Lancaster Hogs Lancaster Stockyards Monday, December 26 Report supplied by USDA No market due to holiday. Tuesday, December 27 Today 618 Last Tuesday 277 I,ast Year 392 TREND: Trend not comparable, market not reported on Monday. BARROWS AND GILTS; US 1-2 200-250 lbs. 54.00-55.50. US 1 200-240 lb. 55.75-56.00. US 1-3 230-280 lb. 53.00-54.00. Wednesday, Decernbt. 28 HOGS: Compared to Tuesday barrows and gilts mostly 1.00 lower; sows uneven, 350-500 lb. steady to 2.00 lower, 500-050 lb. 5 00-8.00 higher. BARROWS AND GILTS; US 1-2 210-250 lb. 53.00-54.00. US 1 210-250 lb. 54.00-56.25. US 1-3 220-270 lb. 52.00-53.00; 198-210 lb. 49.00-51.00. SOWS: US 1-3 350-475 lb. 35.00 42.00,500650 lb. 50.0051.50 New Holland Hogs Monday, December 26 Report supplied by USDA Today 1398 Last Monday 1873 Last Year 1782 1398 head. Compared to last Monday, market 1.502.00 higher. Lightweight, 47.00-52.00; heavyweight, 48.0053.00; retail, 54.0057.00; sows, 32.00-42.00; heavy boars, 30.00; light boars, 45.00. Peoria Hogs Thursday, December 29 Report supplied by USDA BARROWS & GILTS: 3000. (Fell 700 short-2300) Active, 25 to mostly 50 higher. US 1-2 220-240 lb. 52.50- >3 00 . 200-220 lb 51.50-52 50 US 1-3 220-260 lb 50 50-51.50. SOWS. Firm to 1.00 higher 125%) US 1-3 350-450 lb. 42.50-43.50; 450-650 lb. 56.00-57.00, few 57.50. BOARS. Over 350 lb. 38 00-38.50, 250-350 lb. 33.00-34.00, under 250 lb. 40 00-45 50 FOR THE WEEK Barrows & gilts closed 2.00 higher, sows i losed 1 00-8 00 higher .. ATTENTION HOG PRODUCERS Now you have a choice of marketing your fat hogs on any one of 4 days a week through Walter M. Dunlap and Sons. The starting times for each day are as follows: Monday at 1 P.M., Tuesday at 10 A.M., Wednesday at noon and Saturday at 10 A.M. Consign your fat hogs to Walter M. Dunlap and Sons where they will be handled by experienced and capable personnel. All hogs weighed upon arrival. For market information contact Ken Smoker or Ollie Nagle at 717-397-5136. FEEDER PIG SALE Every Tuefdoy - Starting at 1 P.M. HOLIDAY SCHEDULE NO HOG MARKET SALE DEC. 31st BUSINESS AS USUAL MONDAY, JANUARY 2 Walter M. Dunlap and Sons An Old tine Commission Flip Keeping Abreast Lancaster Feeder Pigs Tuesday, December 20 Report supplied by USDA Today 863 Last Tuesday 865 Last Year 1141 TREND; Compared to last Tuesday feeder pigs uneven, US 1-2 3040 lb. weak to 5.00 lower, 40-80 lb. steady. All pigs weighed on arrival and sold by the hundred weight. US 1-2: 13 head 18-23 lbs. 104.00- 107.00; 75 head 28-39 lbs. 74.00- 84.00 ; 260 head 4049 lbs. 68.00- 82.00; 99 head 50-59 lbs. 59.50-67.00; 62 head 60-67 lbs. 53.00-60.00. US 2; 61 head 4049 lbs. 60.00- 66.50. US 2-3: 34 head 28-38 lbs. 68.00 75.00 ; 20 head 41-45 lbs. 62.0065.00; 43 head 50-52 lbs. 56.0061.00; 41 head 59-68 lbs. 44.0048.00. Westminster Feeder Pigs Friday, December 23 Report supplied by auction 994 Pigs. US 1&2: 100 head 3039 lbs. 66.00 83.00. US 1:38 head 45 lbs. 71.00. US 1&2: 167 head 42-49 lbs. 61.00 68.00; 292 head 5056 lbs. 58.00 67.00; 89 head 6066 lbs. 55.0059.00; 78 head 7079 lbs. 46.0049.50; 27 head 91-93 lbs. 46.0047.00. US 2: 31 head 3039 lbs. 57.00 61.00; 43 head 45-48 lbs. 55.0056.00; 24 head 6068 lbs. 42.0051.00; 21 head 83-85 lbs. 41.0042.00. US 2 & 3: 43 head 33-38 lbs. 49.00 60.00. St. Louis Hogs Thursday, December 29 Report supplied by USDA BARROWS & GILTS: 4000. Active, mostly 1.00 higher. US 1-2 200-250 lb. 52.75-53.25, 200 head 53.50. US 1-3 260-270 lb. 50.00. SOWS' Under 400 lb. 75 lower, over 400 lb 2.50-3.00 higher, i About 10%) US 1-3 300-400 lb. 41.75; 400- 500 lb 45.00-46.50; Over 500 lb. 57.00-59.50. BOARS. Over 250 lb. 37 50, under 250 lb 44.00-46.00 Lancaster Stockyards Tel. (717) 397-5136 Indianapolis Hogs Thursday, December 29 Report supplied by USDA BARROWS & GILTS. 300. Very slow, steady m a light test. US 1-2 few 220-245 lb. 52.50-53.00. SOWS Not tested. US 1-3 few 215-250 lb 51 75-52.50 US 1-3 few head 420-46011, 42 00-44 00 BOARS U\ci i.)O lb 32 00, others scarce Vintage Hogs Vintage Sales Stables Saturday, December 24 Report supplied by auction 92 head. US 1 & 3 206-234 lb. 52.10-53.50; Lightweight 180-200 lb. 45.00-49.00; Sows 310-635 lbs. 35.50-41.75; IBoar 580 lbs. 30.00. New Holland Feeder Pigs Wednesday, December 28 Report supplied by USDA Today Last Wednesday Last Year TREND: Compared to last Wednesday feeder pigs 2.00-5.00 higher, mostly 2.00-3.00 higher. All pigs weighed on arrival and sold by the hundred weight. US 1-2: 27 head 24-27 lbs. 82.00- 96.00 ; 261 head 30-38 lbs. 71.00- 82.00; 203 head 44-48 lbs. 66.00- 78.00 ; 74 head 50-58 lbs. 61.00-71.00; 51 head 64-67 lbs. 56.00-61.00; 74 head 71-78 lbs. 46.00-56.00 ; 43 head 95-108 lbs. 43.00-52.00. US 2-3: 38 head 35-38 lbs. 52.00- 69.00; 47 head 44-45 lbs. 60.00-65.00; 14 head 52-57 lbs. 51.00-59.00; 13 head 60 lbs. 45.00. SADDLE UP! To Better Equipment... Find It In Lancaster Farming's CLASSIFIEDS! Editorials Editorially speaking Dairy Lancaster County DHIA 822 Dairy Pipeline 826 Dauphin County DHIA 828 Juniata County DHIA 831 Cumberland County DHIA 833 Departments Farm Calendar Mailbox Markets Classified Ads Public Sales Livestock Latest Farm Business news CATTLE Week to Date(Est.) 410.000 42,000 Same Period Last Week (Est.) 521.000 48,000 Same Period Last Year (Act.) 466.000 39,000 Jan. Mar. 904 582 992 May JuTy Aug. Sept. 3,i2 3 4 Oct. Nov, Dec Trends - Corn: Wheat: Sidewise to up, Soybeans: tun from a downtrend, Soybean Meal: turning up from a downtrend. Market Provided by Commodity Department Dean Witter Reynolds, Inc. Mo, Feb May June July Aug Oct. Nov. Dec, Trends - Cattle, hogs and potatoes are all stronger. Market Provided by Commodity Department Dean Witter Reynolds, Inc. lit Otis 838 B39SC 9 843 C 2 C 4 Uncaster Farming, Saturday, December 31,191 ' U.S. Inspected Livestock Slaughter Estimated Livestock Slaughter Under Federal Inspec First Four Days CALVES HOGS S Chicago Grain Futures (Closing Bids as of Thursday, December 29 Corn 3.63 1 * 3.37 3 '4 3.4014 3.40 340*4 3,40 3.53*2 2.94>2 3:64*2 Futures Trading (Closing Bids as of Thursday, December 29) Chicago Chicago NY Maine Cattle Hogs Potatoes 67.90 67.87 48.45 6.31 67.15 53.10 65.10 52.90 62.90 51.00 issue Three Sections Columns Now is the time On being a farm wife Seeding weeding Ladies, have you heard 7 Back Home Ida's Notebook Farm Talk Livestock Ledger : £AWRES AlO Master Farmers Alfalfa Champ Home and Youth AlO Homestead Notes Home on the Range Kid’s Korner Family Living Craft Corner 816 Farm Women news & calt dar 818 Lebanon Co 4-H Round-Up 820 990,000 1,210,000 1,031,000 Soybeai Wheat Soybeans Meal 8.07 8.27 8.39*2 8.44*2 8.32 7.72*2 7.22 51.25 53.87 3.89 51.55 is: 224.40 225.40 225.50 224.80 22U00 212.80 195.20 195.20 5.53 6.81 A28&29 AlB B 2 B 6 810 814
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