icess. Once again, Patti had to go so sister Susan stands in. s and Pattie Maulfair, Jonestown, -I*. Jr. was at the halter of the ted both the grand and reserve grand grand champ as Judge Lee Yost surveyed the res in the Colored Breed Show. Four- c,ass - SEE L< l 5 BEFORE Cic GRAIN \MQ /OUR li il YOU BUY! P^c^ D DRYER uy\js) 4' I wall lings >f Sheets* MGS 8- BUMS OIM MONTHLY PROGRAM YC. POGO INC. FOUR COUNTIES 059 1841 Jerry’s Road CONTRACTOR >1 Street. Md. 21154 R.D.,80x249 PH: 301-692-5350 Coalport, Pa. 16627 PH: 814-672-5751 ER O. A. NEWTON FEMS & SON CO. Bridgeville, Delaware 19933 301 * PH: 302-337-8211 Grove PH: i 465 68 BUTLER AGRI-BUILDER * VARIOUS SIZES HEIGHT AND WIDTH AVAILABLE * THESE BUILDINGS ENGINEERED FOR SELF ERECTION (Butler will furnish Erection and Foundation Drawings) NICI Sue Bomberger shows her reserve grand ..champion Jersey. This was the first junior champion, show in which the aged cow has been entered. LEASE IT See Your Agri Builder For Details HASCHEN TRI-COUNTY AGRICULTURAL AGRI-SYSTEMS SYSTEMS R.D.#l, Box 55 P.O. Box 505 Swedesboro, NJ 08085 Chestertown, Md. 21620 PH; 609-467-3174 PH: 301-778-5800 TRI-STATE MARINE DIST. INC. Route 256 Deale, Md. 20751 PH: 301-867-1447 •JN STEEL ILDERS .Broad Street tity, Pa. 16127 12-458-7243 GRAINS BINS, GRAIN LEGS, KAHSIIN DRYERS YOU CAN OWN THESE BINS WITH LOW MONTHLY PAYMENTS* * To Qualified Buyers BUTLER WEETER CONCRETE CONSTRUCTION P.O. Drawer V Knox, PA 16232 PH: 814-797-5122 .WALTER J. CONSTRUCTION RDI Box 403 J Strasburg, Pa. 17579 PH; 717-687-8681 junty .. jry incess Tammy Yost who exhibited the grand champion Jersey in steps in for Marilyn Deaven, Fredericksburg, the Open Show. RIGGS ENTERPRISES Box 98 Boswell, PA 15531 PH: 814-629-5621 KELLER BUILDING SYSTEMS INC. R.D. 1 Box 203 Lewisburg, PA 17837 PH; 717-524-0568 Myerstown, exhibited the grand champion Holstein bull. Lime- Rock Jemmi Jake is the junior yearling son of Shardale Arlmda Chief Jemmi, out of Shul-Bro Elevation Pam. The reserve grand champion bull was the entry of Kenneth 1. Sellers, Lebanon the first place bull calf, Gem-Rock Bootmaker Hal, a Paclamar Bootmaker son. Sellers also had the top two placmgs m the 100,000 Pound Class. The colored breed show ran simultaneously with the Holstein Show with Judge Lee Yost, Mechanicsburg, rendering the decisions. reserve M&G BUILDING & GRAIN SYSTEM INC P.0.80x 35 Schuylkill Haven, PA 17972 PH: 1-800-322-9605 QUILL CONSTRUCTION CO. P.0.80x 6269 Harrisburg. Pa. 17112 PH; 717-545-7527 Lancaster Farming, Saturday, August 15,1911—A21 1 Lebanon Dairy Show (Continued from Page A 20) I SPECIAL PRICED GRAIN BINS In Stock For Immediate Delivery 1518 Grain Bin, 2847 Bushel Capacity 2118 Grain Bin, 5776 Bushel Capacity 2418 Grain Bin, 7673 Bushel Capacity 2718 Grain Bin, 9872 Bushel Capacity 3022 Grain Bin, 14,572 Bushel Capacity r * BUTLER MFG. CO. Attn. P.E. Hess Box 337, Oxford. PA 19363 I'm interested in more information on Butler products □ Buildings □ Bins □ Dryers □ Bulk-O-Matks Name Address County City Phone Following a family tradition, Dale Maulfair and family tied up both the grand and reserve grand championships in the Ayrshire Show. He also swept the group classes, taking first m Senior Get of Sire, Best 3 Females, Dairy Herd, and Dam and Daughter. For senior and grand champion. Judge Yost selected Maulfair’s 4- year-old entry. Cove Creek Boy’s Deb. Bred by Suzanne K. Diehl, Bedford, Deb is the daughter of Cove Creek Flashy Boy out of Cove Creek Jack’s Debbie. She was given the second place honors for Best Udder. Showing the grand (Turn to Page A 22) BUTLER^ .State. (Include area code)
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