Marketing fact sheet available NEWARK, Del. Marketing situation and outlook information is vital to today’s grain farmers. They need this information in order to develop profitable marketing strategies for the crops they grow. Selling strategies often need adjusting on a daily, weekly or monthly basis in order to meet current conditions. University of Delaware Ex tension crops marketing specialist Carl German has prepared a fact sheet - containing a list of references which can help Delmarva grain producers make timely, effective marketing decisions. For a free copy, call the county Extension office in Newark, 302/738-2506; Dover 302/736-4675; or Georgetown, 302/856-5250. Ask for the fact sheet on “Where to Find Grain Marketing Situation and Outlook Information.” REAL ESTATE AUCTION RESTORABLE STONE HOME APPROX 9 ACRE FARMETTE Windsor Castle Road & Kohler Hill Road, Hamburg, R.D. 2 SATURDAY, AUGUST 29,1981 Sale Time 1:00 P.M. Inspection by appointment with auctioneer. Directions: Rt. 61 North, right onto South Fourth Street, Hamburg. Right onto Windsor St. past Hamburg Area High School. 1 mile to farm. TERMS: 10% of the purchase price deposit required on the fall of the hammer. Balance due within 30 days, or other arrangements prior approved by Auctioneer/Realtor associate and owner. Mid pleasures and palaces though we may roam. Be it ever so humble, there’s no place like home. A charm from the sky seems to hallow us there which, seek through the world, is ne’er met with elsewhere. The birds singing gaily that come to my call from the silvery willows, ripling brooks and all. Home, Home, Sweet, Sweet Home. These are just a taste of what you can share when considering this hillside investment opportunity, elevated tillable, spring clad pastures, abundant supply of hard road frontage, seclusion yet convenience. Owners: JOHN 0. 11l AND ANITA L FAUST Auctioneer/Realtor Associate Office -738-4261 Paul K. Landis 717-354-8453 R.D. 4 Ephrata, PA. 17522 Terms and conditions announced on premises to take presidence over all printed matter. DHIA supervisors receive awards - county (left) and William Mcllwain, Tioga County (right) received the Outstanding Service Award at the recent annual DHIA Supervisors Conference held at Penn State. Jay Risser, Lancaster County (center) received the Carl Hollinger Memorial Award for neatness of samples and barn sheets. >ve' :ase ou PAULK. LANDIS Auction Service AUCTION FISHIIHI EQUH 1 .. TOOLS & FURIUTUItE Becker Estate, 1662 Sumneytown Pike, Kulpsville. SATURDAY, AUGUST 22,1981 9:30 A.M. Parking available at 3rd Federal Penn reel 14-0, Penn 9-0, numerous Penn salt & fresh water reels, parts for Penn reels, king fisher reel, true Temper Pro rod, many blue fish & tuna lures, surfrods, trolling lines, fly rods, deep sea rods, tuna plugs, fishing gigs, gafhooks, bass cedar plugs & lures, clam diggers, line driers, lead sinkers, clam knife, fishing & hunting knives, gun cleaning & shell loading equip., black beat head (mounted), many hand tools, chisels, files w/custom handles, hammers, pipe wrenches, and more hardware, safe 5x2x3, collection of pipe & cigar holders, wall mounted showcase, B&D bench gnnder, advertising pieces, cast iron Harleysville National Bank, J.R. Kline, T.D. Keyser Lansdale & Kulpsville, bank punch dated 1885 (J.N. Williams), cast iron ink well & frogs, drafting table, oak file box, oak desk chairs, mirrion oak, oak washstand, oak dresser, baskets, tool boxes, game table w/compartment, oak claw foot table (sq.), many steamer trunks, bucket yoke, American oriental type rug, billy club, many items not mentioned... AUCTIONEER’S NOTE: Ike Becker made many of the rods, billy clubs and other items, he kept them in excellent condition. TERMS CASH LUNCH Paul G. Derstein, Auctioneer 368-6646 of Hatfield Gallery Auctions, Inc. \ PA’S 3RD PERFORMANCE # \ TESTED RAM LAMB AND # INVITATIONAL EWE SALE I SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 1981 I 12:30 P.M. AT I PA DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE’S I MEAT ANIMAL EVALUATION CENTER I 651 Fox Hollow Road 1 ■ State College, PA 16801 1 RAMS ON TEST: 1- 10-Hampshire 6-Shropshire 2- 1-Monadale 4-Southdown [l-Corriedale 1-Oxford 24 Suffolk , p 6-Dorse t 2-Rambouillet 1-Tunis CATALOGS AVAILABLE ABOUT AUGUST 15.1981 SELLING APPROXIMATELY 45 RAMS AND 45 EWES FOR INFORMATION CONTACT 808 KIMBLE AT 814-238-2527 Avg Daily Gain For 69 Rams After 42 Days On Test is 93Lbs./Day SPONSORED BY PENNSYLVANIA DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE In Cooperation With - The Penn State University and The PA Sheep & Wool Growers Assn Lancaster Famine, Saturday, August 15,19*1—A39. Harold Lindecamp and Robert Brinton, Lancaster County, Cris Hess, Bucks County and Rodney Le'bo, Dauphin County thr ''d of r- itpla'' , Three DHIA Supervisors, Wilbur Houser, left, and Harold Lihdecamp, Lancaster County and Thomas Doughty, right, of Tioga County receive awards for 25 years or more of service to DHIA dairymen. These awards were presented at the 57th annual DHIA Supervisor Conference held at Penn State, July 24 and 25,1981. COMPLETE DISPERSAL Bradford County. Pa. FRIDAY, AUGUST 28,1981 at 11:00 A.M. Located; 1 mi. on Hoblet Rd., off Turnpike Rd, 8 mi. N. of Burlington, Pa., 16 mi. S. of Elmira, N.Y., 10 mi. E. of Col. X Rds., Pa. Watch for arrows. 62 Grade Holsteins *%ITI 3 Grade Ayrshires Sire Power & Curtiss Breeding 3 ** Charts day of sale - preg. ck. - Catalogs 42 mature cows, good producing year around dairy, mostly Ist, 2nd, 3rd, averaging 50#, 6 just fresh, 16 due between now and Nov., 22 bred back for later; 2 bred Mrs.; 5 open Mrs.; 8 yrlings, 6 started calves; 1 stock bull; 1 started buil. Machinery: Ford 5000 D w/turbo, wf.; JD 3010 G. utility; NH 469 haybine; Gehl 84 chopper w/2 heads; Gehl CT 300 w/hay & 1 r. com hd.; JD 214 forage wgn., Grove 14’ forage wgn., NH 26 blower; 3 pipes w/deflectors; 1 distributor; 14’ Feed-Ezee Silo unloader w/tripod & cable & winch (new this spring); 2 kicker wgns; NH 275 baler w/thrower; NH 55 rake; JD fluffer; JD 110 spreader; JD 494 planter w/inst. dist.; Int. 4-row planter; JD 10’ disc; Case 3-14 3 pt. plow; JD 3-16 mt. plow; JD lever-set harrow; Stanley Folk sprayer w/pump; Ezee-Flofert. spreader. Produce; 16x40 early cut mixed haylage (this yr.); 80 acres good com (Seneca 137 & PC 40 sold m lots); 3 Tl 5-15-15 fert. Milking Equipment: 3Surge Units (1 large); wash vats; DeLaval 76 pump. Terms: Cash or good check day of sale. MR. & MRS. STANLEY FOLK Owners R.D. 2 Columbia Cross Roads, Pa. For information call: 717-297-3278 717-297-3873 Sale conducted by "VRobert M. Shaylor Sales j SIS Elmira St., Tray, Pa - W Reputable Sales Service J / {.lcented Bonded STRIKE IT RICH! SELL IT WITH A LANCASTER FARMING CLASSIFIED
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers