B26—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, January 14,1984 FREE Subscribers to Lan caster Farming will receive one advertise ment FREE each month in our Mail Box Market Subscribers using the Mail Box Market will be govern ed by the following rules Limit your advertise ment to 20 words, area code must be added to phone number and due to repeated requests, please include your county for buyer and seller conve mence all advertisements must be mailed to the of fice by Tuesday or same wMI be held over (or next week s paper, no business advertisements accepted Include your Lancaster Farming mailing label and mail to Mail Box Market Lancaster Farming PO Box 366 Lititz PA 17543 No Phone Calls Please MAILBOX MARKET For Sale - Bolts, 3/8"-3 to 8 in long, hinges & other hardware for gates, many like new Lane Co 717- MAILBOX MARKET Wanted - Long hair female - St. Bernard puppy for companion to 4 yr farm boy whose dog died Snyder Co 717-658- 7389 Wanted Purebred Dalmation pup, female prefered, no papers needed but must be purebred stock. Clinton Co 717-725-3750 For Sale - New NH 311 engine baler on steel special $7850. Christian L Beiler, 68 S Weavertown Rd.Ronks Pa 17572 Wanted - 40 to 50 hp Induction motor, must have ball bearings Lane Co 717-354-9835 For Sale - Dairy vac good cond, & conde milker Lane Co 717-656-8420 For Sale Small terra track crawler w/logging wench & small ACT M crawler w/blade Lane Co 717-285-5345 For Sale - 12 White York- Cross bred gilts due mid late Jan, bred to reg York boar Also 45# feeder pigs Perry Co 717-536-3576 For Sale - 3 tons of Ist cut alfalfa, 110/ton, 4 tons of 2nd cut alfalfa, 130/ton, Centre Co 814-364-1314 before 11am Wanted - Used Magneto to fit old Cat D-8 pony motor, also need used pads for Cat D-8 track Luzerne Co 717-864- 3373 For Sale Nl 206 manure spreader, used only a tew times, Amos S Stoltzfus, Beachdale Rd, Bird-m Hand For Sale Well seasoned firewood Jonas K Smucker, RTI, Box 181 A Strasbuy; Pa 17579, £|csetoTimberline Lodge MAILBOX MARKET For Sale - Almost new 6’ NH flail chopper $3OOO Lane Co. 717-665-6815 For Sale - Snow Crown cauliflower plants, 100 or 1000, order now, cab bage. broccoli, tomato, pepper plants Lane Co 717-859-2712 For Sale - Foley 387 saw filer, $750. Wanted Someone to custom make & weld bandsaw blades Lane Co 717-354-5060 Notice - Free farm dog, good w/children & good watch dog, male German Shepherd Husky mix Lane Co 717-665-7015 For Sale - 6 ton Stoltzfus gram bin, VG, 6 Badger calf stalls, 175 gal Girton bulk tank Berks Co 215- 689-4124 Wanted - To buy pickup for #47 Int hay baler, Jonas S King, RD#l, Box 185 K, Strasburg, Pa 17579 Wanted - ‘/T or 3/8" water mjecter for steam boiler Lane Co Benuel F Beiler, 134 A Blackhorse Rd . Paradise, Pa 17562 Wanted Amish type buggy w/rubber would prefer w/top, must be good cond Vernon M Horst, Honesdale, Pa Wayne Co 717-253-6381 For Sale • IH #S-90 mobile gen pto, 37 5 amp. cont single & 3 phase, 110/120 volts, 208/220 volts. Flemmgton, NJ 609-466- 1553 For Sale - 1976 24’ IH 1800, 10 wheel, 36,000 GVW, new engine, van body, exc cond Rockland Co 914-354-0369 For Sale - Shelled corn, about 5000 bu , Marietta Pa 814-364-9926 after 6 p m Wanted .- Rabbits & ih'jnmes of all types Iklaware Co 215-586 B>Bs jr Sale - Large & small v ke snow plows, Case Hor w/loader, angle H' blades for tractors ■ jcKs 717-345-4882 Sale - 5000 Ford dsl, select-speed, rear, rO, front new, good L 3 btm 16” $5500 Likill 717-875-1289 - 1979 JD 2640 48 hrs, Hi-Lo .5-38 tires w/cal t''ls-584-5168 ihacco hoers, karts, Oliver Ik 5 speed Ford ■ Co, Va f eared M 779- W 7327, 19606, W Manure Fid drive, Ling $450 215-932- f aoplicator i. FHA reg olstem bull, IOOm 4 ofat -6384 Angus bull, Wr Did, Shoshone rdmg $l5OO Hyd Kt & cyl for flatbed Ip $2OO Columbia Co 1925-6435 sie Int H 530 pto Le spreader, 145 Le new, garage kept, ■ter Berks Co 215 ■lew 10 hole hog kjg, gentle, 600 boar, 4 Co hitch arm or 830, l engine & 1717 426 ten center , 52"-62” centers 717 532 'urebred rrs old, kg $6O »750 For Sale -1981 LTD Ford F-150 pickup 302, auto trans w/over-drive, air, dual tanks, lots of extras. Call 717-273-7394, evenings. For Sale - 1977 CMC hay truck, 6500 series, heavy axles, registered for 33,000 lbs. all new 10;:00x20 tires, clutch and brakes recently renewed, 366 V 8 2 speed, PS, shock absorber seats, special low body over 24' behind cab, plus 11' deck over cab. Carries 480 bales. Excellent condition throughout. A real hay truck. Body is a work of art. Going out of business after 34 years. Price $11,000,201-454-8259. 1973 IHC Hay Body 392, 5+2, PTO, 26’ +9’ over cab, clean. See at The Fuel Stop, Avondale, Pa. Best offer. 302-995-6154 eves. 1981 Ford Fl5O 6 cylinder 3 speed over drive, AM-FM radio, 26,000 miles, 4WO, 717- 677-6494 after 5:30 PM. 1978 Parker aluminum dump trailer, 27’, good light weight trailer for train farmer, 215-593- 165. Wanted - 8’ Fleetside pickup bed for 1973 or 1984 GMC in good con dition. 717-442-8564. For Sale - 1977 GMC pickup. 6 cyl., auto trans., food condition. $2,150. 17-865-3488. For Sale - 1977 Dodge V* ton pickup, 318 engine. AT, new exhaust, new tires, 62,000 miles, mechanically excellent, body a little rough. $1,550,717-865-3488. 1982 Datsun King Cab pick-up. 4 cylinder. 5 speed, AM-FM. Excellent condition, $5,600 717-733-2873. For Sale - 1956 White dump truck tandem axle, blown engine otherwise good mechanically, make offer. 814-766-2733. 'B3 Chevy Scotsdale, CIO 4 wheel drive pickup, 305 4 speed overdrive, PS/PB, Rally wheels, running boards, 10,000 miles, like new, $9OOO. 717-733-2873 or 733-4884. MAILBOX MARKET For Sale - Atlanta Franklin woodstove, holds 26" log, exc cond $2OO Lane Co 717-548-3318 For Sale - IH 10' spring tooth harrow in good cond $3OO Lane Co 717-354-9670 For Sale - 9 yr old Standardbred buggy horse, also African violets Elam E Lapp, RD 1, Box 249, Christiana, Pa 17509 For Sale - AC no-til planter, 8 row 30" air units, liquid fertilizer, used 1 yr Talbot Co Md 301-822-2395, 301-822- 3584 For Sale Floney bees to pollinate clover, alfalfa seed crops, Free bees in exchange for honey Cecil Co Md 301-392-4861 For Sale Straw & corn fodder $2/bale, 67 Super hayliner baler & 1975 Monarch Mercury fair cond 717-354-7419 For Sale 1 Alpine & 1 Nubian buck Berks Co 717-933 4598 after 5 p m For Sale ■ Used Warm Morning coal stove Good condition $4OO 00 215 857-3549 or write John D Stoltzfus 74 F Ash Rd Coatesville, Pa 19320 For Sale Bull calf, 5 mos old, sire Pete, dam by Double Triune, $4OO del southeast Pa 215 683 6223, Berks Co For Sale Nl 206 manure spreader, used only one time Amos S Stoltzfus, 552 Beachdale Road Bird-m Hand, PA 17505 ihed, Notice Let me know by Jan 10 what you want listed in my sale on Feb 24 Elias S Beiler, 717- 656-9733 1970 Chevrolet C5O, 16' steel dump bed, 350 engine, 2 speed rear, 21,000 GVW, 717-345-4882. For Sale 1972 IH load star 2000 twin screw road tractor, 6-71 Detroit diesel, N6S-13 speed, power divider, wet tine, good cond. $BOOO. 1978 Montone aluminum dump trailer, 26 ft, 52" high sides, tanden axle, with tarp. Good cond. $7600. Must sell will consider an offer. 717-273-5231 or 717-273-6748. For Sale - 1973 Mack R6OO 237 5 speed maxidine twin screw, nice $11,500. Norman R. Shores, RD#5, Towanda, Pa. 18848717-265-9014. 1961 C7O Chevy fuel delivery truck, 5 com partment, 2 meters, 2 pumps, 2 reels 9:00-20 tires 5 speed. 2 speed rear 409 V 8 hydraulic drive PTO great for fuel and fertilizer nursing of big farm operation runs good $2OOO. 304-263- WEST POINT TRAILERS West Point, Pa. 215-699-8867 (20) Storage & Readable Reefers Roll up rear doors and Swing doors - some side doors - Electric & Diesel Refrigeration Units $3500.00 and up 1970 Great Dane Flat Bed Trailer - 40’ long. Tandem Axle, 10x20 Tires, 8' High Head board. Only $1700.00 Tanks, Great for Fertilizers, Heat Tubes, One and Two Compartments, A Steal at $1200.00 each 1964 Alum. Dump Trailer, 24’ Long, 60” Sides, Dual Pistons, Tandem Axle, Coal Chute, Good Floor. Don’t Pass This One Up At Only $2800.00 Give us a call Ask for Paul! TRUCKS b TRAILERS 1977 Int. 1800 446 gas, 5 & 2 speed, power steering, 10:00x20 rubber; 1978 Int. 1750 466 Dsl., 5 &2 speed, power steering 10:00x20 rubber; 1978 Int. 1800 446 gas. 5 & 2 speed, power steering, 10:00x20 rubber; 1979 Int. 1854 S 466 Dsl. 5 « 2 speed, power steering, 9:00x20 rubber. New bodies and hoists can be furnished for any of these trucks. 301-877-9889. Raven Dump Trailer, 717- 626-7596. 82' Chevy pick-up, V 4 ton, 6.2 diesel, automatic OD, 4.000 miles, $7,495; 78’ Dodge Pick-up Dl5O, 43.000 miles, automatic, power steering, air, $4,695. 717-733-8985. 1982 Datsun King Cab pick-up, 4 cylinder, 5 speed, AM-FM. Excellent condition, $5,600. 717-733-2873. 1979 Chevy 1 ton rollback, 14' Schwartz, 30,000 original miles, 1 owner, mint condition. $lO,OOO/offer. 301-833- 9091. 1975 Chev 90 Series 318 Det. 10 sp., 56,000 20’ tradewind grain dump, asking $21,000, 215-869- 9294, good cond. '66 Ford F5OO, 12' dump stake, a title, good con dition, asking $2500,215- 589-5164. For Sale - Mac 842 gas for parts. Good transmission, Good rear. 609-358-2447. Call after 7 PM. 6' wide Autoifiatic Dock Levelers, trailer shelters for 12' high doors, $250 each. 717-927-6564. For Sale -1976 Jeep CJS, 6 cylinder 4WD all new tires, real good condition, $1,950. 717-865-3488. 4x4’*! 1984 Ford Bronco, VB, PS, PB, Air, AM-FM Stereo, Cassette, Tilt Wheel, Cruise, Rear Window Defogger, Privacy Glass, New Unit, $16,900 1982 Datsun Pickup, 4 Cyl, 4 Speed, PS, PB, Low Miles, $7995 1982 Ford Bronco, 6 Cyl, 4 Speed, Air, Sharp, $11,900 1981 Suburban, VB, Auto , PS, PB, Lockout Hubs, Low Miles, $11,900 1980 Chevy Pickup ‘/? Ton, VB, Auto , PS, PB, AM-FM, Lockout Hubs, Clean & Sharp, $8695 1980 Chevy 4x4, VB, 4 Speed, PS, Lockout Hubs, Dual Tanks, AM-FM, Low Miles, $8995 1979 Dodge Ram Charger, 318 VB, Auto‘, PS, PB, AM FM Stereo, $6995 1979 Dodge Club Cab, VB. Auto, PS, PB, AM-FM Stereo, CB, % Ton, $7995 1979 Chevy Blazer, VB, Auto, PS, PB, Radio, $8795 1978 Chevy Blazer, Cheyenne Pkg , V 8,4 Speed, PS, PB, Radio, $6995 1968 Jeep Commando, 6 Cyl, Auto, $2995 PICKUPS! 1982 Ford, 6 Cyl, 4 Speed, Radio, PS, PB, Low Miles, $7895 1981 GMC ‘/z Ton Sierra Grande, VB, Auto, PS, PB, AM-FM, Low Miles, $7495 1981 Ford FIDO, 6 Cyl, 4 Speed, AM Radio, PS, $6995 1978 GMC Pickup, VB, Auto , Radio, $3995 1978 Chevy Crew Cab, 454 VB, Auto , PS, PB, AM-FM, Air, $5995 STAKE BODIES! 1978 Ford, VB, 4 Speed, PS, PB, Dual Wheels, 12,000 GVW, 12' Stake, $6995 1973 GMC 5000, VB, 4 Speed. PS, PB, 18,500 GVW, 14’ Stake Body, New Motor, $3995 VANS! 1982 Ford Van, 6 Cyl, Auto , PS, PB, $8995 1979 Chevy Van, 350 VB, Auto, PS, PB, $5995 wr ARE NOW AUTHORIZED 01 DSMOBII f DEALERS' . 1 ,rif Tt-r.ll ; . ,i sllll’ AwI,MM, .
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