A26—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, August 15,1981 Broiler placements down HARRISBURG Placements of broiler chicks in the Com monwealth during the week ending August 1 were 2,149,000, according to the Pennsylvania Crop Reporting Service. The placements were seven percent below the corresponding week a year ago and eight percent below the previous week. Average placements during the past nine weeks were three percent above a year ago. Placements in the 19 key poultry producing states were 79,542,000, three percent above the previous week and seven percent above the same week a year earlier. Average placements m the 19 key states during the past nine weeks were five percent above a year ago Convert your existing fireplace to efficient woodstove heat today l CHESTER B. HOLT 30 S. Hershey Ave. (Bareville) Leola, Pa 17540 PHONE (717) 656-6898 Hours-Mon ATues By Appointment Wed., Thurs. Fri 10 to 8, Sat 10 to 4 Another Westfalia Product; Westfalia Systemat ACR A'truly unique automatic cluster remover (take-off) that can save up to 50 percent in manhours...provides a stripping action that gets all the milk. Adaptable to any pipeline system, the ACR shuts off vacuum, pauses for relief, and gently detaches the cluster. Adjustable on the farm to meet the many milking habits of individual dairymen. Provides milking consistency, which reduces the chances of mastitis infection. •OTHER EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE • Show Ease Stalls • Manure Scrapers for • Cow Mats Poultry & Free • Zimmerman Ven- Stall Operations tilatmg Fans & • Manure Augers, both Controls power takeoff • Vacuum Pumps & motor driven • Automatic Take Offs • Liquid Manure • Motorized Feed Spreaders Carts • Hand Feed Carts We Do All Types of Installations Sales and Service. CLYDE C. LUTZ Ephrata, PA 17522 717-738-1718 Answering Service 717-733-1224 Broiler-fryers slaughtered in Pennsylvania under federal in spection during the week ending July 22 totaled 1,971,000, with an average hveweight of 3 90 pounds ireplace Insert Easily (its your existing fireplace l Comes complete with blower for even greater efficiency! Your choice of two sizes large size heats up to 2500 sq.ft . ? * ■ln bh* T £ CENTEH HALL The Penn Ag Republicans will hold then- annual meeting at Penn’s Cave here on August 26 at 4 p.m. The meeting which is being sponsored by Center County Republicans and the Penn Ag Republicans, will be held in con- WICKES LUMBER Ephrata, PA YOUR #1 FARM BUILDING MATERIALS DEALER Prices Good Through August 29,1981 Wickes Lumber Can Provide You With The Highest Quality Materials In The Industry To Build Your Post & Frame Structure. DIMENSION LUMBER 2x4 1.51 2x6 2.35 2xB 3.20 PRESSURE TREATED LUMBER 4x6 9.30 1030 6x6 19.03 1W FOR LONG LIFE t. Sunoel Maf'u ac u'mq ire aii rtqn s reserved „ Wk*w ¥a <* ron ¥ aX? *L J w - To Lane Ag republicans schedule meeting 10’ 12’ 2.04 2.45 3.03 3.60 4.04 5.00 12.04 14.18 18.40 28.20 32.48 38.70 "NEW” Pgrmq-Posf Poty Vinyl Mix Build Your Last Fence first PermsPota new bf—d of ftncepost developed to solve poet problems forever Perma-Post will outlive, outworfc and outperform any wood, steel or fiberglass poet GUARANTEED AS LONG AS ITS IN THE GROUND. e Lifetime Guarantee • Unequaled for • Longer Lasting Electric Fencing • No Maintenance • Proven Results • Easy Installation • Perfect for Line • Keeps Working m Fencing Wet Acidic or e Fewer posts per Alkaline Soil mile e More Economical e insect proof ‘3.59. 9 EXTERIOR BARN PAINT Give your barns S sheds a fresh new look Long lasting & safe near livestock Red or ** " • w Reg 34 95 Ph; 717-733-6521 or Lane. 717-394-9325 TWO WAYS TO CHARGE IT AT WICKES We have CREDIT available' Wickes Charge Card and Home Improvement Plan I' l | |■ i ■ I'l'i Reg. $3.99 IV* Mile N.E. of EPHRATA on Route 272" STORE HOURS - Monday thru Thursday 8:00 to 8 00, Friday 8 00 to 9:00 Saturday 800 to 500 55» When you know Wickes, you know how! junction with Ag Progress Days. The agenda for the nights ac tivities will include a chicken bar b-que. There will also be discussions of Ag Republicans plans for fall campaigns and the ensuing year. Reservations can be made by 14’ 16’ 2.82 3.35 4.25 4.85 5.70 6.65 10’ 21.00 26.99 12’ 14’ 43.99 16’ ■ — j^r contacting Jane Ballets of the state Republican Committee at phone: 717/234-4901. Tickets are |lO each, a portion of which will go into the treasury. Anyone may attend the meeting according to John Barley, regional director of Ag Republicans. BiT ROOFINGSIDING Tops in durability l Heavy gauge galvanized steel panels are maintenance free and corrosion resist ant Many colors and sizes are available at Wickes l /ft Complete Line of Accessories Available! 36” Coverage Galvalum* 11.05 13.80 16.55 19.40 22.15 ★ 20 yr. warranty against Rust! BARN DOOR TRACK You'll be on the right track when you choose our heavy-duty gal vamzedumt Easy to install and a com plete assortment of hardware is avail able at low sale prices' STEEL 5 PANEL GATES Select a superior en trance to your feed lots in , t , and pastures' All «» »>’ ‘ riveted construction 12 X«. . plus galvanized panels 14’x4l'. . for extra strength Lightweight yet durable' 4 PT. BARB WIRE Confine your cows with our sturdy IS'/a gauge wire Economical barb wire is high in tensile « M AA strength and galvanized ▼"M for long life Roll MERCURY VAPOR LIGHT Security for your farm' 175 watt unit is easy to assemble and install a WEi When light burns out just replace bulb no SAVE $6.50 need to wire WiSS Painted 11.75 14.75 17.65 20.65 23.80 Colors in stock: White, Tan, Red 20% OFF regular price . *36.75 . *52.99
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