IHC 1066 Diesel. 3650 hours, 8 speed transmission, 540-1000 PTO, very nice, $7,750 Oliver 1600 gas. 15 5x 38 tires, narrow front, 3 pt hitch, ex cent condition, $3,950 IHC 1066 Diesel. 3500 hours, TA, 540-1000 PTO 18 4x38 tires Coming in IHC 806 Diesel, wide front, TA, 540- 1000 PTO, fast hitch, with 3pt hitch con version, Coming in Dewayne Lemmon Tractor Sales Rt 1 Atlantic, PA 16111 814-382-6340 The Management of Oxford Greenlme would like to announce a 10% discount on all parts and service for the weeks of January 23 and 30. All work scheduled during this time period will be entitled to the 10% discount. Terms. Cash and carry only. JD 6600 Combine Diesel w/AC 6 row corn head JD 6620 combine w/&£yprn head and 200 series flex repossessed, exc. condition JD 4400 combine w/443 corn head and 13' platform AC L 2 combine w/6 row corn head and 15' flex platform 1981 JD 7720 combine w/643 corn head & 215 flex platform, 4 WD, only 850 hrs. JD 7700 w/643 corn head, 216 platform JD 443 corn head JD 95 combine, engine completely overhauled w/4 row wide corn head & 13’ platform JD 6600 combine with a 643 corn head and 215 ridgid platform 7000 6 row JD planter, liquid or dry tert 1240 4 row JD planter, dry fert. 1440 4 row JD planter, dry iert. OXFORD GREENLINE, INC. ftV i fVI r John Deere design, L/u - 1 - 4 - dependability and dealers IBBalMkll make the difference 'SMililiillP Hours 7 30 AM-5 00 PM thru Fn 7 30 AM • 12 00 PM Sat Combines RD 1, Oxford. PA 215-932-2753 215-932-2754 FARM EQUIPMENT JD Farming Frontier Day January 26, 1984 10 AM to 2 PM and 7 PM to 9 PM Refreshments will be served. Door Prizes IMPLEMENTS Other Implements Used Equipment Specials... Case 646 Loader and Backhoe Used wood splitters Woods 80" 3 pt. Rotary Mower. $750 B 7100 4 Wheel drive Kubota, 700 hrs Was $4£OC... Now $3,995 PiX tone 30” Stone Picker $595 New Equipment Specials... AMCO Disk... .... $4,495 Landoll 7 Tooth Chisel Plow . $1,500 500 Gal. Field Sprayer, 35’ Boom $1995 3 pt Cordwood Saw 3 pt Hookup Cement Mixer MARTIN HARDWARE & EQUIPMENT CO. I'/z M. south of Schaefferstown, Pa. on Rt. 501 Phone 717-949-6817 Open Mon -Fn 8 to 8, Wed Bto 12, Sat. Bto 5 40 SERIES LEFTOVER CLEARANCE SALE Model 4440 pomrershift, sound guard body frith air, duels available. This tractor must go. Waiver of finance till May 1984. Tractors JO 4020 diesel, wide front, power shift JO 4630 tractor, cab, air, quad range trans. JO 8640 tractor, repossessed, low hrs., cab, air JD 4230 tractor, quad range trans. w/Sound Card body JD 4230 tractor, quad range w/rollguard JD 2520 w/WFE, ta«M«ld»lnsole IH 1586 tractor with cab. air, heat, duals Used Hay Equipment 479 NH hay bine PTIO Hesston mower conditioner 1209 JD mower conditioner 24T JD baler w/model 30 ejector JD 336 baler with model 30 ejector JO 410 round baler with new belts, excellent condition JD 7000 planter. 16 row narrow forward fold' with no-till coulters Model 158 loader w/new 84" bucket Lancaster Famine, Saturday, January 21,1984—C37 USED TRACTORS Waiver of Interest until March 1,1984 • '64 JD 4020 Diesel, wide front • '6B 4020 diesel, wide front • TO-30 Ferguson • 71 JD 4320 • 73 IH 766 wide front, 3 pt. hitch • IH Super M • 71 IH 1456, No Cab • 79 Steiger • ST 210 Series 3,4WD with dual 18.4x34 tires, 3 pt. hitch, 1336 hrs. CORN PLANTERS Waiver of Interest until April 1,1984 • 'B2 AC Model 333, 15-20" Row, No-Till Bean Planter, Dry Fert., Insecticides • JD 7000 8-30 Dry Fert. No Till Coulters Insecticides, Monitor • IH 6-30 air planter • JD 1250 plateless USED PLOWS • JDFI4S-5-16 Semi Plow • JD F 145 - 5-16 Semi Plow w/harrow attachment USED COMBINES • Waiver of Interest till January 1,1985 • 81 JD 6620 224 hrs. 24.5x32 tires Dail-a-matic height control, 216 Flex Cutter bar. • 73 JD 7700, hydrostatic drive, turbo, 16' platform • 74 JO 7700 - Rotary Screen, Mud Hog Drive, 16 Ft. Platform • 75 JD 7700 - Rotary Screen, 16’ Platform • 73 JD 7700 hydrostatic drive • 76 JD 7700 rotary screen, gear drive, 215 flex cutterbar • 'BO JD 7720 4 wheel drive, 220 flex cutterbar • 78 IH 1480 axel flow w/four wheel drive 'Bl JD 8820 4 wheel drive, factory duals, 1100 hrs., w/1243 com head & 220 flex cutter bar, exc. shape CORN HEADS Good Selection of John Deere 443-444-643-843-1243 Cornheads MISCELLANEOUS EQUIP. • Bish head adapter to install JD corn head on NH TR7O combine • jd 653 row crop bean head • JD RG4 cultivator • M4W 450 grain dryer, PTOdry • JD 210 14' disc harrow • JO 38 Harvester w/2 RW Head • JD 38 Harvester. Electric Controls, w/2 RW Head, SW Pickup Attachment • JD RGB Cultivator, 8-30" Rows • Tye drill 24 tine, double disc opener, 3 pt. hitch • Caldwell grain cart, 700 bushel • Graber 26" flex pull-type chisel plow • IH 13' 2 bar chisel plow 3 pt. W.N. COOPER & SON, INC. Morgnec Rd. Rt. 291 Chestertown, MD 301-778-3464
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers