 PHONE: 215-445-6736 53 Yrs. Sales Serv Top Unloading Bottom Unloading BUILDINGS h SUPPLIES GRAIN EOUIPMf NT 102 CRUSHER ROLL FEEDMOBILE jrit&BjMi ' *. - *•> iW* < Jr Attachment for 102 Feedmobile or Batch-Maker. Designed for better ear corn conversion. Rolls grain and hammers cobs, trash, and remixes material. Mobile or stationary. Powered by diesel, PTO, or electric. 1. Process grain, ear corn and etc. Separates grain from cobs, fodder and foreign matter. Hammermill with various screens grinds debris or cobs to any size particles desired Rolls grain to any texture desired Batch mixing of both materials plus adding of proteins, micro nutrients, molasses and vegetable oil. Electronic digital scales available under the mixer. Facilities for bagging of finish ration, air unload, auger unload or leg unload. • Batdnkirs • FooMilos • Mixm • Balk Food Tucks • Hmmmt Mills • Hollar Mills Fieed mobile inc. SALES • PARTS • SERVICE 727 Furnace Hills Pike LitiU PA 17543 (717) 626-2680 BUILDINGS D SUPPLIES For Sale - 12 x24’ caH haven, slatted floor with built-in pit, needs work, $400,717-627-1724. 22 x32' wood frame two story carriage house. Must be raisedT 717-942- 6458 or 215-948-4949 for details. USA Building agricultural-commercial, full factory warranty, all steel-clear span, smallest building 30x40x10, largest 70x135x16. 30, 40, SO, 60 ft. widths in various lengths. Call 24 hours, 1-800-521-0334 extension 540. Must sell cheap immediately, will deliver to building site. 55x100 Steel Master building, brand new, never erected, $12,500, Lancaster, PA., 717-397-1186, till 11:00 AM, 392-8765 after 5:30 PM. GRAIN EQUIPMENT 3 * Grain Bins, 1800 bu. cap. As Low As. I $1551 * Wet Bins up to 4900 bu. capacity * M-C Continuous Flow Dryers' PTO models or all electric j models \ * Super B Automatic Batch ( Dryers ■ * Sukup In-Bin Drying System^ * Rolfes Fans: Vane Axel or Centrifugal for Aeration or Drying * Rolfes temperature cables * Augers, Cleaners, Accessories * Polyglass tanks 1100 gallon $475, 1300 gallon $540,1600 gallon $625, 4000 gallon $1667 Direct factory distributors THOMAS BACHMAN & SONS S 2501 Fallston Road •; I Fallston, MO *1 I 301-557-7529 301-836-6877 • 102 CRUSHER PROCESSOR 2 • HAMMERMILL \ SB / MIXER UNLOADING | Call For Quota* On Now Or Usad Equipment Or Service For Your Existing Equipment LEASE PLANS AVAILABLE GRAIN EQUIPMf NT For Sate - California pellet mill, Roughinger model, capacity 9 ton per hour, good condition, 717-865- fMjll. 1 Grain Systems storage bin, 10,500 bushels, 33' diameter, ladders, unloading auger, motors, Klean Sweet System, Chillcure drying system, grain spreader, moisture tester. Call ASCS, 717- 652-8401 before January 30,1984 or details. For Sale - Grain dryer, 4 years old, grain bin 6000 bu. capacity; 53 ft. auger elev. Phone 717-365- 3714. For Sale - GT Model 370 propane grain dryer. Con tact Perry County ASCS Office, New Bloomfield, Pa. 17068. Phone 717-582-2525 for bid in formation. Bid deadline Feb. 13.1984. Newer used SEPARATOR ROLLER SCHEMATIC OF 102 Lancaster Farming, Saturday, January 21,1984—C5S GRAIN DRYING & STORAGE Prompt Unloading We Buy And Sell Combining and Hauling ERWIN J. MILLER & SON (717) 656-8593 Loc: Vi Mile North of Bird-In-Hand on Beechdale Rd. UsedB"xl6' Auger w I Motor Mount & Hopper.. *395.00 New - 12'x50’ Ag Star Sow & Nursery Building Complete w/8 Crates and Nursery Area, Modular Building w/Self Contained Pit List Price $24,900 . OUR PRICE* IB.9OO.OO Used Speedco 7 Ton Wood Splitter*49s Used Post Hole Digger, 9" *299 Used Farm Fan Grain Spreader .. * 199 Used B"x3s' Utility Auger (1) 6”x2l’ Cardinal Transport Auger *499 (1) 6"x3l' Cardinal Heavy Duty Transport Auger * 1049.95 Used Chain Saws > . *25 and Up Used Bin Parts Used Big Dutchman Cage Feeders E/MHERR EQUIP. INC. Willow Street, Pa. 17584 Rt. 272 South (717) 464-3321 or Toll Free 1-800-732-0053 DAIRY EQUIPMENT Air & Hydraulic Sales & Service Air Tools Hydraulic Units Air Compressors Motors & Pumps Cast Air Motors Dryden Oil ' Dairy Equipment & Supplies DeLaval & Westfalia * Sputnicks * Herdex-Breeding * Dumping Stations Charts * Pail Milkers * Allflex Ear Tags * Vacuum Pumps I will try to repair all makes & models you might have ELAM S. STOLTZFUS RDI Coopers Or. Kirkwood, Pa. Energy Free DRINKERS For Cattle or Hogs Fiberglass cattle drinker is specially insulated re quires no electricity or heat to prevent freezing Holds ground water temperature summer and win ter Ruggedly built uncomplicated design for long service Hog model features nipple system NOW... Six Models Four for Cattle, Two for Hogs Also side entry calf shelter Proven with 17 years m Minnesota & other northern states Knutson Brothers 130 Knutsen Lane Rising Sun, MD 21911 (301)658-6325
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers