02—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, Decemberl9,l9Bl Brockett's Ag Advice (Jm By John E. Brackett Farm Management Agent Lewistown Extension Office Capital Purchases - Depreciation 1981 Style Due to the 1981 tax law changes, depreciation no longer offers the flexibility to tax planning it once did. It is still an item that has some value, but the range 'in depreciation that can be used with new purchases has been severely curtailed. The new law has pretty well set the depreciation rates for all types of depreciable farm assets. Each item will fall into one of three predetermined categories as to depreciable lor cost recovery ) life. The new depreciation system is called an Accelerated Cost Recovery System. As far as 1 can tell from the literature, the old 20 percent first year option, both types of accelerated depreciation, and the option to set the life of an item based on historical use are no longer available. This new law is craiSrL GROMEIII’S ROY 0. CHRISTMAN EOtIIPMERT INC. FARM SERVICE rd, Mechanics Grove Hamburg, PA 19526 Oley, PA 19547 Ouarryville, PA 17566 Ph.(215)562-7218 Ph.(215)987-6277 Ph.(717)786-7318 ' G®ll DAIRY SERVICE U.BYO E. KREIDER "TOEASE RD 1 Rt. 274 RD 1 OlflLLbU. V 2 Mi. South Rising Cochranville, PA 523 Willow Rd. Sun, MD 21911 19330 Lancaster, PA 17601 Ph.(301)658-6923 Ph.(215)932-4700 Ph.(717)299-2536 effective for items purchased since January 1,1981. The ACRS method sets the percentage of the original cost of an item that can be taken each year. Thus an item in category 1, has a recovery allowance (depreciation) of 25 percent the tirst year, 38 percent the second year, and 37 percent the third year. Category one would include cars, trucks, and breeding hogs but not dairy cows. These items would have a life of 3 years. A taxpayer can choose to use the ACRS' straight line method and select a life of 3,5 or 12 years (not 4 or 7 or 10). In this case, only 50 percent of the straight line annual depreciation can be used in the first year. For both the regular and straight line ACRS methods, it appears as though the same recovery allowance (depreciation) could be used regardless of when in the year the item was purchased. a ne w Badge®spr an s Vertoha ''e f or you. umil Mar h defWork, ng Category two would include the i>!ilk of farm assets. All iiMiclunery, equipment, anti uauy and breedingiivestock except hogs (and certain horses) would fit into this category. Also included in this category would be single purpose agricultural structures such as silos, milking parlors, etc. Category two recovery (depreciable) life is 5 years. The regular ACRS percentages are 15, 22, 21, 21, 21 for the five years. Again the 15 percent can evidently be taken regardless of when in the year the item was put into service. A taxpayer can use the ACRS straight line method as with category 1 items. The straight line Jives are 5,12 or 25 years. Category three would include all multipurpose buildings such as machine sheds, tenant house, etc. Cost recovery (depreciation) is a bit' more complicated for this category than for the above two. ANNAPOLIS Md - Maryland’* For these items it does make a AiNiN/vrULilo, mfl. Maryland S TT “u * “S"®. a 1982 tobacco auction season will difference as to what month the open March 16 and ran through S K r M 3? *’ tddhtng it-the earliest in the may nave to .recalculate gate's history. The season dates SfSe°"f e SSIS?»a n M e >»•" «** “» M^and SS2S deSent on when SUtt To^ acco ♦ rttari *» *1 the percentage aepenuent on wnen it re q Ues t 0 f growers, according to SecreßrJ A ' h^ S a« T i?«S'SeS“ ,Sht -Bfhdley H. Powers, of .he hvesareiS JSor« w .Maryland Department of also aooears the Agriculture ’ s Division of also appears as though the A g ncultura i Development ,and Marketing, says the _crop of tobacco to be sold grown in 1981 is of "excellent quality and will come m at around 30 million BUILDINGS ARE COVERED WITH REYNOLDS ROOFING & SIDING DESIGNERS & BUILDERS of SYSTEMS taxpayer will have to set the same with a life of 12 years or 25 yt life and method for all items from you desperately need to mas a category purchased during a tax write offs, that will be fine given 'year. This may be a , use the regular AQR&method.' problem. what if this causes a loss of err Example: you 7 purchase a of tax free money? Twelve manure spreader, a tractor, a may be all right on the tracts dairy cow, and a sUo in-1981. They silo, but would leave a bi are all in category two. This means depreciated balance for the that you can either use the regular cow and spreader when those ACRS method (15 percent were sold, recovery for 1982, 22 percent recovery for 1982, etc.}; the straight line ACRS method with a life of 5 years (10 percent recovery for 1981, 20 percent recovery for 1982 thru 1985,10 percent for 1986); the straight line ACRR method Mid. tobacco prohibited Design and Layout your Specifications With Site Planning and Excavation Draw Plans Select Materials Figure Costs RD 4 EPHRATA, PA 17522 Located In Farmersville Phone 717-354-4271 in quota states BUILT BY: This may possibly be chang, dairy cows may be moved Category l status. Or regulati developed by IKS may not be stringent as the literatures terpretation of the law implies. pounds, which will be up a good from the 1980 drought reduced sold at auction in 1981." High demand and short su) of quality Type-32 leaf resr record high prices being pai the 1981 auctions, with the avt price at approximately $1.70 pounds. The 1982 auction season begin Tuesday, March 16, ai scheduled to close on Thur May 6. Sales will be held Monday through Thursday Auction sales take place on Southern Maryland warel floors located at Wayson’s Coi Upper Marlboro, Hughesv; LaPlata and Waldorf. For All Your Form Building Needs, Large or Small, Let Our Experience Work For You
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