Cl2—LahUstet-fanhlrig,' Saturday, January i 4,1984 1 FARM EQUIPMENT m NEW IDEA FORSALE Same Falcon 4 wheel drive 49 PTO Horse Power. 325 hours. New Condition, |B,BOO. Deutz 6806, 68 HP New Paint $6,400 Deutz 10006 2 WD w/cab, heat, $6,900 Leyland 270 Turbo 80 PTO Horse Power 4 new tires 3000 Hrs. $7900. Ford series 250 PTO hay baler, $BOO International 350 Forage Harvester w/1 row crop and pick-up head, good condition $1,580. Badger 1416 3 btr. forage box w/roof w/Badger tandem gears. $2900 Dion 2 btr. 16’ forage box w/8 ton NI gears, $l6OO NI 272 cutditioner ex cellent condition 12785 Taylorway model 200 217 disc harrow, 10’ w/flex bearing hangers, 22” blades, new cond., $3550. NI model 224 spreader w/hyd. gate, Gratz chain, good cond., tMHIlir- $3,400 NI 218 spreader with hyd. gate, cylinder & hoses, flotation tires, Gratz chain, good cond. 43700"-S3,MO Dion 60” forage blower, good cond. $1385 HEISEY FARM EQUIPMENT, INC. RDI Jonestown, PA 717-815-4526 az27A/CO I NEW IDEA SPECIAL New NI 323 Picker New NI Manure Spreaders USED EQUIPMENT Oliver 1850 Tractor MM U 302 Tractor Farmall 966 Tractor Cab Air Duals Farmall 400 Tractor White 5100 4R Planter (Excellent) JD 1250 6R Planter White 271 20 x 8 Disk Harrow like new White 264 12 2 disc harrow (new) Amco Terrace Disk MM4BSemiMtd Plow White 508 4xlB SAR Plow Ford #lOl 3 x 14 Plow (Excell) Noble 25 Field Cultivator Hesston 1014 Wmdrower MM 3496 Combine Cab 2R Head, 12 Gram Head White 8600 Combine dsl hydro, air Nl 709 Uni 4WD w/838 husk unit Woods 7' Rotary Cuttei JD 24T Baler w/th rower Case 220 Baler w/thrower 1068 Haybuster no till drill (demo) * AC 6 Row 30 ' Corn Head like new Fox 728 2R Corn Head Better Bill 1100 Gal Liquid Spreader Ford 10 h p Garden Tractor w/42 mower Ford 7 h p Garden Tractorw/34 mower STANLEY’S FARM SERVICE RD Box 46 Klmgerstown, PA 717-648-2088 FARM EQUIPMENT Int 986 cab and air, duals, JD 2840 dual outlets, 800 hours, tractor like high/low transmission new, $17,500, Call 18 4x34 tires, 2,100 609-455-3462 or hours, Call 609-455-3462 609-769-4025. or 609-769-4025 (Combines on our lot) Used J.D. 6620 Hydro w/heads New JD 4420 fully equipt. 443 C.H. New M.F. 860 combine call for price. Used White 9700 rotary w/4 whl drive, grain and 6 row C.H. 1977 JD 4400 Dsl. cab and air real nice; 1975 JD 6600 D rotary screen, good cond. 1976 Int. 715 D, w/air & 13 ft. grain, field ready, never used in corn. 1977 Gleaner L 2 hydro w/6 row C.H. 1976 Gleaner FD w/air and both heads; 1976 Gleaner KKS cab & air w/grain, 1976 Int. 915 D w/810 grain head $18,900.1979 MF 550 D, excel, w/grain and com heads. 1975- MF 510 D hydra, w/grain and 43 com forsl6,Boo. MF 410 D. w/cab & Q.T. Gram head. MF 510 D w/cab, Quick Tach grain for $6950, Sale Price $5850. Case 960 w/cab and Jrain, real nice, Gleaner CII diesel w/cab and 4 row C.H. for $5250. JD 7700 D w/grain & com head. 1969 MF 510 D, cab & 2 heads for $9500. MF 300 w/cab & 2 heads for $2900. 1969 JD 55 sq. back corn special w/cab and 2 heads; Int 715 gas w/cab, 810 grain Int. 81013 ft. floating cut ter bar. Int. 303 w/cab, 1972 Gleaner F w/grain & 4 row C.H. for $11,900. Gleaner E w/cab and 2 heads nice and good; Gleaner E 111 w/cab and 2 heads. AC 90 pull combine. NI 702 D w/cab w/chop per and 2 row C.H. $6250. 702 w/729 A shelter. We have 4 N.I. Uni 729 A shelters from $l5OO. TRACTORS AND EQUIP. JUST PUR CHASED (New A.C. 8050 P.S. w/radial tires list 56, cost 44, our price $35,850. New JD 4250 w/front wheel drive. New Case 2590 fully eq. New Case 2090 Can A.P.S. $22,900.00; us ed Case 2090 CA PS looks like new, used J.D. 4440 C.A. Quad real nice; used JD 4440 C.A. PS w/front whl. drive like new; used JD 2940 like new; JD 2950 w/C.A. Demo: Used JD 4040 w/R.G. and QR-nice. JD 4230 w/QR for $11,400 JD 4430 w/ R.G. and P.S. Used JD 4640 P.S. fully eq. like new; JD 4630 cab, air P.S. w/front whl. drive; JD 6030 C.A. Duals all original: Farmall 1566 black stripe cab and air real nice, Int. 884 w/front whl. drive and cab (SOLD), Int. 784 utility D, 1066 Hydro original, Farmall 70 Hydro. D, Int. 544 utility gas, Super M, AC 200 D (SOLD), JD 4010 D WF nice. Oliver 1850 w/dual wheels, Farmall 706 gas WF and 3 pt., 766 original, JD 720 D, WF and 3 pt., JD 70D, Int., 504 utility D. Oliver 770 gas. NI 325 picker w/sneller like new. NI 325 picker w/12 roll bed; N.I. 324 picket w/12 roll bed; Case 1370 C.A. FARM EQUIPMENT PS - factory duals and full wts. We have 3 real good JD 4010 D. w/wTF., NH 258 rake, Oliver 5B hydraulic reset plow. NI Combines Just Dealt. NI 717 combine w/13 ft. grain; N 1738 4RN CH; NI 10 ft. direct cut head; NI 3 row 30” silage head. (Tractors and Eq.- Just Received)MFll3s CA MP real nice. . Farmall 1468 C.A. $8850; Farmall 186 Hydro w/cab enclosure; Farmall 886 w/R.G., Farmall 756 D WF and F.H. nice original, 756 D WF 3 pt. INT. 656 utility D, nice original Farmall 504 tri D original Far mall 460 gas-$1875. Farmall 450 w/2000 loader. NH 357 Grinder- Mixer $3850. Used JD 66 and 65 Blowers. White 2-155 w/cab (SOLD), Used White 2-135, JD 3010 tri gas JD 3020 gas P.S. original. JDLw/Eq., 2 Used NI 323 1 row picker $2150 Used Int. 1190 haybine for $3250. AC 7010 C.A., P.5.,20;8x38 tires, full wts., light package looks uke new, Ford 7600 w/dual power. Far mall 966 original for $9800.00. Farmall 504 nal w/P.S. and 3 Sliver 880 W.F. equip. JD 4010 gas. JD 2840; Far mall 1066 w/cab & air $12,800. Int. 444 utili ty gas, w/P.S. for $3850. Farmall 1586 C.A. w/20x38 duals used 1200 hrs. extra nice, Farmall 656 gas. 706 gas, 504 w/W.F. & Loader. JD 730 D. nice. JD 620 w/PS, JD M w/plow and cult, JD 60 w/loader; JD 3020 PS w/cab, D.B. 990D.Hay eq. just traded, used NH 320 baler, Rakes, new NH 256, MC 9E Rotary Scythe. New Holland 1034 Auto - Bate Wagon used 3 yrs. NH 1012, hay bate wagon 18 ft. 8 ton running gear. JD 3020 Tn D. JD 4020 D W.F., D.L. and 2 values w/cab. JD 4020 D W.F. P.S. 2640, Farmalls 1586 4 post R.G. w/duals, 1086 w/cab, 1206 extra nice, 756 D W.F. original, Farmall M. White- 4 wlu. drive, 4-180 fully eq. for $15,850 (Tractors Coming in) Int. 4786 and Int. 4586-fourwhl drive, JD 4020 D.. W.F., P.S. and diff locks.) Used JD 4440 C.A., 1972 JD 3020 D. WF, JD 4840, fully equip ped w/dual whls. real nice, JD 4430 C.A. QR, AC 220 original nice $8950, Farmall 1486 fully eq. like new. JUST TRADED- used Int. 3588 2+2 Int. 966 w/cab, M w/NI 319 mtd. picker, Case 1410 D. (Harvesters) NH 890 w/3 row 30” C.H. 2 row snap perhead and pickup head. JD 243 snapper head. Forage Wagons. JD 216 - tandem axle. NI 325 picker w/12 roll bed, JD 237 mtd. picker and shelter. (new) 2 NI 323 corn- Kts at old prices. .00 I ARM EQUIPMENT WANTED 3 row 30" Corn Badger silo unloader for head for J.D. 45 Combine. parts 215 377-4549. Pen, xPi y . S 2 1970 IH trucksfor parts N,ghts or repair. Best offer. 302-834-7843. 215-377-4549. New NI 324 2 row picker f0r59750. Used Fahr rotary 7 ft. haybine. JD 340 12 ft. offset disc, Gk nco SS9 Soil Saver. jD 210 14 ft. Disc. Hesston #3O Stakhand. CHISEL PLOWS- new Ford 13-ft w/gaugewhls. HAYBINES- New N 1272 cut/ditioner- S 3800; Used NH 489-$4000; Used NH 489-$3875 ; N.H. 461 real nice; N.H. 479. Used JD 1209_52475; New & us- 3 pt, ed Grim 4 star hay tedders. New Grim Hay Tedders Used NI 279 Cut di tioner.(Just Traded) N.I. 702 uni w/729A sheller and 743 3 row Q.A. com head, real nice and field ready. New AC 7010 w/20 sp. trans. Used 966-1 owner original, 1972 JD 4020, 3020 S.C. §ower shift, JD 4020 .C. w/cab, 1968 JD 4020. MF 1135 w/cab. Farmall 350 w/P.S. and F.H., Farmall 450 gas PS and F.H., F ord 6000 Com mander D. Balers (new), NH 315 w/#75 thrower for $9300. NH 280 w/hydrauhc tension and thrower. JD 336 Thrower. New Idea #456 round baler. TRACTORS & EQUIP. Farmall 1566 w/cab and duals, Used White 2-105 w/roll guard. New John Deeres 4240 cab & air Q.R. for $30,000; New JD 4440 C.A. Qr w/radial 20x38 tires for $36 250.00. Local trade ins - Used JD 4230 CA OR, JD 4320, 4020 side console, 3010 gas, Ford 600 D W.F. Equipment - JD 8200 grain drill and grass seed, JD 1209 Haybine, JD 336 Baler w/thrower, Gehl 940 Forage Wagon. Six real nice balers, JD 500 Round Baler; Hawk BUt round baler. 2 used NH baler w/throwers #280,269. Int. 420 w/thrower. Corn Heads JD 643, 444, 244. 243, 843, 343, 443, 435 N, 313 for 45C, 235, Massey Ferguson 1144 like new, 63, 43, 44, 24, 222, 422, Gleaner L 438, F 430, F 438, K 238, F 335, F 330, M 430, K 330, Int. 863, 864, 844, 744, 843, 227, NI 4 row 40 ,! heads, Case 4 row 40”, MF 44 & 43 Lo Profile, NH 4 row 38” C.H. New JD 444 ¥7350 reduced to $6875. JD 443 used 2 seasons; Gleaner A 430 used 4 years. 60 corn heads on lot. NI 738 and 728 4 row 30” New Int. 810 13 ft. grain head. Used Gleaner L 2 grain heads 3 used MF 63C Corn Heads to nick from. 4 used #BlO mt. 13 to 16 ft. reg. and floating heads (New Farmalls) 5088 C.A. for $34,850 New 3688 fully eq., $30,800.00. (Used Farmalls) 986 w/cab, 686 nice. 706 gas. 1206 real nice, used JD 4230 w/R.G. and creeper gear, 1966-4020. We have 7 JD 4020 side console diesels. JD 2640,1970 JD 5020. JD 4430 C.A., Q.R.. 1972 JD 3020 D., W.F., JD 3020 w/power shift cab, FartuaiHJO w/1 row cult., tar mall 460 D. w/loader $1875, JD 4010 D., W.F., w/dual hydraulic, Ford TW2O w/cab w/220 hrs., damaged. 1972 JD 4020 D, wF. JD 2630 D (SOLD). New NI 324 picker w/super sheller list $15,390. Special $8,475. Farmall 706 w/310 German D w/cab, JD2S2OD.MF 1135 w/R.G. and dual wheels, Int. 656 utili ty Hydro D. NH 890 2 row snapper head. JD narrow 30” 2 row head, like new. NI 325 pickup w/12 roll bed used 4 yrs. TRACTORS JD 4320, Farmall 544 gas W.F. Farmall 706DWF& 3 pt.; NI 324 picker w/super sheller used 80 acres. JD 4020 W.F. power shift, good tires ; Case 1070 P.S. $6975; JD 4010 Tri D, Far mall 766, Case 930 Standard, New Holland 770 w/2 row 30” C.H. NH 890 Harvester w/2 heads, Deutz 9006. CULTIVATORS - New Case 3 pt. 8 row Hydro fold. JD 4 row & JD 6 row rear. CORN PICKERS - New NI 325 w/12 roll for $ll,BOO, used N.I. 325 w/12 roll bed current model. Used (2) N.I. 324 w/12 roll bed (325 N. w/sheUer), NI 3 row 30” picker w/super shelter, New Idea shelters and Super shelters, N.I. 2 row 30” picker w/ grinder. NI 319 mtd. picker, JD 300 w/2 or S row C.H. JD 300 w/243 C.H. NI 311 - 2 row JD 4020 w/58 Loader, JD 4320 w/cab, JD 5020 - Pull Tractor. Farmall - 1568 w/cab & air used 1000 hrs., 1566 w/cab, 1466 w/cab. 886 w/cab, 800 hrs., like new. 856 w/38” tires, very nice; Farmall 460 Gas w/F.H., Farmall 756 gas, Hi Crop- 656 diesel, 756, Farmall cub w/mowers. HARVESTERS. Used JD 3960 w/long tongue, used JD 3940, JD 3800 w/2 row C.H. and pickup for $2850, N.H. 890 w/3 row 30”; NH 890 w/2 row; NH 770 w/2 row 30” C.H. Int. 720 - 2 row. Fox 2 row snapper head. NH 770 1 row snapper C.H.N.H. 890-2 new snapper head, new N.H. 890 new corn head used N.H. 770-H824 2 new corn head.and pickup head, Fox 2 row 30” Silage Head, JD 1 row snapper head for 38 & 3800. JD 4 row Stalker head, like ngw ALLIS CHALMERS AC 180 D w/cab and air, 185 w/turbo. 7040 w/cab, power shift like new, low hrs. 220 original, 210 w/new 20.8x38 tires. AC H 3 Crawler w/blade and winch. 2 JD 4 wheel drives 8630 fully eq. w/duals; & 7520 fully eq. w/duals. JD 4010 LP Gas (mce) $3750. JD 5020 puller. FARMALLS; 1066 red cab & air, Used 686 w/cab & air. 1206 w/cab, 806 w/3 pt. & 38” wheels. Farmall 656 Diesel & 656 gas, Farmall hydro 70 w/w.f. and 3 pt., 826 hydro D nice. MF round baler $2000; 1100 Massey $4000; MF chisel plow $lOOO. MF 33 frain drill Siopo, 15-286-9197 New White 2-65 w/front whl. drive and new 1730 loader, |29 000. Dealers net $23,700. Our special price $21,850. New White 2-105 w/cab $22,850. MASSEY FERGUSON - 2745 with cab and dual whls. 1085 w/cab, original 2 MF 1155 w/C.A. M.P., MF 1130 for $6250. MF 1080 D, MF 1650 (Case) New 2090 Cab & Air, power shift. Case 930 D real nice, Case 930 Standard D. real nice, Case D.B. 1200 for $3900. Oliver 1950 T w/Cab for $ 6 9 5 0.0 0. 2050, 1855 w/20:8 tires, 1850 w/cab. 1855 w/duals, MM Vista 1000 w/cab and loader, MM 5670 diesel. Farmall Super A. V. Fords - 3000 w/p.s. Jubilee 850. N.I. 702 Uni tractors w/ combines & 729 A and 729 Uni shellers w-3 & 4 row 30” and 40” heads. Used JD 13 to 15 ft. grain heads. IND. EQUIPMENT - Int. 500 E crawler loader w/270 hrs., like new. Cat 933 crawler loader. Int. 2400DL&8. Case 584 B.D. Forklift. AC 600-21 ft. forklift. Int. 3400 D. L&B Howard 3 pt. backhoe, Long 1199 A-3 pt. Backhoe like new $3850. Bobcat 720 Hydro Skid Loader. Fere 30 w/loader. Mechanics Snpptalc Case 1410. Farmall 706 gas needs trans work, $2900. MF 1155 CAMP $BB5O. PLANTERS- New JD 6 row Conserv. no-til w/dry insect and monitor, call for price. Used Int. #BOO 6 row fully equipped w/no til and monitor- NICE. (new) White 5100 4 row planter w/monitor, JD 1460 6 row no-til liquid plateless Inst. - $1975, JD 6 row conserva tion inst. fert. fill, population monitor and acre fully equip r:d. Used White 5400 row air, w/dry, In st. no til and monitor for $2OOO. Used JD 4 row conser vation w/hquid fert. and monitor, Oliver 6 row no til w/dry fert., inst., fert. fill and population monitor JD 444 corn heads from $2450 and up. Papec Grinder Mixer. Cabs for JD and Int. Tractors. Glenco 12 ft. 9” Soil Finisher like new. Brady 14 ft. pull chisel plow w/Buster bar. Int. #5500-13 ft. chisel plow, Int. 9 ft. Chisel plow, new 9 shank soil saver, used Athens 10 ft. offset disk. Caldwell 7 ft. heavy duty 3 pt. blade (SOLD). IPick-up heads for NH nv, /!/, Miller 12 ft. offset disk, JD Disks #2lO - 12x14 ft. New Westfield grain augers 41 ft. 8” KD=sl39s, 56 ft. 8” KD=l995. (new) N.H. 363 tank spreader for $3675. NI 214 nice, JD 54, Kawannee 10 ft. & 12 ft. roller harrow, good. Brillion 13 ft. roller har row, We have new 4,6,8 ton running E IH 806 Diesel, 95HP, cab wide front, 3 point hitch tires 50%, full weights good solid machine, $6500, 717-467-8839 o, 717-467-7085. gears at low, low prices. "'-uspH Danuser Post Hole Diggers. New 3 pt. oft. he"- v ty blades. New MF o’ rotary cutter. NH 36 Flail Chopper; Brady 722 Flail Cnop- PlijWS - Ford 6xsp, reset, onland hitch like new, Int. #7lO 7x16 sp, reset on land hitch, Int. #720 5x6x18 sp. reset (SOLD). JD 2500 6x sp. reset, JD 5x hyd. Int. #7OO 5X auto reset, fully eq., Int. #7lO 6x16 sp. reset, Int. #720 6x16 sp. reset on land hitch. JD sxSemi trip rollcver. Oliver 4x16 rollover, JD 3x16 rollover, Chisel Plows. Brady 12 ft. & 10 ft. chisel plow 2- Brillion 10’ 3 pt. chisel plows Rockland rock picker. New Johnson Used JD 330 hydraulic fold disk. Used Int. 496 20’ hydraulic fold disk. Oliver Dual Whl. Disk. Used JD 310-12 ft. disk like new, new 12 ft. 3 pt. field cultivator. New Landoll 24 ft. hydraulic fold chisel plow. Straw choppers for com bines: JD 4400, 7700, 6600, MF 510,550. JD Disks- TWA 12 ft.-14 ft. heavy disk. Ford 12 ft. Heavy Disk. Used JD 400 15 ft. rotary hoes, Kawanee 22 ft. Wing Disk. Used JD 8300 21x7 DD w/press wheels. Int. 510-16x7 D.D. w/Fert. and grass seed, MF 43-21 SD gram. JD B 16 DD w/grass seed. * Loaders, new Int. 235 and 2355 - Used JD 146 (SOLD), JD 58, Int. 2350, 2250, like new (SOLD), also set of forks, like new MF #246 like new (new) G.B. loader, 3 pt. hitch for 630 and 730 JD tractor. New and Used J.D. Quick Couplers. 2 Used 30.5 x 32 tires. No Til Attachment for Int. 4 row 400 planter complete. TRUCKS - 1979 Chev. C 65 24 ft. rollback w/61,000 miles, like new, 1976 KW Truck Tractor w/350 Cum mins D. 13 spd. all chrome wheels and fully eq. looks like new, Delta 44 ft. com bine trailer, 1980 Silverado Chevy diesel w/every op tion, looks like new. (New) NH Direct cut head for 770. (New) Kill Bros, gravity bins. New Kill Bros. 6 & 8 & 10 ton running gears. Pick up heads for Int. 550, 650. 350, Fox pickup head, (20) sets of dual wheels all sizes. JD front & rear weights, IH front and rear weights. For your needs call STITZEL FARM EQ. INC. East Windsor St. & Krick Lane Hamburg, Pa. 19526 Phone Bus. 215-562-8377 home 215-562-7451
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